ClickCease Wellbutrin Withdrawal: Signs, Timeline & Detox - Granite Recovery Centers

Wellbutrin Withdrawal: Signs, Timeline & Detox

Wellbutrin Withdrawal: Signs, Timeline & Detox

Close up of depressed woman taking antidepressants

What is Wellbutrin?

Wellbutrin (bupropion) is an antidepressant that has helps combat depression. It can also help people quit smoking. Like all antidepressants, Wellbutrin has a lot of potential benefits, but it does not work for everyone.

If you use Wellbutrin for a period of time and decide you want to stop, you may experience Wellbutrin withdrawal. There are some factors you may want to consider before doing so.


What are Antidepressants?

In the United States, antidepressants are among the most widely prescribed drugs. Some people use them for a couple of weeks or months, and others use them for years. Approximately one out of every four adults has been prescribed an antidepressant in their lifetime, and some use them for over 10 years or more. Many people take antidepressants permanently when they discover one that works for them. This is especially true if the antidepressant has few to no side effects.

Antidepressants are a unique drug class in that not every drug works for everybody. It may require many attempts for certain people to find a drug that works. You may even decide to avoid taking Wellbutrin because you’re feeling stable and happy to go without it. Other reasons for quitting include success in quitting smoking.


Wellbutrin Withdrawal Symptoms

When people stop taking Wellbutrin, they rarely develop side effects. The severity of the symptoms varies from mild to severe in those who do. Your symptoms could be more potent if you stop Wellbutrin and a more popular class of antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs.

Wellbutrin is often used as part of an “antidepressant cocktail” by many individuals. It has been shown in studies to enhance the effects of other antidepressants, which is why it is often prescribed in combination with SSRIs.

Certain neurotransmitters in the brain are affected by antidepressants, which function as chemical messengers in the body. They aid nerve cell communication and are involved in all of the body’s complex processes, such as feeding and sleeping. They affect your feelings and moods, as well.


Wellbutrin Effect on Serotonin

The majority of modern antidepressants work by affecting a neurotransmitter known as serotonin, which helps to keep a person’s mood in check. While the causes of depression are unclear, low serotonin levels are thought to play a role.

SSRIs, such as Prozac and Lexapro, boost serotonin levels. It can be a total shock to the system if you miss taking these medications suddenly. It is normal to feel withdrawal symptoms as the body responds to lower serotonin levels.

Since serotonin is used in so many different body processes, withdrawal symptoms can become very disparate. If you are discontinuing an SSRI, you may experience the following:

  • Sweating: Feeling flushed, sweating excessively
  • Digestive issues: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or a lack of appetite due to serotonin’s role in the digestive system
  • Sleeping problems: Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep; strange visions or nightmares
  • Neurological side effects: Tremors, restless muscles, numbness, difficulty walking
  • Psychological signs: Mood swings, agitation, fear, mania or depression
  • Brain zaps: Unusual occurrence that sounds like a jolt to the head, also known as a shiver or brain shake

Since it affects the neurotransmitters dopamine and noradrenaline, Wellbutrin differs from most antidepressants. You are unlikely to develop any of the serotonin-related symptoms mentioned above unless you are already withdrawing from an SSRI.

There are few reports of true Wellbutrin withdrawal, but the most common complaint is irritability. Withdrawal may involve uncharacteristically offensive, disrespectful or threatening actions, as well as a state of intense agitation.

If you use Wellbutrin to quit smoking, it’s likely that after you stop taking it, your nicotine cravings will return. Fortunately, these cravings are mild in comparison to previous experiences.


Coping and Relief

If you have a psychiatric condition such as dissociative symptoms, it’s crucial to contact your psychiatrist or nurse whenever your prescriptions change. Seeing a doctor will help you deal with issues like mood swings, agitation and hopelessness.

If you’re using Wellbutrin to help you stop smoking, make sure to have a nicotine patch or gum on hand. This will help alleviate any nicotine cravings you might have and any agitation that comes with them.


Wellbutrin Withdrawal Warnings

While Wellbutrin doesn’t usually have withdrawal symptoms, it does come with a severe FDA alert about its link to suicidal ideation in kids, teenagers and young adults, as do all antidepressants. When changing your dosage, you should take extra care.

Suicidal thoughts and emotions are most frequent in children and young adults under the age of 24, but they can hit anyone. If you are having any of the following Wellbutrin withdrawal symptoms, seek immediate medical attention:

  • Suicidal or self-destructive thoughts
  • Thoughts about how you can commit suicide
  • Unusual excitement or severe restlessness
  • Actions without considering the consequences
  • Extreme agitation or concern
  • Anxiety disorders

Suicidal thoughts and actions are uncommon, although they do occur in some individuals. Before you quit taking Wellbutrin, talk to the doctor about the risks and benefits. If you wish to avoid taking your medication, a quick taper might be a better option than quitting cold turkey.


Granite Recovery Centers

Certified doctors deliver evidence-based clinical psychotherapies at Granite Recovery Centers, which are tightly woven into a comprehensive 12-step curriculum led by qualified facilitators.

Our trained clinicians use evidence-based interventions to assist in battling addiction issues and help our patients process complex and stressful issues relating to their drug use. When taken in combination with our formal 12-step method, psychological therapies can help patients recover.


Intensive Outpatient Drug Rehab Program (IOP)

Outpatient rehabilitation is often the final stage of treatment, and these programs include full societal reintegration. Clients who live in one of our sober living homes and attend IOP can also receive intensive rehabilitation treatment as part of our comprehensive care services. Outpatient clinics have varying levels of treatment and programming. IOP clients also attend medical, holistic, and 12-step classes for at least 10 hours a week.


Detox and Withdrawal

Some drug and alcohol treatment facilities have onsite detox services where you can be carefully monitored when suffering from withdrawal. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency. Talk with the rehab staff before beginning inpatient drug rehab to see if medical detox is the right place for you.


Holistic Therapies

Holistic treatments help unify the mind, body and soul. Body-centric approaches such as yoga, meditation and fitness are examples of mind-calming, body improvement and mental pivoting techniques. Our progressive approaches complement our 12-step drug and alcohol care model, aiding patients in overcoming physical and mental imbalances and recovering through mindfulness and self-acceptance.


Sober Living

Our four sober living homes are tranquil environments that offer a safe, loving, structured, and clean environment to clients in early recovery. In the rehab spectrum, sober living customarily supplements extended therapy, although certain people may choose to skip primary inpatient treatment and go directly to sober living. Sober living serves as a temporary buffer for clients who are starting school or a new job and navigating the “real world.” In sober homes that seek to provide independence, clients can better fulfill their obligations, learn life skills and sober values.


Long-Term Treatment

Slowly tapering off antidepressant dosage is the best way to stop taking them. Tapering schedules for Wellbutrin usually are very short. It is best to make a plan with your doctor to reduce the dosage throughout one to two weeks gradually.

Following your Wellbutrin taper, any long-term therapy will focus on the disease that caused you to start taking Wellbutrin in the first place. If you have depression, your doctor might recommend switching to an SSRI you have not tried before or other alternatives. It may take a few tries to find the proper treatment or medication blend.

Keep in mind that there isn’t a single pill that can “cure” you. Depression is a complex illness that needs a multifaceted recovery strategy. On its own, medicine can only do so much. Psychotherapy may be an integral part of depression treatment. Science attests that a mixture of psychotherapy and medicine is more effective for depression and anxiety than drug treatment alone.

Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a long-term method to learn more about yourself. You’ll look at why you do things the way you do and feel the way you do. You will learn how to move toward the life you deserve with a therapist’s help by reforming the dysfunctional habits that hold you down.


A Word from Granite Recovery Centers

Depression is a complex illness to overcome. It can feel like your addiction traps you in a long, dark tunnel with no way out, but don’t let the feeling get the best of you. Keep going, and don’t give in when you run into walls or fall. Experienced mental health professionals and addiction specialists at Granite Recovery Centers can help you find way to a happier and healthier life.

Trazodone is a non-regulated serotonin reuptake inhibitor used to treat anxiety, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) worldwide. People can become addicted to this drug if they take it regularly.

Anxiety is exacerbated by isolation, lack of livelihood and uncertainty. Panic, fatigue, exhaustion and insomnia gradually creep in and increase the symptoms. Some people who suffer from anxiety seek medical treatment for their issues.

The following are some of the common signs of addiction:

  • Seeking multiple doctors aka “doctor shopping”
  • Excessively ingesting even when it is not necessary
  • Showing extreme neglect of duties and responsibilities
  • Faking symptoms to procure prescriptions or, in extreme cases, buying from drug dealers


Trazodone Withdrawal Symptoms

The withdrawal signs for Trazodone can be categorized as mild or chronic. Due to their similarity with other withdrawal symptoms, the onset signs may pass the patient or those close to them unnoticed. Expert medical examination offered at Granite Recovery Centers aids in identifying the early, mild symptoms.

The addictive effects of Trazodone may cause users to exhibit nausea, sedation and dizziness immediately upon withdrawal. Unsupervised Trazodone withdrawal often leads to performance impairment, irritability and overall lethargy in the first days.

Drowsiness tops the list of common symptoms with some cases exhibiting extreme levels. Tightness in the chest, stomach aches, headaches and profuse sweating are also predominant. A combination of early signs may easily escape the untrained eye, and many caregivers treat them as a new condition altogether. This is why it’s important to seek help from a drug rehab facility.


Implications of Trazodone Withdrawal

When you stop taking Trazodone cold turkey, withdrawal signs can come fast. This leaves the user a soft target for relapse. Trazodone withdrawal symptoms only get solved by an addicted individual ingesting another dose of this medication. The dosage often goes higher than prescribed for the patient to attain normalcy. Chronic withdrawal symptoms lead a user back into abusing the drug, but this can continue to have a negative effect on their health. When Trazodone is ingested with alcohol or other drugs, the net effect poses a potential risk to life.

At this stage, medical professionals consider the person addicted and therefore in urgent need of a detox. Detoxing services remain the key to preventing relapse. Institutions such as Granite Recovery Centers offer much-needed health care services and a serene, sober environment for wholesome recovery.


Trazodone Withdrawal Timeline

The severity and length of Trazodone withdrawal signs vary from one person to the other. There is no definite timeline that a person can expect for withdrawal as symptoms can persist from a few weeks to many months after a person stops using Trazodone. Many people still exhibit psychological withdrawal symptoms and cravings even after a detox program, which makes continuing therapy important.

Trazodone, unlike some substances, does not come with extreme euphoric feelings. Its addiction is mostly psychological, making it hard for a person who is addicted to manage sustained sobriety without professional help. At Granite Recovery Centers, we offer a comprehensive, 12-step curriculum that digs out the root cause of addiction to help treat it. We recommend a three-month treatment program coupled with a thorough post-care schedule.

At Granite Recovery Centers, we help people taper off antidepressants and other drugs following a customized, supervised schedule. With time, the patient goes back to their daily life without the need to ingest Trazodone. It is important to note that underlying mental health issues may need additional counseling sessions, a different medication or therapy to be completely addressed.


Factors Affecting Timeline

The half-life of Trazodone is five to nine hours, so it may take a day or more before a person starts feeling withdrawal symptoms. The withdrawal timeline largely depends on the following factors:

  • The dosage amount before the subject experiences withdrawal
  • The length of time the subject used Trazodone
  • Physiological and other individual characteristics of the subject
  • Method of detoxification, such as medical tapering vs. the cold turkey approach


The 12-Step Approach

Granite Recovery Centers staff recognizes the 12-Step Program as advanced by Bill Wilson. We adapted the curriculum and introduced slight variations to customize our treatment program. We offer both inpatient and outpatient services, and a thorough after-care program completes the healing process.

The 12 steps present effective addiction treatment with a sharp focus on sequentially addressing addictive behavior. The ultimate aim of the program is to achieve overall happiness, wellness and growth. The steps are as follows:

  • Powerlessness, or admitting that you are powerless over Trazodone and that your life is unmanageable
  • Belief, or the conviction that a power obtuse than yourself can restore you to normalcy
  • Surrender, which is making a convincing decision to turn all care to the greater power
  • Self-examination by writing a fearless and honest inventory of yourself
  • Confession, which is admitting to yourself, those close to you and to the greater power all your wrongs
  • Willingness to receive aid in erasing character faults
  • Humility, by which you request help for the removal of all inventoried shortcomings
  • Restitution, which involves making a list of all those harmed by your acts and becoming available to make amends with them
  • Self-discipline via making the requisite amends to those you have wronged without harming them or others in the process
  • Steadfastness, which is a continuous inventory of your wrongs and your commitment to prompt admission of the faults
  • Spiritual growth that you seek, through serenity and conscious contact with your spirituality
  • Service, whereby you practice the principles and pass on knowledge of sobriety


Withdrawal and Detox Process

Withdrawal is the malfunction of the body and brain due to the discontinued use of Trazodone. Granite Recovery Centers offers a care program with several features to make your detox as sustainable and positive an experience as possible. We offer a holistic approach to medical detox, so you have the best chance to stay clean and sober for the rest of your life. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Our structured environment will help keep you on a recovery trajectory. House rules on general conduct and sanitation help you and your peers increase your discipline, and the serene surroundings encourage continued abstinence.

Our facilities offer an infrastructure that enhances the 12-step environment. Every step in the curriculum gets an evaluation from our clinicians to help you continue to improve. We emphasize the curriculum to ensure that you leave our facilities a completely changed person.

In follow-up therapy, we help you build such skills as managing finances, finding gainful employment, staying healthy, keeping fit and other invaluable life skills. Meditation and physical exercise are vital to your healthy recovery. We put facilities in place to create a safe, adequate environment for engaging in these core activities. Sober living means a healthy and fit body. With this understanding, we incorporate meditation, stress-reducing physical exercise and therapeutic writing in our schedule.


What We Offer

Granite Recovery Centers offers many resources as a detox facility. We can help establish the presence or lack of co-occurring disorders such as bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder or obsessive-compulsive disorder that affect addiction treatment. Our expert clinicians understand the best strategies to deal with Trazodone withdrawal when there are other mental health issues to treat.

We understand addiction is a disease, and we engage high-level professionals to walk with you the journey of full recovery. Empathy, patience, flexibility and compassion are our key pillars as we help you develop a resilient inner character that resists later lapses.

Granite Recovery Centers can help transform the lives of drug-dependent individuals. We offer evidence-based psychotherapies using a comprehensive curriculum to treat addiction to Trazodone and other substances. Our services range from medication-assisted treatment to medical detox, outpatient counseling, primary residential treatment, and sober living.

Contact us for personalized care for yourself or a loved one. We are available for you 24/7.

Modafinil, also known as Provigil, is an FDA-approved prescription that stimulates the central nervous system. This improves the concentration of a patient while enabling them to stay awake and combat fatigue. Because of this, health practitioners use these drugs to treat shift work sleep disorder and narcolepsy. However, some medical professionals use it off-label to treat conditions such as ADHD, excessive fatigue and multiple sclerosis.

