
Granite Recovery Center’s Evidence-Based Practice Model of Addiction Treatment

Granite Recovery Center’s Evidence-Based Practice Model of Addiction Treatment

At Granite Recovery Centers, we utilize a hands-on evidence-based clinical model to addiction treatment. Our process is comprised of two major components: the R.E.S.T. program in conjunction with evidence-based clinical practices. By introducing clients to a variety of evidence-based models of carewe can provide them with the most effective treatment so they may achieve long-term success in their recovery. 

  • Wellness Recovery Action Plan “WRAP”Granite Recovery Centers utilizes The Wellness Recovery Action Plan,® or WRAP®, which is a preventative process for anyone who is seeking to change themselves and their lifestyle. The program primarily focuses on substance abuse, mental health, and patients with co-occurring disorders, and, in recent years, it has been the go-to source for relapse prevention planning and executionThe WRAP program has been researched and thoroughly examined to ensure its accessibility and effectiveness, which eventually led to its prominent listing in the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices.
  • Illness Management and Recovery: Illness Management and Recovery (IMR) is a curriculum-based rehabilitation program we use at Granite Recovery Centers for clients diagnosed with substance abuse disorder and mental illness, also known as co-occurring disorders. The program aims to improve each client’s self-management skills in the short term and long-term remission long term. IMR was developed and published by Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, “SAMHSA,” and is one of the Evidence Based Practices we utilize for our clients.
  • Seeking Safety: Seeking Safety is a relatively new evidence-based treatment model we use at Granite Recovery Centers to treat co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder  (PTSDand substance use disorderThe main objective of the program is for clients to learn how to establish safety. The program was developed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse with Dr. Lisa Najavits at the helm of its development and distribution. The curriculum addresses a new topic every week, covering subjects such as Grounding, Asking for Help, Compassion, and Coping Skills that will be helpful for clients learning to manage and understand their disorders.
  • Anger Management: Anger Management Therapy is a psycho-therapeutic program designed to teach clients how to manage and control their anger and aggression. The program was developed by Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients, and its aim is to assist with impulse control issues that co-occur with a secondary diagnosis of behavioral health issues, mental health issues, or both. The program teaches about the aggression cycle, thought stopping, and how past experiences can influence one’s present behavior.
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)DBT is a well-known therapy process used to teach skills associated with emotional regulation/stability and interpersonal relationships. DBT mainly focuses on four modules of psychological and emotional functionmindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, and emotion regulationIn traditional practice, skill development in these four modules is approached systematically and gradually in both individual and/or group therapy. The DBT model is considered an evidencedbased practice.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy “CBT”: CBT, another commonly practiced therapy process, focuses on to teaching clients skills that will interrupt ineffective and negative thought patterns that result maladaptively on their social and interpersonal behaviors. CBT aims to change an individual’s automatic negative thinking process that may contribute to and/or create emotional difficulties within mental and behavioral health issues. Clients learn to identify, interrupt, challenge, and counter maladaptive thoughts with cognizant, measured, and objective patterns. Interventions practiced in groups include journaling, role-playing, relaxation techniques, and mental redirecting. CBT is considered an evidencedbased practice.
  • Relapse Prevention Material: Granite Recovery Centers utilizes ‘The Matrix Model,’ which is a hyper-focused, highly structured program that has been exhaustively studied for the past 20 yearsThe module consists of current information and statistics, including studies and patterns found in medication-assisted treatment (MAT).  The intensive yet digestible program covers individual/conjoint therapy, early recovery skills, relapse prevention, family education, and social support. The manualized format allows for outcome tracking to make decisions supported by data research about a patient’s treatment and progression.


If you want to visit one of our New England drug rehab centers, please contact us at Granite Recovery Centers. Our experts will work with you to find a
high-quality treatment option that meets your needs. We strive to provide a holistic level of treatment with evidence-based care, giving you the help
necessary to regain your sobriety for good.