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Individual Therapy Program

Individual Therapy Program

When you enroll in the individual therapy program at Granite Recovery Centers, you will have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of therapies and treatment programs. Each program is designed to address your addiction and any mental health issues that you have. Our experienced and licensed therapists will work with you one-on-one during your grief and loss therapy program.

Granite Recovery Centers offers a comprehensive individual therapy program in New Hampshire that takes you through all stages of recovery. You can get clean with detox, continue your recovery through rehab, and even access long-term support through our aftercare programs. Regardless of what you need, we have the programs, staff, and facilities in place to help you get off drugs or alcohol for life. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.


An Individual Therapy Program Suited for Youfemale patient talks to female counselor with clipboard in an individual therapy program

Once you complete drug detox treatment, a Granite Recovery Centers treatment specialist will meet you to discuss your addiction, why you want to quit, and what your goals are. We will also perform a comprehensive evaluation and a physical. The assessment will give us a clearer picture of the nature of your addiction and any mental health issues you are currently dealing with.

From there, we will recommend a treatment plan that may include evidence-based treatment, holistic therapies, and experiential activities. Keep in mind that your plan will solely depend on what you need to get well and get clean. Therefore, your treatment will likely not look the same as someone else’s.


Individual Therapy We Offer

Your therapist will offer different types of therapy to help with different areas of your addiction. Some of the primary therapies we utilize include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) explores how your thoughts, believes, or emotions can trigger destructive behaviors. Once we identify these thoughts, we teach you how to replace them with positive behavioral responses. This is a transformative therapy that takes from one mode of thinking to another.


Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) looks at exaggerated emotional responses to people, place, or situations that create stress in your life. If you have an inappropriate emotional response, then you create negativity. DBT helps you to manage your emotions so that you are less likely to act on impulse.


Trauma Therapy

A trauma therapy program is valuable in helping you deal with repressed feelings and emotion from previous trauma. Whether you experienced or witnessed a traumatic event, your therapist provides a range of treatments to help you overcome your traumatic symptoms. We also offer a grief and loss therapy program as well.


Meeting with Your Therapist

In most individualized therapy programs, you will meet with your therapist at least once a week. Most sessions last between 45 and 60 minutes. They consist of discussions and activities that address your addiction and mental health issues.

Early sessions usually begin with assessing your condition, motivation, and goals. You will have the opportunity to tell your story and why you want to put an end to your addiction. Eventually, your therapist will start to implement therapeutic strategies to help you work through your addiction.

This process can take several days or even several weeks. The key is to engage, be transparent, and be willing to listen. You will also want to complete any homework that your therapist gives to you.


You Can Overcome Addiction at Granite Recovery Centers

With the right individual therapy program in place, you can look forward to lifelong recovery from drugs and alcohol. To find out more about the treatment options available to you, contact Granite Recovery Centers today at 855.712.7784 .