How Does Modafinil Work?

Medical experts believe that this drug enhances neurotransmitters’ production, such as dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline. Serotonin and dopamine are two monoamines that play a significant role in your gut and brain. Therefore, having imbalanced levels of either of the two can positively or negatively affect your sleep cycle, digestion, and health in general. Since this drug increases patients’ ability to stay awake, most doctors consider it a first-choice treatment option for treating people with sleep disorders.

Is Modafinil a Controlled Substance?

Although Provigil is an FDA-approved and highly effective medication, it provides many of the same effects as other stimulants such as methamphetamine and cocaine. Like these drugs, it affects dopamine levels, causing euphoric and psychoactive effects that influence a patient’s perceptions, emotions, thoughts, and moods.

Modafinil is a controlled substance categorized as a Schedule IV drug. This means it is FDA-approved but can cause physiological and physical dependence. Most people in the United States who abuse modafinil take the drug because it can reduce appetite, improve concentration and focus, eradicate the need to sleep, and stimulate the brain.

Medical experts can prescribe modafinil in the form of tablets under the name Provigil. Since it is a Schedule IV controlled substance, the government has special rules on how doctors and other medical personnel can prescribe it.

What Are the Side Effects of Using Modafinil?

Taking modafinil can cause side effects ranging from mild to serious. The most common side effects include headache, dry mouth, nausea, runny nose, anxiety, dizziness, chest pain, back pain, and upset stomach. Some patients experience rare side effects such as confusion, tremor, constipation, vertigo, depression and rapid heartbeat.

Sometimes, patients can experience severe side effects, although they are rare. If you experience any severe side effects, contact your doctor immediately. Severe side effects that may affect patients include a severe rash, allergic reactions, heart-related issues and mental-related issues. When you experience severe rash accompanied by fever and vomiting, contact your medical physician right away since the drug might damage your organs.

Is Modafinil Addictive?

A report from the American Medical Association Journal reported that Provigil’s action method was similar to highly addictive substances such as cocaine and meth. Hence, patients with a history of drug addiction or abuse can experience modafinil addiction or misuse it easily. According to another research study, patients without any drug abuse history can also abuse modafinil, but it’s rare.

There is enough evidence that modafinil can create mild tolerance, meaning some patients may exploit the drug to acquire the same effects of lower doses, causing them to develop physical and physiological dependence.

Modafinil Addiction and Abuse

There have been instances of students misusing the drug to enhance cognitive performance at school. Although this drug increases concentration and focus, it can negatively affect the user and cause them to be more distractible.

Some people, including students, teachers, and other people looking to stay awake for a long period and fight fatigue, abuse modafinil as a study drug. Although this drug has mild stimulant properties compared to other drugs such as Adderall, it can still cause physiological and physical dependence when abused. According to the National Survey on Drug Abuse, more than 5 million Americans abused modafinil in 2017.

Side Effects of Abusing Provigil

Although the side effects are rare, abusing modafinil can cause some troubling side effects. These side effects can be mild or severe depending on the patient and modafinil consumption level. Some mild side effects include trouble staying or falling asleep, constipation, dizziness, eye pain, loss of appetite, numbness, tingling, or skin burning.

Excessive use of modafinil can result in severe side effects such as mouth sores, hallucinations, blisters, irregular heartbeat, and suicidal thoughts. In some cases, the patient may experience a change in vision, throat irritation, fever, change in blood levels, change in blood pressure, and memory loss. Misusing modafinil can make a person abnormally excited, leading to difficulty in breathing and increased heartbeat.

Symptoms of Modafinil Addiction or Abuse

Although modafinil is a mild stimulant, it increases dopamine and serotonin production, creating a euphoria feeling. If a patient uses this drug as a cognitive enhancer or without a doctor’s prescription, the patient might display some signs of drug abuse, such as going through painful withdrawal symptoms and behavior changes. Other telltale signs include developing an additional tolerance, lying about the prescription, finishing the dose early, and abusing the drug despite knowing its social, emotional, and physical consequences.

Modafinil Withdrawal

Modafinil withdrawal arises when a patient develops a physiological or physical dependence on the drug. It is rare to experience withdrawal symptoms, but you can experience them if you abuse the drug for an extended time.

Since the drug stimulates the brain, enhancing concentration, withdrawing from it can increase anxiety and depression. Sometimes, a patient might experience inactivity or lack of motivation after withdrawing from the drug. Other withdrawal symptoms include low energy, sleepiness, shortness of breath, fatigue, and poor concentration. If you experience the above symptoms, engaging in a medical detox program can help provide medical treatment and safe stabilization to conquer the withdrawal symptoms.

What Happens If You Stop Taking Provigil?

If you abuse modafinil to enhance your cognitive performance, the best way to stop using it is gradual withdrawal. Through this tapering-off process, your body will acquire some time to adjust to the absence of the drug, reducing the severity of withdrawal symptoms. However, like other controlled drugs, you should always consult your medical personnel before changing your dosage or stopping the use of any drug.

If you have developed a physiological and physical dependence on the drug and want to stop, you will experience withdrawal symptoms. In this case, you will need additional help if you want to quit taking modafinil safely and effectively. Through a medical detox program, you can get clinical counseling and medical-assisted treatment to help you manage any side effects of ceasing your modafinil intake.

Depending on your addiction history and the severity of your abuse, you might need to continue with treatment by enrolling in a sober living program, intensive outpatient program, or residential rehab program. When you engage in these treatment options, you can get help coping with craving issues, learn the causes of your behavior and change your life positively.

The Time Taken for Provigil to Leave your Body System

Fortunately, most Provigil users do not encounter withdrawal symptoms, but there is no fixed timeline for patients experiencing the symptoms. Nevertheless, since modafinil has a half-life time of approximately 15 hours, the effects tend to disappear in one day. A patient can typically remain with modafinil traces for a maximum of four days after the first dose.

The possibility of a drug test looking for modafinil is very low, but tests can easily detect it through urine. Esports and professional gaming participants are more likely to receive the drug test since these individuals are prone to abusing the drug more than others.

How to Treat Modafinil Abuse

It can be challenging for users who are physiologically and physically dependent on modafinil to stop using the drug. If your friend or family member is addicted to the drug, the best approach to address their addiction problem is through a medical detox program.

During the program, addiction treatment specialists and clinical counselors will help address an addiction problem by encouraging behavior changes. Drug users can get help through addiction treatment programs such as group therapy, individual therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, family behavior therapy, contingency management, and others.

Get Help From a Certified Rehab Center

When you or a loved one visits a Granite Recover Centers rehab facility, we will perform an evaluation to determine whether medical detoxification is a must. A patient undergoes medical detoxification depending on the severity of addiction and the type of substance. We provide patients with medication programs to make the detox process more comfortable and less stressful. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

After completing the detox program, the patient then enrolls in a rehab center for more advanced treatment options. At this point, with the help of an experienced counselor or medical doctor, the patient can choose between outpatient rehab and inpatient rehab. Both programs include therapeutic sessions, educational programs, and support groups.

In an inpatient rehab center, patients stay in the facility and undergo scheduled treatment programs. At Granite Recovery Centers, we have strategically placed our facilities in tranquil locations to stir feelings of mindfulness and peace among patients. Our facilities offer a safe environment and 24/7-hour care to ensure that each patient feels supported. Our facilities are gender-separate, ensuring that we tackle the needs of each gender separately while avoiding discomfort.

An outpatient rehab program is an ideal option for patients who have only a mild addiction. If a patient opts for this option, they will attend the program during the day but return home at night. This option works perfectly for patients who want to attend rehab but need to continue attending classes or working.

After completing our detox and rehab programs, a patient may opt to carry on with other programs such as aftercare and sober living. The latter is a program designed to support patients trying to recover from any addiction such as modafinil or alcohol addiction by offering them a sober and safe place to live. In our sober living centers, we provide patients with support services that help them thrive and adjust to their new life. These services include educational planning, employment assistance, drug testing, and other recovery programming.

We also provide patients with aftercare programs by scheduling weekly visits with them. In these programs, group members challenge themselves personally while offering support to each other in their sobriety.

Finding a rehab center that suits your needs is a vital step to recovery. If you are a modafinil user worried about addiction, consult your doctor to learn what suits you best.

Our goal is to help individuals in their journey to long-term sobriety. If you know someone suffering from any drug addiction, including alcohol, modafinil, or other drugs, contact us today. You can visit with Granite Recovery Centers addiction specialists to learn more about the programs and resources we offer.

Lyrica is an oral medication that is used to treat pain due to nerve damage from spinal cord injuries, diabetes, and infections, as well as pain associated with fibromyalgia. When combined with other medications, it is also used to treat focal seizures. The drug can be taken in tablet or liquid form.

Lyrica works by helping the patient to relax, which indirectly assists with pain control. It is a good weapon for those who live with chronic pain but choose not to use opioids. If you live with chronic pain, an opioid-free alternative like Lyrica can lessen your risk for addiction. Using the drug as prescribed is typically safe and can help you avoid some of the negative side effects associated with more powerful opioid medications.

Even though Lyrica is not an opioid, however, it’s important to note that it can still be addictive, especially if used in doses larger than prescribed. The drug can create feelings of euphoria, calm, and relaxation, which are the effects that lead to addiction. If at any time you feel like you might be addicted to Lyrica, it’s important to talk to your doctor about your concerns and to make a plan for reducing your intake.

Those with an addiction to Lyrica also have access to safe and effective treatments. The sooner you make the decision to face the addiction and enter into a treatment program, the easier it will be to put an end to the substance use.

How to Start and Stop Taking Lyrica

When you start taking Lyrica, it is likely that your doctor will start you at a low dose and gradually work you up to the dose that is needed to effectively treat your pain. Follow this schedule and then take Lyrica exactly as prescribed to reduce the chances of addiction. If you already have a substance use disorder, your chances of becoming addicted to Lyrica are higher. In this case, it is important to take Lyrica exactly as prescribed.

If you think you have become addicted to Lyrica, ask your doctor for a schedule that will allow you to gradually stop taking the drug. It is very important to note that you should not stop taking Lyrica suddenly because doing so could lead to serious side effects. Symptoms vary, but the severity of them is based on how long you have used Lyrica, the dose that you have been taking, and if you were taking Lyrica in combination with any other drugs.

Signs and Symptoms Associated with Lyrica Withdrawal

As mentioned, Lyrica withdrawal symptoms vary based on several factors. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Sweating
  • Changes in behavior
  • Depression
  • Inability to fall asleep or stay asleep
  • Confusion

If you suddenly stop taking Lyrica and experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor right away. More serious symptoms include:

  • Dehydration
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Heart palpitations
  • Seizures

Other effects that have been associated with Lyrica use and withdrawal include blurry vision and changes in mood.

Timeline of Lyrica Withdrawal

The more severe symptoms of Lyrica withdrawal will typically last one to two days, but the less severe symptoms listed above can last much longer. In fact, some studies have shown that residual withdrawal symptoms can occur for several weeks.

Typically, Lyrica withdrawal symptoms are worse if you’ve been taking a large dose for a long time. Always consult your doctor if you no longer want to take Lyrica to get help reducing your dosage. Don’t try to reduce the dosage on your own, and don’t try to stop suddenly on your own. If your body is accustomed to taking Lyrica, it will demand the drug, and it can be next to impossible to resist it. Help is available, so don’t be afraid to ask.

It is important to remember that addiction is not a failure on your part; it is a chemical reaction that happens within your body, just like any other disease. There is no shame in seeking help for a substance use disorder involving Lyrica.

A Detox Program for Lyrica Withdrawal

If you find yourself addicted to Lyrica and you want to stop taking it, there are some different treatment options available. Professional detox facilities are available to help you safely detox from the drug. At Granite Recovery Centers, we have detox programs that will help you to go through the withdrawal process as quickly and as comfortably as possible. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Generally, a medical detox lasts anywhere from a few days to a week. How long the detox takes is dependent on how long you’ve taken Lyrica, how often the drug was used, and how much was consumed. During this time, it is important to practice good hygiene for your comfort and stay hydrated and nourished to keep your strength up. You may not feel hungry, but it is important to eat nourishing food to support your body.

The process of detoxing is not always comfortable or easy, but our staff members at Granite Recovery Centers are experienced and highly qualified; we will do everything we can to help you through the detox. Our detox center is a licensed medical facility specifically designed to treat sub-acute medical detox patients.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

In some cases, the symptoms of withdrawal can be addressed with certain medications. At Granite Recovery Centers, we also provide a medication-assisted treatment program that uses only FDA-approved medications. The drugs are administered by medical specialists in a safe and supportive treatment environment.

Generally, there are two different medications used to help treat Lyrica withdrawal: clonidine and dexmedetomidine. Clonidine is typically used to treat high blood pressure, but it also has a calming effect that can help with withdrawal symptoms. Dexmedetomidine has similar effects to those of clonidine. After our detox facility knows your health history and the specific details about your addiction, such as how long you’ve been taking the drug and how much your dosage was, we will determine the best course of treatment to help.

What to Expect When Entering the Detox Program at Granite Recovery Centers

The Green Mountain Treatment Center is the licensed medical facility at Granite Recovery Centers. For the first 24 hours, each new client is monitored around the clock. Then, you are assessed in order to find the best spot in one of our multiple programs. You will be kept in detox or moved to rehab, depending on the results of the assessment.

Green Mountain Treatment Center is a certified Level 3.7 sub-acute medical facility. What does this mean? Treatment centers are rated from Level 4.0, which is full hospitalization, to Level 0.5, which is for patients with no withdrawal risk. Our center can treat patients who need 24-hour medical monitoring and a structured setting. It is also appropriate for patients who may not have much interest in treatment and need some motivation and/or who may be experiencing a difficult time controlling their use of substances. Not every patient will need this level of treatment, but it is there if needed.

The need to enter a detox program carries with it a stigma of shame, but this should not be the case. Do not fall for the lie that you are weak if you can’t quit Lyrica on your own — nobody can. The fact is that if you enter a detox program, you are strong for taking such a decisive and positive step. Don’t allow fear to keep you from detoxing, recovering, and going on to achieve your life’s goals.

Support Programs Following Detox

For many with a substance use disorder, detox is just the beginning of their treatment journey. For the best chance at lasting sobriety, other therapies and treatments are needed. Our inpatient program at Granite Recovery Centers provides a structured environment where you can focus on recovery. We use therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy.

During your time in the program, you will work with a counselor and a therapist who can help you to uncover the root causes of your addiction. Once those causes are discovered, we can help you find healthy ways to address them. You will learn what your triggers are and how to avoid them. Counseling and therapy will increase your chances of success and your ability to reach goals.

Sometimes, your loved ones may need family counseling, and Granite Recovery Centers offers that, too. Addictions do not just affect the individual; they also affect spouses, parents, and children, as well as extended family and friends. These family members may need help just as much as you do. Counseling can help your family members move from being concerned and worried to being a powerful support system for you. Success in overcoming addiction depends on you, but it also requires a strong support system at home.

If you do not need inpatient treatment, or you have completed an inpatient program and need additional support, Granite Recovery Centers also offers an outpatient program. Outpatient care comprises ongoing therapies and other forms of support, including 12-step meetings and workshops. We also offer skill-building sessions and holistic therapies such as yoga and meditation. During group therapy sessions, you will also have the opportunity to share your story and hear those of others going through a similar experience.

Choose a Recovery Center to Get Help Today

When choosing a recovery center, it is important to find one that offers a full continuum of addiction treatment. If you live in a rural area, you may need to travel to a treatment center, but don’t let that discourage you from seeking the help you need.

The team at Granite Recovery Centers is all about helping those with substance use disorders find a new life free of addiction. We take the best therapies available and combine them into a holistic treatment that serves your specific needs. Many members of our highly trained staff are recovered addicts themselves. We have a special understanding of where you are coming from because we have been there, and we have come through it to lead a successful life. We want to pass that on to you!

Granite Recovery Centers is available by phone to answer your questions and to give you guidance on what to do next. Do not give up, and do not stop trying to rid yourself of addiction to Lyrica. If you are ready to break free from your addiction, or you have a loved one who is struggling, contact us today. Our team is ready to get you the help you need to find a new life.

Demerol belongs to a class of medicines known as narcotic analgesics. Medical professionals use it as a pain reliever and when other pain medications fail to work. Demerol relieves pain by acting on the central nervous system. The product is available in three forms:

  • Tablet
  • Syrup
  • Solution

You should only take Demerol under the guidance of your doctor. Avoid taking it in high amounts or extending the prescription for a longer time. If you are older, you may be extra sensitive to the side effects of this product.

If you use Demerol for a long time, there is a risk that it may cause mental or physical dependence. However, fear of addiction should not prevent you from taking this medicine. Ensure that you follow your doctor’s advice for safety.

Physical dependence may cause withdrawal effects if you decide to stop the medication. In some cases, individuals experience severe withdrawal effects. To minimize the severity of these effects, reduce the dose gradually for some time before you stop completely.

Demerol has a high potential for addiction. The government distributes it under a highly restricted program known as the Opioid Analgesic REMS program. Before acquiring a Demerol prescription, consult your doctor and evaluate the risks and advantages.

Proper Use of Demerol

Using Demerol for reasons other than recommended by your doctor is abuse. To prevent Demerol use disorder, you need to take this product only under strict instructions from your doctor. To maintain the proper use of Demerol, observe the following:

  • Read and understand all the rules and guidelines of the REMS program. The rules help prevent abuse, addiction and misuse of Demerol. If you have questions, consult your doctor to get a better understanding.
  • Measure your dose with a marked oral syringe, medicine cup or measuring spoon. Do not use the average household spoon to measure. It may result in taking a higher dose.
  • Swallow the tablet whole. You are not to break, chew or crush it.
  • Mix your dose with half a glass of water and drink the mixture. Taking it with water helps reduce the numbing effect.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. You’ll reduce the chances of getting constipation during treatment with Demerol.


If your doctor prescribes this medication, please observe the following warnings:

  • Demerol may cause dizziness, confusion or disorientation. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery until you are fully aware of how the product affects you.
  • Before going into surgery, tell your doctor that you use Demerol to avoid interaction during the operation.
  • If you experience anxiety, fast heartbeat, twitching, nausea or hallucinations after taking Demerol, check with your doctor as soon as possible.
  • If you take alcohol or any other substance that affects your central nervous system, inform your doctor before proceeding with a Demerol prescription. These substances may lead to severe side effects.
  • Demerol is habit-forming. If you no longer feel the effect of this medicine, do not use a higher dose. Consult with your doctor on the right course of action.
  • Keep close contact with your doctor so that they may monitor your progress constantly. It allows them to gauge whether the medicine is working appropriately.
  • Taking too much of the drug can lead to an overdose. Follow the instructions on the label without fail.

Recommended Dose

The recommended Demerol dose is different for each patient. Ensure that you follow all the instructions on the label and from your doctor. If you do not understand them, seek advice from your doctor. The strength of the medicine, the time allowed between doses, length of drug use and the number of doses taken every day are some of the factors that determine the amount of medicine you should take.

Most Demerol recommended doses are as follows:

  • Adults should take 50 – 100 mg every four hours.
  • Doses for children depend on their body weight. Your child’s doctor should determine the prescription details. Administer the medicine after every four hours.
  • For children below one year, a doctor determines the use and dose.

Demerol Withdrawal

If you decide to stop treating your pain with Demerol, consult your doctor on the most appropriate way to do so. Suddenly stopping typically leads to withdrawal. The most appropriate way of stopping this medication is gradually lowering your daily dose. Your doctor will adjust the dose amount in small quantities until your body adapts to the changes. Withdrawal symptoms vary from one patient to another. The symptoms depend on your age, length of use and existing health conditions.

Common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Hallucinations
  • Dry mouth
  • Muscle aches
  • Sweating
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Vomiting
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Paranoia
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Chills
  • Restlessness
  • Runny eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Shortness of breath

Interaction With Other Medicine

When you use Demerol with other medicine, you increase the risk of experiencing interaction and severe withdrawal effects. Additionally, using multiple medications may lead to dependence on more than one drug. Do not use the following medicines with Demerol unless advised so by your doctor:

  • Tranylcypromine
  • Furazolidone
  • Linezolid
  • Procarbazine
  • Rasagiline
  • Selegiline
  • Methylene Blue
  • Iproniazid
  • Toloxatone
  • Phenelzine
  • Nalmefene
  • Moclobemide
  • Isocarboxazid
  • Safinamide

If your doctor prescribes Demerol with any of the above medicines, they may change the dose to prevent significant interaction.

Existing Medical Problems

If you have underlying medical conditions, the use of Demerol may contribute to the overall withdrawal symptoms. Before taking a Demerol prescription, make sure you inform your doctor if you have any of the following medical conditions:

  • Lung or any breathing problem like asthma
  • Kidney disease
  • Stomach blockage
  • Mental illness
  • Sickle cell anemia
  • Weakened physical condition
  • Head injuries
  • Low blood pressure or volume
  • Pancreatitis
  • Adrenal gland tumor
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Central nervous system depression
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Drug dependence or a history of substance use disorder
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Serious heart condition

Demerol Withdrawal Timeline

The withdrawal timeline is different for every patient. If you have existing health conditions, you may experience withdrawal sooner. Most patients start to experience withdrawal symptoms within one day after the last dose. In some cases, individuals who have developed Demerol dependence may experience these symptoms a few hours after their most recent dose.

The withdrawal symptoms typically intensify after several days and subside within two weeks after tapering. It is critical to seek the services of your doctor for a successful tapering schedule.

Demerol Addiction

If you experience withdrawal symptoms after using Demerol, then there is a high likelihood that you have developed dependence. You are likely to become addicted if you:

  • Take a higher dose than prescribed
  • Take someone else’s prescription
  • Take the drug to get high

Signs of Demerol addiction include:

  • Neglecting duties and hobbies
  • Being unable to stop drug use
  • Spending a lot of time trying to acquire drugs
  • Continuing with use despite adverse consequences
  • Experiencing withdrawal after the effects of Demerol wear off

Demerol Detox

Medical detox is a critical process in the recovery process. Do not try to detox alone as it can have significant complications and a very high likelihood of a relapse. Granite Recovery Centers offers medically monitored detox to ensure your health and safety throughout the process. Seek our services today and let us help you maintain sobriety. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Demerol detox features an integrated program featuring gradual tapering, round-the-clock monitoring and managing withdrawal symptoms. If you have psychological dependence, we will take you through several therapies to help you eradicate the need for using the drug.

Our therapies include recreational therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.

Why Is Our Program Efficient?

We have three basic approaches that help you achieve long-term sobriety:

  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Psychotherapy
  • 12-steps program

Psychotherapy helps our team identify your triggers and causes of addiction. For some of our patients, medical-assisted treatment features the use of pharmaceuticals to treat addiction and make it easier to avoid relapse. We use these treatment programs alongside behavioral therapy to address substance use disorders.

Our 12-steps approach integrates individual and group psychotherapies in a safe environment. We ensure that our patients work through the entire 12-step program to learn how each step affects their present, past and future sobriety.

Treatment Options

When you enroll in our rehabilitation facility, we’ll make it a priority to discuss your treatment and care goals. Often, treatment for Demerol addiction features counseling, medicine and support. The following options are available to you:

  • Home-based care lets you taper off your medicine and rely on a familiar support system. Withdrawing from Demerol can be challenging and should be implemented slowly.
  • Hospital treatment is recommended in case the withdrawal symptoms are severe.
  • Rehabilitation facilities purposely set up for detox and recovery from addiction are recommended for moderate to severe cases.

Granite Recovery Center offers all the above services and so much more. You get round-the-clock support, clinical therapies, individualized care and an environment where you can interact with your peers as you seek sobriety. Seek our services today and get top-notch rehabilitation services.

Medicine Used for Demerol Detox

An addiction specialist may recommend treating your addiction with one or more of the following medications:

  • Methadone suppresses withdrawal symptoms and aids with detox. If you develop opioid dependence, this drug is used as a long-term solution for maintenance. Your doctor reduces the dose after you have undergone a period of rehabilitation to lessen the intensity of withdrawal symptoms.
  • Buprenorphine treats Demerol withdrawal. It also shortens the duration of detox. Just like its counterpart methadone, it is also used for long-term maintenance. Your doctor may combine buprenorphine with naloxone to help prevent misuse and dependence.
  • Clonidine reduces agitation, muscle aches, cramping, sweating, anxiety and running nose. Clonidine does not suppress cravings.
  • Naltrexone helps prevent relapse. It is administered as an injection or in pill form. If you take naltrexone with Demerol still in your system, however, you may experience abrupt and severe withdrawal.

After detox, you will need to undergo long-term treatment to help prevent a future case of relapse. Long-term treatment typically includes:

  • Inpatient treatment
  • Intensive outpatient treatment
  • Outpatient counseling
  • Self-help groups

Possible Complications When Undergoing Detox

There is always the possibility of encountering complications when undergoing medical detox. The most common are breathing the contents of your stomach into the lungs and vomiting. You risk getting a lung infection. Additionally, vomiting and diarrhea may lead to constipation and disturbance to your body.

The most significant complication during detox is relapsing after you have already completed the whole process. In some cases, getting back into Demerol use leads to an overdose or death. You can prevent this by choosing a dedicated rehab facility to help you avoid relapse.

Demerol Overdose

Most cases of Demerol overdose will occur when an individual relapses or combines the product with other medicines. If you happen to come across an overdose case, call 911 immediately to get emergency medical help. The following are signs of Demerol overdose:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Drowsiness
  • Decreased response rate
  • Severe sleepiness
  • Bluish color on your lips, skin, nail beds, fingernails or palms


Withdrawal symptoms can be challenging to cope with, especially if you have been using Demerol for a long time. Before you start using this medication, ensure that you evaluate the advantages, disadvantages and risks involved.

If you develop Demerol dependence and then decide to quit all of a sudden, you are bound to experience withdrawal symptoms. It’s helpful to talk to your doctor or an addiction specialist about all the possible scenarios regarding Demerol withdrawal signs and the detox process, including the best treatment options.

You don’t have to suffer from drug dependency or addiction any longer. Seek our services today, and Granite Recovery Centers will help you start on the road to recovery.

If you try to stop or significantly reduce your daily dose after using Concerta for a long time, you will likely experience withdrawal. Due to the drug’s strong addictive properties, Concerta withdrawal can be very painful and unpleasant. The longer you have been using Concerta, the severity of withdrawal symptoms worsens, necessitating medical supervision.

You may have abused Concerta by deviating from your recommended dosage to study for longer periods or for recreational purposes. You may find yourself taking the medication again due to the withdrawal symptoms you encounter whenever you choose to stop it. With the right support, you can successfully quit Concerta for good.

To treat withdrawal symptoms and rid the body of Concerta, medically assisted detox programs are available. Continuing to abuse Concerta out of fear of withdrawal would only put you in danger, as the medication can cause long-term psychological damage.

If you or a loved one is having trouble quitting Concerta, there is assistance available. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency. Keep reading to learn about the appropriate recovery methods and the advantages of successfully withdrawing and detoxing. You’ll also read about the drawbacks of addiction to the drug and how to overcome it.

Concerta Withdrawal and Detox

You’ll likely go through withdrawal and detox before you can break the cycle of Concerta addiction. These stages can be intimidating and can lead to discouragement. However, you can navigate this process safely if you have medical professionals tracking your progress.

Withdrawal is a warning that the body has become reliant on Concerta to perform tasks. The withdrawal signs are your body’s distress signals, signaling that it needs the drug to perform certain functions.

Concerta moves to the brain to block neurotransmitter transporters such as dopamine and norepinephrine. This move causes a backlog of chemicals in some areas of the brain, resulting in relaxation, alertness, vigor, and wakefulness, which are the primary explanations for the drug’s misuse.

Because large quantities of Concerta are present in the brain for an extended time, the body becomes accustomed to the levels of norepinephrine and dopamine. Since your brain is unable to generate neurochemicals at this pace, it becomes reliant on Concerta.

When you begin abstinence from the drug or substantially decrease your consumption, your body will attempt to remove all traces of Concerta to return to its normal functioning. Detoxification, or detox, is the term for this method. However, your body cannot easily let go of the opioid. There will be periods of distressing withdrawal symptoms that appear at various points in the process and can cause you to relapse. It is for this reason that medical supervision is needed during detoxification.

Medical detox not only ensures that the body gets rid of Concerta properly, but it also makes withdrawal symptoms more bearable and helps you prevent and deal with any problems that might occur.

The Withdrawal Process

When you abruptly decrease your Concerta intake or avoid taking the medication, you will experience several painful and sometimes excruciating symptoms known as withdrawal. Even if you are aware of the dangers of continued drug abuse, these symptoms are the primary deterrents to quitting Concerta.

The severity of the symptoms can vary depending on how much Concerta you’ve been consuming. How much of the medication did you take for your last dose, and how long have you been using it? Withdrawal symptoms usually worsen and peak within the first few days after your last intake and then gradually fade as time passes.

Concerta withdrawal is close to cocaine withdrawal but not as serious. The withdrawal symptoms from other stimulants such as amphetamine, methamphetamine, Adderall, and Ritalin are similar during this point. Permanent harm, mostly psychological, could result if sufficient care is not provided.

Types of Concerta Withdrawal

Withdrawal occurs in waves, each of which you can experience differently depending on your level of addiction and your personal circumstances. Due to the drug’s association with the brain and central nervous system, withdrawal symptoms have psychological and physical consequences. The acute and post-acute phases of Concerta withdrawal are the most common.

Acute Withdrawal Phase

This is the beginning of the withdrawal process. Symptoms appear within the first 24 hours of the last ingestion and reach a peak of severity within the first few days. Since Concerta has a brief half-life, you may notice a fast manifestation of these symptoms if you stop cold turkey.

  • 2–7 days: After the initial onset, the symptoms will progress and peak over the next few days. During this time, you will feel anxiety, depression, intense exhaustion, lethargy, and irritability as well as cravings.
  • 7-14 days: By this period, most of your withdrawal effects will fade as the body adjusts to life without Concerta. Mild depressive effects, on the other hand, can persist in the coming weeks and months.

During detox, the acute withdrawal process is prominent, and symptoms can begin to fade by the second week since your last ingestion. When you go through a medically induced detox, most of your physical effects will fade away at the end of the therapy.

Post-acute Withdrawal Phase

During detox, the post-acute period of withdrawal will follow you through the next stage of treatment. Symptoms that persist after the acute withdrawal stage are typically psychological rather than physical. During this time, you’ll mostly feel issues like sadness, mood swings, and cravings.

After the first month of your last ingestion, the post-acute period will begin. It could last a few months or even a year or two. At this time, it’s critical to seek ongoing treatment and join support groups to prevent relapse. These symptoms can worsen as a result of environmental or social causes, prompting you to take Concerta once more.

Causes of Concerta Withdrawal

After a period of addiction to Concerta, withdrawal can set in if you suddenly stop using it or greatly reduce your daily consumption. Your body has been used to a high concentration of Concerta, and your brain now relies on it for certain neurochemical functions.

Another aspect that influences withdrawal is tolerance. When you take Concerta for a long time, the body becomes desensitized to the drug’s effects at usual doses, requiring you to gradually increase your dosage to get the same results.

As a result of reducing your prescription or not taking the medication immediately, withdrawal signs will appear.

Withdrawal is inevitable if you want to stop taking Concerta or don’t have access to it for some time. Detoxification is accompanied by withdrawal effects, which may lead you to falter and reintroduce Concerta to your system.

Concerta addiction is the primary cause of withdrawal in this situation. The best plan of action is to prevent relapse with the assistance of a medical provider if you wish to quit your drug use and avoid doing it again.

Duration of Concerta Withdrawal

Since Concerta has such a short half-life, signs can appear only a few hours after the last dose. In most cases, withdrawal symptoms will appear within the first 24 hours. The duration of withdrawal would be determined by the amount of Concerta you took, the intervals between doses, and the length of time you used the medication.

If your Concerta dependency and resistance are severe, the withdrawal process can take longer. If you used Concerta in conjunction with other dangerous drugs, you could have more severe withdrawal symptoms.

Furthermore, the method you use to withdraw will impact the length of time it takes to recover. Going through withdrawal on your own, for example, can cause symptoms to last longer than they should. As a result, when attempting to overcome your Concerta addiction, medically induced detox therapy is critical.

When you have adequate medical treatment to see you through a smooth detox, the withdrawal symptoms can go away after a few weeks. However, months or even years after withdrawal, you’ll likely still suffer occasional symptoms such as cravings, moodiness, and distress.

Concerta Withdrawal: Symptoms and Effects

Although Concerta is a non-amphetamine, it can have intense calming effects similar to those of amphetamines. Its psychoactive effects make it a dangerously addictive medication, and withdrawal symptoms can make it difficult to carry out everyday tasks without ingesting another dose. Withdrawal has been linked to cognitive dysfunction, depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Anhedonia is a disorder in which formerly pleasurable tasks are no longer enjoyable.

If you started using Concerta to treat a disease like ADHD or narcolepsy, you’d most likely have severe effects of those disorders after withdrawal. You’ll begin to feel drowsy again, and your mental ability may suffer as a result. You can ask your doctor about reducing these effects with continued therapy or other treatment.

The Road to Recovery at Granite Recovery Centers

Your journey to recovery begins right here at Granite Recovery Centers. We offer a reputable rehabilitation facility with over a decade of experience. We aim to change the lives of people who are addicted to drugs like Concerta.

Here’s a brief breakdown of what we have to offer:

  • To help you achieve sobriety, our inpatient drug rehab services have intensive, round-the-clock monitoring. We ensure that you acquire the requisite skills to aid in your sobriety. Alcoholism, benzodiazepine dependence, morphine addiction, and cocaine addiction are all treated at our facility. You’ll also have access to an onsite gym, accommodations, a full range of recovery options, counseling, yoga, a beautiful setting, workshops and fitness courses, and gender-specific activities.
  • We provide primary rehabilitation therapy, sober living, medical rehab, intensive outpatient therapy, extended care, and many more resources. The fact that our alumni network is engaged and growing is proof of our achievement.
  • We use cognitive behavior therapy to assist you with overcoming your addiction. Method groups, motivational interviewing, grief and death counseling, dialectal behavior therapy, and caring for co-occurring psychological disorders are some of the advanced psycho-therapeutic services we provide.
  • In outpatient care, our services can provide individualized treatment strategies, client-to-client workshops, a 12-step-centered curriculum, medical detox, behavioral modalities and holistic treatments.
  • Centers for sober living and early rehabilitation facilities offer the best possible help from our professionals. You’ll get the chance to interact with your fellow peers in recovery while you all aspire for a positive healing outcome.
  • Following your rehab, you will have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to join our rapidly expanding alumni network. Participate in motivating events and discuss your ideas with your peers.

Medically Assisted Concerta Detoxification

Combination drugs can help the body safely rid itself of Concerta during medically induced detox therapy. This procedure helps keep the withdrawal symptoms under control and prevents any future complications.

After a psychiatrist conducts a careful review of your overall health status and the conditions underlying your addiction, a detox protocol will be formulated. Medical detox uses a method that addresses acute symptoms as they arise, allowing you to navigate detox in the most relaxed way possible. Precautions will be taken to ensure that dual diagnosis conditions do not obstruct the detox phase.

Treatment Methods and Options

If you choose inpatient treatment, you’ll go into recovery as a residential patient, which is particularly important if you’re dealing with a serious addiction. If your Concerta addiction is mild or you have time-sensitive commitments, outpatient detox entails being treated as a visiting patient.

Inpatient recovery programs are often the safest choice for detox. This is because you will be supervised 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and any problems that arise will be addressed immediately. In addition, you’ll be able to begin therapy in a safe and trigger-free setting.

Granite Recovery Centers wants to help you get sober and stay that way. Please take advantage of our assistance today to become the next person to overcome drug addiction. While the journey is challenging, it is well worth it.

In the United States alone, one in six people take some form of an antidepressant medication, and Zoloft is one of the most commonly prescribed. The chemical composition of Zoloft results in a substance that, like many street drugs, can cause dependency. Getting off, withdrawing or detoxing from Zoloft is often an emotional, mentally draining and physically tough thing to do, but with professional help, it is possible to lead drug-free and more fulfilled life. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.


What Is Zoloft?

Zoloft is the brand name for sertraline, and it is used to treat a host of mood disorders such as depression, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Zoloft is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, or SSRI, so it stabilizes the amount of serotonin that regulates and balances emotions in the brain.

If your doctor decides to prescribe you Zoloft and you take other prescription or over-the-counter medications, let your doctor know what those are since Zoloft is known to interact with some of them.


What Is Zoloft Used For?

Those suffering from any of the mood disorders mentioned above have naturally low serotonin levels. Zoloft works to balance their levels out so that they experience more positive emotions and enjoy things again that they had previously found interesting in life. Zoloft does not make users high; instead, Zoloft takes away the perception of heavy clouds that may have blocked good feelings.

Zoloft is a medication intended for long-term use, so it is not unusual for patients to take it for several months or even years. Zoloft is generally a safe medication to take and can be a godsend for someone suffering from depression. However, there is the risk of developing a Zoloft use disorder. This happens when a person believes that they need Zoloft to function or feel normal or when they become physically dependent on it. Those who misuse Zoloft don’t do it to get high; they overuse Zoloft to cope with daily issues, which can lead to a substance use disorder.


Signs of Zoloft Misuse

Some signs of a Zoloft use disorder are as follows:

  • Faking or exaggerating symptoms to get another prescription for Zoloft
  • Asking for someone else’s prescription
  • Getting a prescription from several different doctors
  • Taking larger quantities or more doses than prescribed
  • Using Zoloft as a quick fix to problems
  • Feeling unable to function normally without taking the drug

Aside from all of the health concerns that come from substance use disorder, the consequences of misuse spread far beyond the user. The user’s family and friends are also affected because they can feel like enablers. They might push hard for their loved one to stop. However, substance use disorder is often hard to stop alone, not only because of triggers all around but also because of the withdrawal symptoms and the discomfort of going through detox.


What Is Zoloft Withdrawal?

As with any drug that is taken long term, consulting a doctor about decreasing the dosage or deciding to stop taking it is the best advice. Coming off of Zoloft prematurely may cause a relapse of your depression or mood disorder; therefore, following a doctor’s advice to help minimize the chances of this is essential. Otherwise, withdrawal can be quite severe.

Unfortunately, more than half of the people who quit taking antidepressants like Zoloft experience withdrawal signs and symptoms that can be alarming and scary. Suddenly stopping Zoloft causes chemical changes in the brain that can make you physically ill.


What Are Some Signs and Symptoms of Withdrawal?

Signs and symptoms of withdrawal can look a lot like depression and anxiety. They can leave you confused as to whether you are actually depressed or are instead going through withdrawal. Withdrawal signs usually start about two to four days after you’ve stopped taking the Zoloft and can last up to a few weeks. The severity of symptoms will depend on the duration of time that Zoloft was used, your dosage and your physiology.

Some signs and symptoms of withdrawal are:

  • Motor control issues like tremors, shaking, restless legs and unsteady gait
  • Flu-like symptoms like sweating, fever, body aches and chills
  • Digestive problems like nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea or appetite loss
  • Sleep problems including nightmares, unusual dreams, vivid dreams and insomnia
  • Hallucinations or delusions
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness or vertigo
  • Mood imbalances including anxiety, agitation, panic, suicidal ideation, irritability, anger, mood swings and depression
  • Strange sensations like a feeling of shiver or shock to your brain, ringing ears, or pins and needles
  • Blood vessel inconsistencies like excessive sweating and flushed skin

Although the signs and symptoms of withdrawal look scary, if you believe that you are ready to stop taking Zoloft and are under a doctor’s care, you do not have to be afraid. A doctor will figure out a timeline for lowering your dose until you are safely and entirely off the medication. The doctors and staff at Granite Recovery Centers know that a person accomplishes recovery from the inside out. The staff will support you during the withdrawal process and help reduce your symptoms.


Timeline for Getting Off of Zoloft

You should not try to get off of Zoloft on your own. Instead of risking the symptoms of withdrawal, a supervising doctor should give you a tapering schedule. A tapering schedule is a way to gradually reduce your medications and reduce your dose of Zoloft every five to seven days until you no longer take it. How your doctor decides to approach your weaning schedule will be based on your specific case, but it may look something like this: If you started at 200 mg, your doctor might take you down to 150 mg for seven days, followed by a dose of 100 mg for seven days and finally 50 mg for seven days before taking you entirely off Zoloft.

Keeping a tapering calendar in sight as a reminder of the change in dosage date is a good way to stay focused on your goal of weaning off of Zoloft. It’s also a good idea to make a note of your mood throughout the day. This is a concrete way to provide your supervising physician with feedback as to how well the tapering schedule is managing your depression or anxiety. Some other things that you can do to help minimize symptoms include seeing a therapist, staying active, exercising, eating a nutritious diet, staying hydrated and avoiding caffeine.


The Detox Process

Detoxification is an essential and a significant part of a healthy recovery. Detox forces your body to go without a substance that it has become accustomed to. Without any help, you may feel sick, irritable, angry, panicked and a host of other emotions as you give your body less of what it craves. The delicate balance that your brain and body require regenerates during the detox process. Your brain must have time to process these chemical changes in order to function correctly. While the process may seem intense, rehab centers are specially equipped to help you.

Granite Recovery Centers will be with you from beginning to end. Our staff members know what you need during this very vulnerable time. Our staff monitors your progress, making it less likely that you will relapse during this stage of recovery.

Support will include helping you purge the Zoloft from your system and provide comprehensive care to support your well-being. The detox process typically lasts five to seven days. We tailor your treatment plan to your specific needs, which begins with an assessment and 24-hour monitoring.


What You Should Look for in a Recovery or Detox Center

When it’s time to take that step towards recovery, look for a rehab program that will meet your needs. Some characteristics to consider when looking for a recovery center are:

At Granite Recovery Centers, support comes from a belief that people afflicted with substance use disorder are not bad people trying to become good people. Rather, they are sick people trying to get well, and this tenet is at the core of what we do.

If you don’t have access to a physician who can set you up with a Zoloft tapering schedule, you may need the additional medical attention that can come from our inpatient services. Being able to live at a Granite Recovery Centers facility for anywhere from 28 to 90 days will allow you to focus on getting any mental health issues and substance use disorder under control before you try to head back into the outside world.

People who have access to quality medical care and a solid support structure outside of a rehab center setting will likely benefit more from our intensive outpatient program. With this schedule, you can still meet school, work or family requirements while integrating your recovery into your daily life.


After Residential Treatment

No matter which treatment program you choose, it’s likely that the cravings for Zoloft will return after detox and therapy. However, learning how to manage the triggers and anxiety will help you stay sober. Therapy sessions will give you the resources to feel confident about avoiding relapse. At Granite Recovery Centers, professionals work to help you mend your whole physical, spiritual, mental and emotional being.

One of the best things about Granite Recovery Centers is that your recovery doesn’t end when you leave the facility. Instead, we have aftercare supportive programs that provide you tools in your fight for sobriety. We provide you with resources and guidance while you continue on your journey. During therapy, you will have developed strategies and techniques that will help you in difficult situations for years to come.

We also offer options for sober living options that are structured to support your recovery, and some of those include family involvement in your future. Granite Recovery Centers programs and workshops help educate, support and provide guidance so that your family members learn skills to help you. The support will also help your family take care of themselves as they help you stay on the path to recovery.


Get Help for Zoloft Withdrawal and Recovery

If you find yourself in an endless spiral of anxiety and drug use, it can seem like there’s no way out. However, substance use disorder is treatable, and taking the brave step to detox and recover from a Zoloft use disorder is the first step toward getting your life back on track. Granite Recovery Centers can help you take essential steps toward a bright, addiction-free future. Call us today.

Diazepam belongs to the benzodiazepine drug family and is most commonly known by the brand name Valium, but it is often sold under a range of other brand names.

Valium is a well-known drug in the United States. It’s used to treat anxiety as well as detox syndromes from other benzodiazepines and alcohol. It’s also used to treat epilepsy, restless leg syndrome, muscle spasms, and insomnia. It is no longer a first-line therapy for anxiety because of its high risk for violence and addiction. It is can also help with a variety of other treatments.


Valium Abuse and Addiction

Valium and other benzodiazepines are thought to have a high risk of addiction and dependency. The U.S. Law Enforcement Administration lists these drugs as Schedule IV drugs, which means they can only doctors may administer them lawfully with a prescription.

Medical professionals recognize valium in both clinical and lay circles as a substance with a high risk of misuse and dependency. Many people who misuse benzodiazepines blend them with alcohol, narcotic pain killers, and other substances to intensify the euphoric impact.

Mixing benzodiazepines with other medications is dangerous because it increases the risk of adverse opioid responses, polydrug misuse, and overdose. Overdose deaths from benzodiazepines increased significantly in the United States between 2011 and 2014, suggesting that benzodiazepine addiction is a growing public health concern.

To make matters more complicated, those who use Valium or other benzodiazepines for an extended period of time will develop physical dependence. This makes it especially difficult to stop using them without professional assistance.


Valium Withdrawal and Physical Dependence

Physical dependence on Valium is a disorder that is marked by addiction to the medication as well as withdrawal effects when the drug is discontinued. To put it simply, resistance develops when a person needs a higher dose or more of a medication to produce the same medicinal or other effects that were at lower doses. Tolerance is a typical side effect of many medications that people take for more than a few weeks.

Many people take medications for health purposes under the care of a doctor for long stretches of time and develop a physical dependency on them; however, they do not misuse the drugs by taking them for non-medical purposes, so they do not typically qualify as having an addiction.


Withdrawal Signs

The magnitude of withdrawal symptoms determines how severe withdrawals will be . This can include length of time a person uses a drug, how much they take, and if it is on a regular basis.

Overuse of Valium for an extended amount of time causes more difficult withdrawal effects. Valium withdrawal symptoms can be painful, but the effects are usually milder than those associated with stronger benzos or Xanax.

People who experience withdrawal from Valium may or may not meet the criteria for an abuse or addiction diagnosis. However, the cessation phase for most people fits a consistent pattern with some variation.

Withdrawal from benzodiazepines can divide into stages. It consists of two withdrawal periods where the number and severity of symptoms as well as their length distinguish the stages.


Acute Stage

A person will begin to feel the symptoms of acute withdrawal around one to four days after their last use of Valium. Valium has a variable half-life of up to 48 hours. Certain people may have no noticeable symptoms for a day or two. However, by day three or four, they will be experiencing acute withdrawal symptoms.

The period of time that these effects occur after withdrawing Valium depends on the amount and frequency of Valium use, the length of time of use, any other medications present, and human variations in metabolism and mental and psychological health. For example, after a relatively short time of not using Valium, certain people who are vulnerable to anxiety and depression may experience rebound anxiety, which is a return to the anxiety that existed before the person began taking the drug.

The signs of acute withdrawal include:

  • Headaches, fatigue, vomiting, stomach pains, cramps, and tremors are some of the physical signs that can occur.
  • Cardiovascular signs can link to rebound anxiety or simply part of the detox phase in general.
  • Confusion and the risk for epilepsy are examples of neurological signs present during the acute stage.
  • Seizures during the acute period of withdrawal are a major complication that can be fatal if not treated promptly.


General Withdrawal

After three to four days of acute symptoms, the individual will most likely go through a longer withdrawal cycle that will last 10-14 days in most cases. Increased Valium cravings, lightheadedness, moderate headache, mild fever, episodes of nausea, possible chills, exhaustion, and ongoing bouts of anxiety can all occur at this time.

The severity of these signs would be much lower than the acute symptoms. Flu-like symptoms, general feelings of disappointment, and a general sense of gloom will typically be present. An additional duration of rebound anxiety may last between 10 and 14 days in some people.

Individuals will eventually recover after the withdrawal process, but they may also experience fear, depression, and general feelings of being “out of tune.”

Some sources also mention post-acute withdrawal syndrome, which is a longer duration of generalized neurological problems that can appear in some people when they’ve recovered from drug use. Mood problems, issues enjoying happiness to the same degree as before substance addiction, and overall feelings of disappointment and diminished enthusiasm are common symptoms.

Post-acute withdrawal syndrome is a long period of time, ranging from weeks to years, that necessitates ongoing treatment, most commonly in the form of therapy. Otherwise, it may lead to an increased risk of relapse. Addiction specialists and mental health practitioners can provide more guidance about this aspect of quitting drug use.

It’s vital to understand the Valium detox process because people who are suffering withdrawal symptoms are more likely to relapse. The onset of rebound anxiety and physical symptoms will be almost entirely absent if the person resumes taking Valium. Individuals who try to avoid using Valium “cold turkey” without medical support may find it incredibly challenging.


Medications to Help with Valium Withdrawal

Valium is often used as a benzodiazepine substitute drug to help people recover from other benzodiazepines. Individuals with a clinical dependency on another benzodiazepine may take Valium instead of the other benzodiazepine. The practitioner will progressively lower the dose to enable the individual to adapt.

When the dose hits a certain amount, drug use stops entirely. The person is through the withdrawal process without significant side effects. Physicians should also launch a Valium tapering technique for patients who have a physical dependency on the medication. This may be the most efficient technique for negotiating a physical removal from Valium.

Baclofen in the form of Kemstro, Gablofen, or Lioresal is a muscle relaxant that has been shown to suppress cravings for a variety of drugs of addiction, including benzodiazepines. Doctors may prescribe medications for nausea, headaches, and other conditions.


Recovery from a Valium Addiction

Everyone dealing with a Valium addiction should get help regardless of their situation or experience. Depending on your needs, there are a number of therapies available. There is also financial aid available to help with the cost of care. The first move is to make the decision to seek treatment for your addiction.

Valium withdrawal therapy seeks to make stopping the medication as easy as possible. Following detox of the drug, inpatient treatment could be the best solution for heavy Valium users. Some individuals prefer outpatient treatment to help them conquer their addiction while they continue with work and home responsibilities. In any case, healing from a Valium addiction can be a lengthy process.


Granite Recovery Centers

Granite Recovery Centers offers many resources for those suffering from Valium addiction. We’ve been changing people’s lives and giving them hope for more than 10 years. Below are some of the services we offer:

It’s time to get assistance if crucial aspects of your life are taking a back seat to your Valium addiction. Regardless of how long you’ve been using Valium, you have the ability to overcome your addiction. We can help when you take the first steps toward recovery by seeking treatment.



Withdrawal from benzodiazepines can be difficult, but it is possible to alleviate many uncomfortable symptoms with medical help. Because of the possibility of major medical problems, home remedies are not best for anyone detoxing from Valium.

Detoxing in a professional recovery facility that specializes in treating addiction is the best alternative. Granite Recovery Centers will safely provide you with the relief you need when you’re going through withdrawal.

Tramadol is a common pain reliever that is prescribed for many different reasons. At the same time, Tramadol is known to be habit-forming, and it is recommended that you abide by the prescribed dosage and timeline. Even still, there are many people who find it difficult to stop using Tramadol for a variety of reasons.

Whether you are worried about facing Tramadol withdrawal symptoms or you are going through them right now, we will help you understand more about these symptoms along with side effects and treatment in general for substance dependency.


What Is Tramadol?

Tramadol is a pain reliever that is most commonly prescribed for moderate pain. It is sometimes prescribed for moderately severe pain as well in higher doses. This also comes in an extended-release capsule or tablet. This is used to extend the effect, and it can ease chronic pain that occurs throughout the whole day.

Regardless of what form Tramadol comes in, this medication is classified as an opiate or a narcotic. This directly stimulates the opioid receptors in your brain and reduces pain. While it is highly effective, opiates like Tramadol are also known to be habit-forming. This is especially true if you use a higher dosage than prescribed or if you don’t follow the prescription timeline.


Side Effects of Tramadol

Just like many other medications, Tramadol may cause side effects as you use it. If you have looked into other opioids, then you have probably seen these same side effects. If you experience any side effects, then be sure to tell your prescriber. They can determine if the medication is causing the symptom and how to proceed. They may recommend a different dose, an entirely different medication, or something else, depending on the situation.

The most common side effects include:

  • Constipation
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Feeling of warmth or cold
  • Muscle or joint pains
  • Skin rash
  • Difficulty concentrating

These are just some of the common side effects. Most of these are considered mild, but you should still contact your doctor if any of them occur.


Tramadol Overdose

Many people worry about overdose symptoms from medications, especially opiates like Tramadol. While you should not face these symptoms if you are taking the dose prescribed by your doctor, it can still happen in that situation. This is especially true if you are sensitive to opiates or if you are on a higher dose. The chances of facing an overdose increase if you are taking a higher dose than prescribed or are taking multiple opiates.

Tramadol overdose symptoms include:

  • Decreased pupil size
  • Trouble breathing, including shallow or slow breathing
  • Severe sleepiness or drowsiness
  • Inability to wake up or respond to outside stimuli
  • Slow heartbeat
  • Cold skin
  • Overall weakness

If you are experiencing these symptoms or if you see someone else who is experiencing them, then contact emergency medical services immediately. A Tramadol overdose can be fatal, and it’s essential that you get help as quickly as possible.


Tramadol Withdrawal Symptoms

Some medications or substances cause withdrawal symptoms when you discontinue them. This most commonly happens if you stop using the medication without tapering the dosage under a doctor’s supervision. This can also happen if the tapering is too quick and if your body is having difficulties functioning without the Tramadol.

In either case, you might be wondering what the common Tramadol withdrawal symptoms are. The most common withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Nervousness and panic
  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Coughing, sneezing, and runny nose
  • Chills
  • Diarrhea and nausea
  • Shaking
  • Hallucinations

The hallucinations symptom is considered the rarest. If you experience any of these symptoms, either from decreasing or discontinuing Tramadol, then be sure to speak to your doctor immediately. They can help you face the withdrawal symptoms in the most comfortable way.

Aside from the discomfort of the symptoms themselves, the other danger here is that some people might feel a need to take higher doses of theh drug to counteract the side effects. This is most dangerous with those who are facing Tramadol dependency and are already taking higher doses. That’s another reason why seeking medical attention is the best way to handle withdrawal symptoms.


Medical Detox Process

While some people are able to continue Tramadol without withdrawal symptoms, many people experience withdrawal if they try the cold turkey approach. This is why doctors often recommend a tapering process to help you detox from the medication. Tapering means that you are given smaller and smaller dosages until your body is able to function without the medication. This is considered both safer and more comfortable.

Tapering is a process that is different for each person. Most tapering schedules last about two weeks and involve halving your original dose and then halving that again. At the same time, some people might need more time. In that case, the dosage will be decreased by smaller amounts until you are comfortable.

While some people may try to taper the medication by themselves, medical detox is a better idea as it ensures that a medically trained professional is monitoring the process. This means that a doctor will meet with you and talk about the withdrawal symptoms, and the physician will help you discontinue Tramadol in the most comfortable way possible. This could include assistance with tapering and prescribing other medications as needed to help ease withdrawal symptoms.

Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.


Supportive Treatments for Tramadol

While some people might think that medical detox is enough for Tramadol, we recommend engaging with additional treatment methods to support your recovery. This is most recommended for those who have formed a dependency, but it’s also helpful if you were taking Tramadol regularly because this medication can be difficult to discontinue without support.

The most common treatment methods include outpatient and intensive outpatient therapies. Both of these options provide treatment that can assist with your dependency issues, but also give you time to work, connect with sober supports, and enjoy your life. You will learn about yourself, your cravings, and your triggers while also discovering coping skills that help you avoid use and manage stress.

Outpatient therapy means that you meet individually with your counselor. This is usually once a week, but some people benefit from two weekly sessions. In either case, the session will last an hour, and you can talk about your issues and concerns.

Intensive outpatient, commonly abbreviated as IOP, is a group format that gives you more time in treatment and allows you to speak with peers who are also recovering from substance use. Unlike outpatient that meets once or twice a week, IOP treatment is most commonly three times a week. Each session lasts three hours, which is enough time for everyone to check in, complete activities, and learn more about themselves. A counselor will guide the session while helping everyone with recovery.


Medication-Assisted Treatment

Opioids can be difficult to recover from. While some people can stop using the medication with ease, others need some extra help with their recoveries. In that case, you may want to consider medication-assisted treatment (MAT). This type of treatment uses medications like Methadone, Suboxone, or aim to help with your recovery.

Depending on the medication itself, it will either reduce your cravings or will block the effects of opioids if you use them. Using these medications can be helpful for people in early recovery. Your doctor might recommend this treatment option during the medical detox, but you can always ask about it if you’re curious.


Partial Hospitalization and Residential Care

If outpatient and IOP don’t seem to be helping enough and you need more support, then you may want to consider a higher level of care. In that case, you might benefit from either partial hospitalization or residential care. Both of these give you additional support while also keeping you away from stressors.

Partial hospitalization ensures that you receive treatment throughout the day. You will stay at our facility for half the day and receive both individual and group therapy. There will also be activities that help you learn more about yourself and recovery in general. Once the day is up, you can go home and work, talk with friends or family, and sleep in your own bed.

If your environment is unsupportive of recovery or if your stressors at home are too great, then residential care might be the best for you. This is similar to partial hospitalization, but you will stay at our facilities the entire day and night.

This also helps if you need around-the-clock treatment since our staff will always be nearby. These levels of treatment are more common for those with severe dependencies. Be sure to contact us when you are ready to recover, and we can determine the best level of care depending on your presentation. Not only that, but we will treat you with respect throughout the entire process.



At Granite Recovery Centers, we have helped people with substance use disorders for over 10 years in the New Hampshire area. Not only have we helped many clients with Tramadol and other opioid dependencies, but we also provide numerous levels of care to suit your specific needs. Whether you need outpatient, IOP, residential, MAT, or another type of treatment, we provide numerous services to ensure that your recovery journey suits your needs perfectly.

Contact us, and let us work together on the ideal treatment plan for your recovery. We won’t judge you for your use of Tramadol or any other substance. Everyone needs help sometimes, and we are here to support you through the recovery journey. Whether you just need a weekly session or group therapy with peers to reduce your usage, our staff at Granite Recovery Centers is here to help.

Carisoprodol, commonly known as Soma in the streets, is a muscle relaxant used in the medical industry to relieve pain. It is readily available as a 350-milligram tablet. It can be recognized due to the 37 WALLACE 2001 and SOMA inscriptions on either side.

Soma is available as a combination with other drugs that relieve pain. For example, it is combined with codeine or aspirin to achieve a higher pain-relieving effect. Soma should only be taken under the instructions of your doctor. However, recent studies show that there is a rise in cases of Soma abuse and addiction.

What Kind of People Abuse Soma?

People of all age groups abuse Soma. A report by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows that roughly 2.2 million U.S. residents of age 12 and above used Soma without a medical prescription.

The high number could be because Soma is available as an over-the-counter drug in other countries. Some youths in California and Arizona have gone to the extent of crossing into Mexico to obtain the drugs.

How Is Soma Abused?

Individuals with Soma substance use disorder ingest the tablet orally. To achieve a higher effect, individuals combine it with other drugs. Such drugs include meprobamate, hydrocodone, propoxyphene, codeine, alcohol, and diazepam. Individuals who have been using these combinations claim that they achieve a similar effect to that of heroin.

The Risks of Abusing Soma

Soma is safe when taken under the prescription of your doctor. However, self-prescription can lead to psychological addiction to the drug. The following side effects are common among individuals who abuse Soma:

  • Blurred vision
  • Loss of coordination
  • Depression
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Drowsiness
  • Unusual weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Chills
  • Dizziness

Is It an Offense to Abuse Soma?

Taking Soma without a doctor’s prescription is illegal. Soma has been scheduled as a controlled substance in several states in the U.S. Those locations include Georgia, Hawaii, Georgia, Arizona, New Mexico, and Alabama, among others.

Drug Enforcement Administration is closely monitoring the abuse of Soma. Depending on the results, if it raises the alarm, the agency can list Soma under the Controlled Substances Act.

What Contributes to the Abuse of Soma?

Soma is readily available via the internet. Internet companies offer efficient ways of acquiring medication without visiting a doctor. Some of these companies provide the drugs without proof of prescription from the individual.

The availability of these companies contributes significantly to the abuse of Soma. It provides a convenient way for people with dependence to acquire the drugs. The danger of ordering pills via the internet is the possibility of getting fake and substandard medications.

Substandard medications may contain other harmful drugs like heroin or cocaine. Therefore, you get addicted to both Soma and any other substance in the formula. If there is no other easy and convenient way of acquiring Soma, then Soma abuse would be rare.

Signs of Withdrawal

Use Soma as a short-term medication only, not more than three weeks. If you use Soma persistently, especially with other drugs, you develop dependence. Dependence leads to addiction. Often, you will be unaware of the developing condition until you start experiencing significant side effects. You realize it’s time to stop.

When you suddenly stop using Soma, your body finds it hard to cope without these drugs. You start experiencing withdrawal symptoms. There are both short-term and long-term withdrawal symptoms.

Short-Term Withdrawal Symptoms

They occur only for a short time, but you will have to seek medical assistance. Medical detox is necessary to suppress these symptoms. When you stop using Soma, expects the following signs of withdrawal:

  • Anxiety
  • Loss of muscle coordination
  • Headache
  • Delirium
  • Muscle twitching
  • Insomnia
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach cramping
  • Nausea
  • Increased heart rate
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures

Long-Term Withdrawal Symptoms

Long-term symptoms of Soma are psychological. Withdrawal symptoms like insomnia, anxiety, and depression persist for a longer time. Some of them can last for years, depending on how long you have been using Soma.

Long-term withdrawal symptoms require you to have the utmost patience and dedication. Visit your doctor consistently for advice and therapy. Consistent contact with your doctor prevents you from suffering a relapse.

What Do You Do When You Experience Soma Withdrawal Symptoms?

Withdrawal symptoms are common even for people who have been using Soma for a short time. When you experience these symptoms, seek help from your doctor. Often, your physician will recommend a tapering-down schedule for a given duration, depending on how long you have been using Soma.

Tapering involves the gradual reduction of dosage over some time. It helps prevent withdrawal symptoms. Make sure you follow your doctor’s instructions without fail.

Soma Withdrawal Timeline

After you stop taking Soma, you will experience withdrawal symptoms after 12-48 hours since your last dose. The symptoms will persist for another 48 hours after the onset. The duration and severity of withdrawal symptoms depend on your dosage and length of use.

The symptoms tend to be more severe and long-lasting for those who combine Soma with other drugs such as opiates, alcohol, and benzodiazepines. Seek medical assistance when you start experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Self-rehabilitation is challenging, and you may have a relapse. Professional help is the best solution.

The Detox Process

Detox programs vary among rehabilitation centers available. There are no approved ways of treating Soma addiction. However, your doctor will take you through a residential detox program, which helps suppress the withdrawal symptoms.

The detox program involves a systematic reduction in dosage over a stipulated number of days until you shake off the symptoms. You have to follow your doctor’s advice. A typical medical detox program can last for one week or up to two weeks. A medical professional closely monitors your progress and acts accordingly in case of any emergencies like the occurrence of seizures. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

There is more to rehabilitation other than the medical detox process. It doesn’t stop there. Since some of the withdrawal symptoms are psychological, you will have to go through therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy and recreational activities help you get accustomed to living a sober life.

Is a Detox Program Necessary?

Like any other prescription drug, it may be difficult for someone to realize he or she has developed a dependence. You will only notice you have a substance use disorder when some symptoms start to appear.

Signs and symptoms of dependence include:

  • Social isolation
  • Mood swings
  • Irritability and illness (withdrawal in between doses)
  • Seeking the services of different doctors to acquire multiple prescriptions
  • Use of Soma for non-medical reasons such as to relax, to focus, or to get high
  • Loss of interest in your hobbies
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Combining with other drugs to get a higher effect

The signs show that you have developed Soma dependence/addiction. Dependence calls for medical intervention. Your doctor will always recommend a detox program to ease off dependence and to curb the withdrawal symptoms.

A detox program is necessary because it helps prevent the long-term consequences of Soma abuse. Some of the symptoms, like seizures, may be fatal. Do the right thing, and start your rehabilitation journey today.

Supervised Rehabilitation

Going through a supervised rehabilitation process in a controlled environment is better than when you are at home. Below are some of the reasons why it is crucial to visit and dwell in the rehabilitation center when experiencing soma withdrawal symptoms:

  • Quitting Soma can be very demanding because the withdrawal symptoms can be severe. If you use Soma with other drugs, then it becomes worse. Supervised rehabilitation is safe because you are in a conducive environment that has trained personnel. They will respond accordingly in case of an emergency.
  • Abrupt discontinuation of use results in cognitive and physiological changes. Symptoms like depression and anxiety are predominant. When you attend supervised rehabilitation, your doctor can administer additional sedating medications to prevent significant withdrawal symptoms.
  • Rehabilitation centers have in-house psychologists and counselors who help address any emotional and mental health issues.
  • Supervised rehabilitation ensures your transition from rehabilitation to sobriety with aftercare programs. The program is essential because you can maintain sobriety and consequently prevent relapse.

Granite Recovery Center for Rehab

Are you experiencing Soma withdrawal symptoms or have a loved one struggling with Soma substance use disorder? Granite Recovery Centers is the ideal place to seek rehabilitation services. We have graced the rehabilitation industry for over 10 years, and we strive to best the best at what we do for many more years.

Our ever-growing and active alumni community is proof of our success. Hire our services today, and get the privilege of accessing the following programs:

Medical detox – This is first step in the recovery process. It deals with both the mind and body, allowing you to cleanse your system from Soma dependence. You get to be strong, clear-minded, and alert as you proceed to primary

Sleeping Pills, Prescription Drugs. White pills

A sleeping pill prescription can help address fatigue and stress brought on by modern living. The number of individuals using these drugs has seen a sharp increase in recent times as many people seek to get adequate rest. However, just like any other drug, sleeping pills can cause adverse effects on your health if used haphazardly.

Many people are unaware of dependency on sleeping pills until they feel it is time to stop using the medication. If you suspect dependency in yourself or in someone you love, it can be helpful to learn more about seek to analyze sleeping pills, their withdrawal symptoms, the withdrawal timeline, and the detox process.


What Are Sleeping Pills?

Sleeping pills belong to a class known as psychoactive drugs. Doctors can use them as anesthesia during surgery, but they are primarily used to treat insomnia. A sleeping pill prescription is given to adults struggling to get sleep or finding it hard to stay asleep long enough to feel rested.

Since these pills can result in dependence, doctors recommend using the drugs for short periods. Generally, there are three categories of sleeping pills:

  • Melatonin-receptor agonists – They leave the body quickly. They target the brain’s melatonin receptors, and they do not have dependence capabilities. An example of these drugs is Ramelteon.
  • Benzodiazepines like Restoril (temazepam) and Ativan (lorazepam) – They target gamma-aminobutyric acid, a brain chemical that reduces nerve activity and consequently promotes sleep. Benzodiazepines can cause dependence with side effects such as daytime sleepiness and probable dementia.
  • Non-benzodiazepines like Lunesta (eszopiclone) and Ambien (zolpidem) – They also target gamma-aminobutyric acid and only stay in the body for a short period. The side effects tend to be fewer than with benzodiazepines. However, there is still the risk of daytime sleep and sleepwalking.


Common Withdrawal Symptoms of Sleeping Pills

The continued use of sleep pills can lead to addiction. The body builds a tolerance to the drugs, which prompts you to use a higher dosage to sleep or to achieve standard functionality. By the time you realize you are addicted, the effects are more severe.

Some of the effects of dependence include lack of coordination, hallucinations, memory loss, failed attempts to quit, problems at work, lightheadedness, and high tolerance to the drug. When these effects become predominant, it is normal for you to try quitting the drug. Quitting the use of sleeping pills leads to withdrawal symptoms, however. They occur because the body is trying to cope without the drugs. These symptoms may include:

  • Spasms
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion
  • Sweating
  • Seizures
  • Delirium
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • High heart rate
  • Vomiting
  • Shaking hands
  • Irritability

Quitting the use of sleeping pills is challenging. The rebound insomnia often makes the withdrawal symptoms worse, so getting some sleep is close to impossible. Insomnia convinces you that you need the pills to sleep. You create dependence characterized by drug preoccupation, consequently interfering with everyday life.

If you have existing mental health issues or any other form of addiction, the withdrawal symptoms tend to be more severe. You will likely need to stay in medical detox longer to receive therapy and the treatment of other health issues.


Sleeping Pills Withdrawal Timeline

The withdrawal timeline varies from one individual to another depending on the dependency level and the amount of dosage. Self-prescription is dangerous because there is a high probability of an overdose.

Sleeping pill withdrawal symptoms can occur within hours after your previous dosage. The intensity of these symptoms decreases a week after the detox process begins. Psychological issues are more challenging, and they may last for a month or more after your last dose. Therapy plays a significant role in helping you overcome these issues.

The first few days after quitting tend to be very challenging. You will likely experience nausea, vomiting, and hallucinations. There is a high likelihood of a relapse if you try to quit on your own. Frequent contact with your doctor is crucial because a medical team can help you stay focused.

Cravings and withdrawal symptoms peak between four to 10 days after you quit using the pills. However, with enough patience, these symptoms taper off after around two weeks. Psychological issues can last an additional week or two. Constant use and a high dosage of sleeping pills can cause depression and dependencies that last for months, so it’s important to only use sleeping aids for short periods.


The Risk of Driving on Sleeping Pills

Sleeping pills may help you get some rest, but the use comes with a chance of impairment and amnesia. The side effects depend on how long the drug revolves around your system. A straightforward way of realizing you have side effects is having a hard time waking up in the morning. At this juncture, you are at risk for impaired driving.

There is a likelihood of amnesic behavior. You may do a particular activity like cooking or driving and completely forget that you engaged in such an action. When you use sleeping pills, make sure you know how long they will remain in your system.

There are three classes of sleep medications:

  • Short-acting like Ambien (zolpidem)
  • Medium-acting like eszopiclone and temazepam
  • Long-acting like flurazepam and clonazepam

If you have a problem with falling asleep, pick a drug that lasts for a short time. On the other hand, if your problem is waking up in the middle of the night, choose a drug that lasts longer. However, be sure to ask your doctor about how long it takes for the medication to leave your system.

When you take a sleeping pill, put aside adequate time for you to rest until the drug flows out of your system. If you wake up and feel groggy in the morning, ask for a different medication. Only drive when you are fully sober.


Sleeping Pill Detox Process

Breaking the use of sleeping pills can be physically and mentally challenging. Although it can be difficult, it is worth the fight because you get to live a sober life without the adverse effects of the drugs.

How do you quit the use of sleeping pills? The road to recovery starts with medical detox during which your doctor gradually reduces the dosage. Detoxification helps in tapering off the drug from your body and controlling the withdrawal symptoms. Tapering also helps in preventing relapses so that you don’t use the pills again to suppress the withdrawal symptoms.

The detoxification process can take up to four months depending on your level of dependence. Throughout the process, you’ll have brief, motivating visits with your doctor. Communication is essential because your doctor gets to monitor your progress. For example, if you are still having challenges finding sleep after the detox process, your doctor might recommend activities like yoga to enhance slumber.

Therapeutic support is also a vital step in the detox process. Behavioral therapy is helpful because your doctor constantly evaluates your behavior when you stop using sleeping pills. If you are having a difficult time, your doctor will encourage and motivate you to completely quit using sleep aids.

It is not wise to withdraw from a sleeping pill dependency on your own because the symptoms can be dangerous. For example, seizures are life threatening and treatment requires the presence of a medical practitioner. It is wise to go to a detox facility to cater for safer rehabilitation.


Tips That Help Improve Sleep

Reducing medication is essential in stopping the use of sleeping pills, but it may not be sufficient to allow you to rest each night. Your doctor can help you find other ways to enhance a response that will let your body relax and find sleep. These methods could include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – This type of counseling is highly effective against insomnia and aims to change the way you think
  • Mindfulness  Yoga and meditation can help quiet the thoughts that keep you awake at night
  • Nutrition/Diet – Avoid alcohol, coffee, and anything that promotes acid indigestion
  • Quiet Time Before Bed – Reduction in stimuli that prevent sleep (television, smartphone screens, or computers); limit screen time for several hours before you go to bed
  • Sleep Hygiene – Use your bed for sleep only and not for reading or for doing work; block any sources of noise and light
  • Sleep Routine – Try to go to sleep and wake up at the exact same times every day.


Getting Help at Granite Recovery Centers

If you are having side effects from using sleeping pills or if you know someone who is experiencing difficulties, it is vital to get help. Any form of substance abuse disorder can have long-lasting consequences on your physical and psychological health.

Granite Recovery Centers is the ideal place for you to get rehabilitation services. We have been helping individuals overcome substance use disorder for over 10 years, transforming the lives of drug-dependent adults around the country. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency. We offer the following rehab services:

Recovery is a challenging process, and it requires patience and hard work. When you get professional help from caring therapists and doctors, overcoming sleeping pill addiction is possible.



Sleeping pills are one way of inducing sleep. However, if you develop a dependence, the withdrawal symptoms can take a toll on your life. Remember, drugs affect the chemical components of your body, especially the brain.

If you have tried to quit and the withdrawal symptoms become impossible to handle, seek our detox services. We will be glad to help you with the recovery process.

When you are living with depression, anxiety, or chronic pain such as fibromyalgia, life can seem incredibly difficult and bleak. It is common to feel exhausted, hopeless, and frustrated. Thankfully, we now live in a time where there are medications that can help us solve these issues so that we can live happier, healthier, and fuller lives.

One of these medications is duloxetine, which is available under the generic name of duloxetine but which is also marketed under the brand names Cymbalta and Drizalma. While this medication is highly effective, for some people, this drug can also cause an unhealthy dependence to develop. This is true even if the drug is taken exactly as prescribed.

What Is Cymbalta?

Cymbalta is a brand name for the drug duloxetine, which is a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, or SNRI. Duloxetine may also be sold under the brand name Drizalma.

It is FDA-approved to treat a number of conditions, including all of the following:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Depression
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Nerve pain associated with diabetes
  • Musculoskeletal pain

Duloxetine withdrawal can happen with abuse of the drug or simply through long-term use as prescribed by a doctor. It is common for your body to become accustomed to the presence of the drug, so stopping or lowering your dose too abruptly can lead to uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

What Causes Cymbalta Withdrawal?

As mentioned above, it is incredibly common for people to experience withdrawal symptoms from duloxetine. In fact, there is even a name for it: Cymbalta Discontinuation Syndrome.

Cymbalta works by balancing the levels of specific neurotransmitters in your brain so that they remain at healthy levels. When these neurotransmitters are dysregulated, it can cause chronic pain and poor mental health. Cymbalta was designed as a pharmaceutical that was made to combat these neurochemical processes.

For most people, taking Cymbalta as prescribed leads to improvements in mood, sleep, energy levels, appetite, and anxiety levels. These positive changes are often life-altering for patients, and this is one of the many reasons that the drug is so persistently popular. It is regularly prescribed for issues with depression and anxiety by psychiatrists and other mental health practitioners.

Unfortunately, drugs like duloxetine can cause physical dependence at very high rates. One particular study from 2005 noted that nearly 44% of participants experienced withdrawal symptoms. This is because the brain becomes used to the drug’s ability to increase the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine present. This is called “developing a tolerance.”

When a patient changes a dosing schedule or stops taking the drug too quickly, withdrawal symptoms will set in fairly quickly. Professionals will provide a weaning schedule when this is taken under the care of a doctor.

What Does Cymbalta Abuse Look Like?

Abusing SNRIs like duloxetine is not common because these drugs do not give users any kind of euphoric “high” like other prescription drugs can.

A more common abuse situation occurs when a person feels like he or she needs to take a larger-than-normal dose of duloxetine to achieve better results. In some instances, people will even crush up their duloxetine medication and mix it into a liquid in order to feel the effects more quickly.

Signs of duloxetine abuse include:

  • Increasing the dosage without consulting a physician
  • Drowsiness or passing out as a result of duloxetine ingestion
  • Vomiting
  • Changes in blood pressure
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Slurred speech
  • Sudden changes in physical appearance
  • Noticeable changes in sleep patterns

In severe cases, Cymbalta can actually cause suicidal thoughts or seizures, and these effects can be fatal. Those who have been diagnosed with severe depression or who take more than one type of antidepressant are at a much higher risk for misusing duloxetine, so it is important for users as well as loved ones to keep this in mind.

How Long Does Cymbalta Stay in the Body?

Cymbalta does not stay in the body for long, which is part of the reason that it can so easily create a physical dependence. How long a drug stays in your system is measured by what is known as its “half-life,” which is the amount of time that it takes for half of the drug to leave your system. Duloxetine has a very short half-life of only 12 hours.

This is why it is so important for people to keep up a regular dosing schedule; otherwise, they may begin to experience mild withdrawal symptoms in a short amount of time.

What Are the Symptoms of Cymbalta Withdrawal?

The negative effects of Cymbalta can be experienced both as side effects and as withdrawal symptoms depending on the person. It is extremely important to keep an open and honest channel of communication with your doctor as well as your psychiatrist so that he or she can help you through any negative effects that the drug might have on you.

Remember that any physical dependence you may have developed is not your fault, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. Your physical and mental health is much more important than any shame or guilt that you may feel over admitting that you are having withdrawal symptoms associated with duloxetine use. Your doctors want the best for you, so they will do everything in their power to help you overcome the dependence that you feel.

The effects of Cymbalta withdrawal can vary widely from one person to the next. How severe your symptoms are will depend on how long you have been taking the drug, the size of your dose and other personal health factors.

Any of the following symptoms may occur as withdrawal sets in:

  • Dry mouth
  • Reduced appetite
  • Dizziness
  • Vivid nightmares
  • Fatigue
  • Low blood pressure
  • Lightheadedness
  • “Brain zaps”
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Tremors
  • Muscle weakness
  • Skin rash
  • Constipation
  • Mood swings

In more severe cases, some people have reported experiencing sexual dysfunction, abdominal cramping, and convulsions. This is more likely to happen to people who attempt to bypass the extended-release capsule by mixing the powder into a liquid.

It is also critical to remember that duloxetine is an antidepressant drug, so any sudden dosage changes can lead to devastating psychological withdrawal symptoms as well. These can include rebound anxiety, worsened depression, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts. Because of the seriousness of these potential withdrawal symptoms, it is always best to gradually step down duloxetine use with the close supervision of a medical professional.

How Long Do Cymbalta Withdrawal Symptoms Last?

For most people, mild or moderate withdrawal symptoms may last up to three weeks. In some of the milder cases, patients have reported that the worst of their withdrawal symptoms resolved themselves within about a week.

While the withdrawal symptoms listed above are generally not debilitating, they can be extremely uncomfortable. This is why it is best to taper down Cymbalta use gradually with the help of a doctor. There are also uncommon cases where withdrawal symptoms can become more severe or dangerous. For long-time users or those who have grown accustomed to a high dosage, there are specialized detox programs that can help patients safely and painlessly come off of duloxetine.

How to Manage Cymbalta Withdrawal Symptoms

The best way to manage duloxetine withdrawal is under the care and supervision of medical professionals. This can be done at home or through a professional treatment program. You should never try to simply quit “cold turkey” because your withdrawal symptoms will be much more serious.

Use a Taper Schedule

The primary way to manage the intensity of any duloxetine withdrawal symptoms is to follow a slow tapering schedule. This involves working with your doctor to gradually lower your medication dose, which allows your body to adjust over time to the absence of the drug. For most people, a tapering schedule of two weeks is enough to wean them off of the drug. However, some people may need to step down more gradually, and there is no harm in taking longer than two weeks to wean off of Cymbalta.

Supplement With Detox Medications

In more severe cases, some people may need detox medications to help resolve their withdrawal symptoms. This is not common, but doctors can give medications to help with nausea, headaches and other common detox symptoms. Generally speaking, if withdrawal symptoms are too extreme, the best course of treatment is to resume a baseline dose and to start a more gradual tapering schedule.

Enter a Professional Program

Duloxetine withdrawal can be especially difficult for some people. This is most common for people who have been taking Cymbalta for a long time, people who take a high dosage of the medication, or people who take multiple antidepressants.

In these cases, a doctor might recommend enrolling in a professional detox program because withdrawal symptoms can feel quite debilitating. There is also a higher risk for serious, negative psychological effects, so it is safer to be in an environment where trained professionals can monitor your physical and mental health as you come off of the duloxetine. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Many rehab facilities offer specific programs that are tailored to antidepressant detox. These often include holistic approaches to healing in addition to medical care, so they can be an excellent option for anyone who feels that weaning off of Cymbalta may be too difficult to do alone. This is especially true for those who have unsuccessfully tried to stop taking duloxetine in the past.

Get Started Down the Path to Your Best Self

There are many reasons why people choose to stop taking Cymbalta. In some cases, their doctors determine that there are other, more effective ways to manage the conditions that were being treated with duloxetine. In other cases, the patient may start experiencing side effects and decide that it is best to stop taking duloxetine.

It is rarely easy to make changes to your medications, especially when it comes to antidepressants and other prescriptions that can easily lead to physical dependence over time. Whether this is your first time attempting to stop taking Cymbalta or you have tried before and did not have success, it is important to know that you are not alone in this.

Even though you may not have misused duloxetine, you may have become dependent on it. This is not your fault, and you should not feel shame or regret, especially if you are looking for a way to wean yourself off of the drug in the hopes of living a better life.

As long as you keep an honest conversation going with your doctor and mental health care provider, you will be able to safely come off of Cymbalta with as little discomfort as possible, and you will be one step closer to becoming your best and brightest self. If you need more assistance, Granite Recovery Center is here to help you. Our staff knows the signs and effects of Cymbalta withdrawal, and we are able to help you throughout the detox process. Give us a call if you or your loved one needs help.

A report by the American Society of Addiction Medicine shows that about 2 million people in the United States have substance use disorders related to prescription opioids. Vicodin is the country’s most prescribed painkiller. While it is meant to alleviate pain, it can be misused, leading to tolerance, dependence, and addiction. The decision to stop using Vicodin is a massive step in the right direction, but it is not free of obstacles. Withdrawal symptoms accompany detoxing from Vicodin. The process requires absolute willpower, dedication, perseverance, and people in your corner to provide emotional and medical support.


Withdrawal Signs

Prolonged Vicodin use makes the body accustomed to it, creating tolerance and dependence. When you suddenly cut back or quit, you will experience uncomfortable psychological and physical side effects. This happens because your body requires time to normalize and to recover. The withdrawal symptoms can be mild, moderate, severe, or very severe, depending on the amount of Vicodin you used and for how long. Most patients who used Vicodin only as prescribed and for therapeutic purposes may not notice that they are going through a withdrawal because they typically experience flu-like symptoms.

Common Vicodin withdrawal side effects include:

  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Tremors
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating
  • Chills
  • Muscle aches
  • Mood swings
  • Teary eyes
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Jumpiness
  • Hostility

Individually, these symptoms should not scare you because they are not deadly. However, experiencing all of them at once for a prolonged period causes dehydration and fluid loss. You can avoid harmful detox side effects by going through the process in a reputable addiction treatment facility, such as the Granite Recovery Centers.


Short-Term Vicodin Withdrawal Symptoms

These withdrawal symptoms usually appear about 12 hours after taking your last Vicodin dose. These are likely the first signs you will see during detox, but they do not persist long. Common symptoms include:

  • Headache
  • Dehydration
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Runny nose
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Diarrhea
  • Mood swings
  • Loss of appetite
  • Cramping and muscle aches

Although these symptoms can drain you physically, remember that they will not last forever. They typically last for a week, but the process is different for every patient. Symptoms are part of the detoxing process, and going through them puts you a step closer to achieving your recovery goals. If you go through detox at Granite Recovery Centers, you will have the staff members’ and doctors’ support. They will attend to you if you feel any mental or physical discomfort, and they will make sure that you are not alone during Vicodin detox and withdrawal.


Long-Term Vicodin Withdrawal Symptoms

A few symptoms may persist once the initial Vicodin withdrawal effects wear off, varying from one patient to another. Vicodin addiction affects people physically and mentally. While it is easier to spot the physical effects, realize that withdrawal impacts a person’s mental well-being too. Long-term Vicodin withdrawal symptoms are usually the unseen ones. They include:

  • Mood Swings
  • Anxiety
  • Hyperactivity
  • Aggression
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Depression
  • Paranoia

Behavioral health counseling can help mitigate these symptoms. It should be done during and after detox. These mental symptoms of Vicodin withdrawals result from co-occurring disorders that existed before addiction, or that are spurred from it. The dual-diagnosis approach to treatment is essential because it addresses these problems while also trying to fix the addiction. A trained therapist helps patients manage mental problems.


Timeline of Vicodin Withdrawal

It is difficult to predict the timeline for Vicodin withdrawal because every patient has a unique experience. While it varies for different people, Vicodin clears from the body after eight hours on average. The first withdrawal symptoms will show within 24 hours following the final dose. Intense withdrawal symptoms accompany the initial detox phases. After three days, the person will probably begin to feel better and keep progressing beyond day five. The symptoms typically subside after a week, but it is customary to keep having mild side effects until the one-week mark.

The amount of time a person experiences withdrawal symptoms are influenced by the following:

  1. Length of use – If a person used Vicodin long enough to develop dependence and tolerance, he or she could go through acute withdrawal symptoms, especially if Vicodin was used compulsively. This patient will also go through withdrawal for a longer time than short-term users. The withdrawal symptoms may be minimal or even none at all if the person used Vicodin only for a few weeks and followed the prescription directions.
  2. Addiction – The psychological compulsiveness from Vicodin addiction will make withdrawal symptoms more intense. The person will have to overcome the urge to use to achieve complete recovery. This can make the physical symptoms more challenging to endure.
  3. Dose – Once you develop a Vicodin tolerance, you will need to take more than your usual dose to feel the same effects. Consequently, withdrawal symptoms will feel much worse if your body has grown accustomed to Vicodin.


Coping and Relief From Withdrawal Symptoms

Certain practices can relieve the unpleasant Vicodin withdrawal symptoms:

  1. Stay busy – Find activities to help take your mind from the withdrawal effects by keeping your mind occupied with something other than the discomfort. You could choose to read, watch movies or TV shows, or play video games.
  2. Drink a lot of water – Staying dehydrated is vital for your recovery because Vicodin withdrawal is usually accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, making the body lose fluids. Drinking lots of water and other fluids prevents dehydration.
  3. Taking OTC medications – Over-the-counter (OTC) medications can help relieve withdrawal symptoms like diarrhea and fever. Some of these drugs include antidiarrheal options and NSAIDs. Ensure that you stick to the proper dosage, and speak to the doctor if you feel any severe or unusual withdrawal side effects. Granite Recovery Centers offers a medication-assisted treatment program that uses Methadone and Suboxone to alleviate its patients. Seek medical attention if the dehydration symptoms become severe. These symptoms include rapid breathing, extreme thirst, disorientation, and sunken eyes.


Warning Signs

Vicodin withdrawal can result in dangerous complications. For instance, vomiting and then breathing in the stomach contents into your lungs can cause aspiration, leading to choking or a lung infection. Having diarrhea and vomiting can make you dehydrated and can interfere with your body’s mineral and chemical balances.

The main danger from Vicodin detoxing occurs when the patient begins using again. A majority of Vicodin overdose-related deaths occur for individuals who went through withdrawal and detox recently. An overdose can even be caused by a smaller dose than the amount that the person used to take.


Tapering Off Vicodin

The purpose of a Vicodin taper is to help the user stop using it gradually. It is a standard and effective detoxification method. Although this method takes time, precise strategy, and patience, it delivers desirable results. While this technique is not fast, it offers a regular and consistent process.

A Vicodin taper schedule that a doctor or physician approves alleviates or prevents the following withdrawal symptoms.

Flu-like symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Sweating
  • Headaches
  • Watery eyes
  • Runny nose

Psychological symptoms:


The Tapering Process

Although you can do a Vicodin taper at home if your physician approves it, it is best to do a medical taper at an addiction treatment center. Vicodin users who take the medication only for therapeutic purposes can reduce their doses when their doctors deem it necessary. However, recreational Vicodin users do not have that luxury because their dosage amounts and quantities vary based on the pill availability, making scheduling a taper difficult.

A Vicodin taper can be accompanied by complications, especially if done without the help of a medical professional. The reduction rates of Vicodin will fluctuate based on every patient’s needs, which can change weekly. Physicians recommend lowering the use of Vicodin by 10% per week. Fast tapers can go up to 25% every couple of days, but this method is not suitable for users who have not been using Vicodin excessively.

Tapering off Vicodin is an incremental detox program, so the strides you make will often fluctuate. Therefore, it is best to take the process day by day until you reach the end of the taper. Regardless of the type of taper you choose, do not do it without medical guidance, and make sure that you have a robust support system.


Medical Detox

The process can be performed in multiple ways. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

  • Medication-assisted detox – This is the most widely recommended and supported detox mode. It is done in hospitals and addiction recovery centers that offer full services, like Granite Recovery Centers. Every patient gets individual counseling, around-the-clock medical care, nutritional support, individual counseling, and many more services. This method aims to soothe the physical symptoms of Vicodin withdrawal. Through it, healthcare professionals can monitor your symptoms and act swiftly and accordingly in case of an emergency. It also increases the odds of completing the treatment.
  • Outpatient detox – This process can take place at a doctor’s office, local clinic, or medical center. It offers a less comprehensive support system compared to medication-assisted detox, with the treatment issued during business hours in most cases. This method is not ideal for individuals with a severe Vicodin substance disorder. An alternative of outpatient therapy is more desirable to many people because it allows them to continue their everyday lives while continuing detoxing from Vicodin. It is also cost effective because the patients do not receive 24-hour care and monitoring. Outpatient detox is ideal for individuals with a safe, stable, and supportive home life.
  • Holistic detox – Instead of providing clinical support and using taper medications, this method utilizes herbal medicines and alternative therapies to facilitate body detoxification. Holistic detox may employ yoga, acupuncture, and spiritual counseling. It takes into account the patient’s emotions, mind, body, and spirit to offer optimal wellness and health.


Granite Recovery Centers

The pain and discomfort of Vicodin withdrawal can make it difficult for patients to complete recovery and to stay clean, which is why it is crucial to go through the process in a supportive environment. Granite Recovery Centers offers medical detox and the tools to help maintain your sobriety. We provide medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

6% of the American population over the age of 12 misused opiate medications in the last year. More than 60% of these people admit to having gotten the drugs from relatives or friends. With these shocking statistics, it is evident that morphine abuse and addiction affect many families and communities. As such, it’s becoming an increasingly significant concern. The United States pays +$500 billion in criminal justice costs, health care expenses, lost productivity, and even accidents.

Like many prescription drugs, finding the proper dosage for morphine requires knowledge and often takes in-depth experimentation. Even if someone is under a doctor’s supervision, it takes high expertise to ensure a patient doesn’t cross the line from treatment to abuse. However, people can sometimes find it challenging to detect morphine abuse, particularly when the person misusing it has a prescription.

Understanding Morphine

Poppy Flower

Morphine is a potent, naturally occurring opiate painkiller used to relieve severe pain. Like other opiates, morphine is obtained from the Asian poppy plant. In most cases, this painkiller is used in hospitals to relieve severe, moderate, and chronic pain. Additionally, it can help relieve pain after surgeries, treat cancer-related pain and in end-of-life care. Morphine is a drug that should be used under a doctor’s prescription. However, some individuals abuse this medication by consuming it outside prescription limitations, leading to addiction.

The Global Information Network About Drugs classifies morphine under the most potent opioids that work by interacting with receptors across the central nervous system (CNS) to produce a euphoric effect and adjust how the body perceives pain. This drug has a high potential for abuse. Plus, its highly addictive nature often requires a professional and tailored treatment program. Morphine can be consumed in the form of syrup, tablets, or injections. It can even be smoked.

How Is Morphine Abused?

Morphine usually comes as tablets, liquid, or an injection, and most people abuse it orally or transdermally. Others crush the pill and snort it. The nose’s blood vessels send it directly to the bloodstream, which causes an instant and intense effect. It can also trigger a rush of euphoria, which alters the state of drowsiness and wakefulness. Injecting morphine is another way of abusing the drug. Although morphine injection is thought to be safe when used under a physician’s care, injecting higher amounts or using it frequently can increase the risk of overdose or even damage the veins. Morphine abuse is very serious.

Signs and Symptoms of Morphine Overdose

Morphine alters the user’s CNS function, which affects essential functions such as heart rate, temperature control, and breathing. Indeed, taking morphine too often or consuming higher amounts at once can be dangerous. If you or someone close to you seems to be abusing this drug, knowing the specific signs of overdose can save a life.

Some signs of morphine overdose may include:

  • Limp muscles
  • Cold, clammy skin
  • Slow, difficult breathing
  • Intense drowsiness
  • Lack of sufficient oxygen, leading to bluish fingernails or lips
  • Pinpoint pupils

Consequently, combining morphine with other CNS depressants like opioids, benzodiazepines, or alcohol increases the risk of overdosing. The drugs’ effects are amplified when mixing, leading to coma, unconsciousness, and even death.

Signs of Morphine Abuse

While morphine is an excellent painkiller, using it frequently can lead to the development of dependence. Typically, morphine abuse occurs when an intense euphoric effect is caused within the central nervous system. Keep in mind that too much consumption of morphine can result in severe adverse side effects.

Using this drug without a doctor’s prescription is considered abuse. A person who abuses morphine often exhibits various physical and behavioral effects, including shallow breathing, unconsciousness, sleepiness, and muscle stiffness. In other cases, a person can experience involuntary eye movement, low sensitivity to pain, and slurred speech.

Furthermore, morphine abuse can cause fluid retention, making users experience swelling joints and appear bloated. Ultimately, misuse of morphine can take a toll on a person’s emotions. People suffering from morphine addiction may experience irritability, anxiety, irrational fears, and depression.

Short-Term Side Effects of Morphine

Immediate effects of morphine will vary based on different factors, including the amount taken, method of administration, and a person’s general health. You will experience short-term effects within the first few minutes and last up to six hours depending on how the drug was administered. These effects include:

  • Mood swings
  • Constipation
  • Lower body temperature
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Changes in heart rate
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness upon standing
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • A false sense of well-being

Long-Term Side Effects of Morphine

Morphine isn’t the first choice for any form of pain although it is commonly used in hospitals. This is because it has a high risk of overdose and dependence, which is a significant concern. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that 1 out of 4 patients treated with opioids for a prolonged period have a high risk of developing opioid-related disorders. Moreover, frequent use of morphine can cause long-term effects by altering your hormones, immune system, and GI tract. Some of these long-term effects include:

  • Acid reflux
  • Chronic constipation
  • Weight loss
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased blood sugar
  • Bloating
  • Immune system problems
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Osteoporosis and increased risk of fractures
  • Issues with menstruation

Dependence on morphine is established when tolerance starts to build in the body. Worse, once your body develops physical dependence, it means you will not be able to function as you would without your regular dose. Morphine withdrawal may also dismay a user from quitting.

Signs of Morphine Addiction

As a strong opioid, morphine changes how pain is perceived in the brain, creating a sense of euphoria. Furthermore, you may experience impaired mental function, sedation, and inability to pay attention. Furthermore, prolonged use of morphine can exhibit the following signs:

– Feeling a strong urge for morphine to get through the day

– Irregular eating patterns or significant weight loss

– Visiting different doctors within a short time

– Withdrawal symptoms

– Secretive behavior

– Stealing items or selling anything to pay for drugs

Morphine Withdrawal Symptoms


People with a psychological and physical dependency on morphine will experience intense withdrawal symptoms when this substance leaves their bloodstream. The drug often attaches to receptors across the nerve cells in a person’s spinal cord, brain, and other areas, preventing the proper transmission of pain signals.  Early morphine withdrawal symptoms occur within six to 14 hours after taking the last dosage. Yawning, runny nose, and sweating are common signs. Within 48 to 72 hours of taking the last dose, other severe morphine withdrawal symptoms may occur:

  • Body aches
  • Insomnia
  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Watery eyes
  • Restlessness
  • Muscle pain
  • Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting
  • Anxiety

Certainly, morphine withdrawal can be a painful and uncomfortable process, explaining why many individuals struggle due to their dependence on the drug. The biggest challenge is that they must continue using the medicine to avoid the withdrawal process. Nevertheless, several treatment facilities across the nation are ready to walk you through your recovery journey.

Getting Treatment for Morphine Addiction

If you or someone you know is struggling to break a morphine addiction, feel free to get in touch with Granite Recovery Centers so that we can start preparing for your recovery plan. Granite Recovery Centers are committed to transforming lives by providing comprehensive client-focused treatment.

We have provided superior-quality addiction and mental health treatments for over 10 years in New England and beyond. We offer a unique blend of evidence-based therapy coupled with a 12-step curriculum. Our clinical psychotherapies feature a full range of care offerings:

  • Medical detox
  • Primary residential treatment
  • Extended care
  • Intensive outpatient counseling
  • Sober living
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Alumni community

We make it our responsibility to provide individualized treatment programs to help you manage cravings, identify harmful habits, pinpoint triggers, and start rebuilding your life the best way possible. Some of our comprehensive treatment programs include the following:

Detox Program

Our drug detox process will last for several days up to a week, depending on the type of drug used, the amount taken, and for how long. While at our facility, you can expect 24-hour medical monitoring, an around-the-clock structured setting, and professional help if you have difficulty controlling cravings. We work tirelessly to relax your mind, help you understand the process, and offer the detox support you need. You do not need to battle morphine withdrawal alone. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Drug Rehab

We provide inpatient and outpatient drug rehab programs. Inpatient drug rehab requires that a person stays in our facility where he/she can participate in individual and group therapy, skill-building sessions, clinical psychotherapy, holistic therapy, community-based exercises, 12-step curricula, and focused recovery programs.

Clients can live at home or in an extended-care facility and attend therapy at a separate outpatient center. As a result, the program works well for people who need regular monitoring and guidance after undergoing primary care at an inpatient institution. For instance, some of our outpatient programs include group therapy, case management, education resources, access to psychotherapy, holistic classes, and skill-building workshops.

Sober-Living Programs

These programs provide our clients with the supportive environment they need while re-entering society. Our sober living programs are safe, dependable, moderately structured, and monitored by a house manager. Sober living is a great stepping stone toward complete independence.

Female-Specific Rehab Center

We understand that substance abuse affects each gender differently. Women are often reluctant to seek help due to legal and societal fears. We provide a safe and comfortable environment at our women’s rehab center. Women can feel free to discuss and share their experiences without fear or judgment. We focus on treating various forms of substance abuse, including alcohol addiction, prescription opiate addiction, benzo addiction, and heroin addiction.

Male-Specific Rehab Center

We have a specialized treatment program designed to help men struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. For example, men overcome societal expectations and share male-specific experiences. Our rehab center provides yoga therapy, depression treatment, recreational therapy, group and individual therapy, and anger management treatment.

Alumni Program

Graduates connect and bond through our alumni program. Former clients stay active and maintain valuable relationships while finding the support they need. The alumni program is a community of men and women who share values, experiences, respect, and a singular voice. Members have access to private groups, educational events and programs, and peer support. Additionally, participants take part in recreational programs like cookouts, outings, and meditation and yoga.

If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction to morphine, it’s important to know that help is available. You can contact our team today for more information about getting the treatment you need. Our team is available 24/7.

Generic medication clonazepam is marketed under the brand name Klonopin. This medication belongs to the benzodiazepines class of drugs. Klonopin is typically prescribed as a treatment of mental health disorders like alcohol withdrawal, seizures, panic, and anxiety. Clonazepam is also one of the most abused prescription medicines. Many users misuse Klonopin in an attempt to experience its sedative effects of euphoria and relaxation. Benzos’ primary mechanism of action is by increasing the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain. This slows electrical signaling and produces a calming effect on the brain. This sedative effect of the drug makes it an abused drug of choice.

Clonazepam is usually prescribed for short-term medications, usually two or three weeks and at maximum, 12 months. This limitation is because prolonged use of Klonopin can result in the development of drug dependence and addiction. After an extended period of use, dependence leads to withdrawal symptoms once you try quitting the drug. Like other Central Nervous System (CNS) depressants, Clonazepam is abused for its anxiolytic and sedative feelings.

Despite concerns about the drug’s high potential for addiction, Klonopin is still prescribed because of its efficacy in managing and treating anxiety and panic disorders. Other conditions treated with clonazepam medications include restless leg syndrome, bipolar disorder, insomnia, and epilepsy. These ailments are the reason Klonopin medications are highly sought out in the country. Statistics indicate that about 50 million adults above the age of 18 suffer from sleep-related disorders like insomnia. Records also show that another 40 million people in the U.S are affected by anxiety disorders.

The continued use of Klonopin medication, despite its adverse effects, can be explained by the sheer volume of individuals relying on it to treat their crippling disorders. Klonopin exhibits physically and psychologically damaging long-term side effects. Abuse of Klonopin becomes even more problematic when taken in conjunction with other depressants or sedative drugs like opioids or alcohol.

When taken in conjunction with other substances, Klonopin is used to intensify or alleviate the high of the other primary abuse drugs of choice. It is common for users to take Clonazepam together with amphetamines or cocaine. In some cases, Klonopin will be taken together with alcohol. This is not only dangerous but can also yield life-threatening side effects. The grave consequences of mixing two CNS depressants with sedative effects may include slowed heart rate and a suppressed respiratory system. This significantly hampers the delivery of oxygen to the bloodstream and may eventually lead to organ damage followed by death.

Klonopin Withdrawals

The addictive nature of Clonazepam can easily lead to withdrawal syndrome if you suddenly cut down on the dosage of the drug. One of the characteristics that cut across all benzodiazepines is their tendency to form severe withdrawal symptoms. Without medical monitoring and care, these withdrawal symptoms can be fatal. The safest way to manage a withdrawal syndrome is to seek professional help when beginning your sobriety journey. This is especially important when recovering from Klonopin use disorders. We offer drug rehab programs in our recovery centers.

By binding to GABA receptors, Klonopin, like other benzos, affects the neurotransmitter responsible for regulating fear, stress, and anxiety. GABA can achieve this regulation by blocking the transmission of feelings of worry via nerve impulses. The brain adapts to the Klonopin’s presence by producing less of its natural GABA and relies more on the drug’s artificial stimulation. This is why the body experiences a crash when there is a significantly less amount of the drug in the brain to stimulate GABA production. This shortage is usually caused by intentional quitting use of the medicine or cutting down on the dosage.

Klonopin Withdrawal Symptoms

Some of the physical withdrawal symptoms of Klonopin abuse include:

  • Dilated pupils
  • Blurry vision
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Chest pain
  • Hypertension
  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Increased sensitivity
  • Headache
  • Muscle spasms
  • Gastrointestinal distress such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting

Prolonged abuse of clonazepam can also result in dangerous psychological symptoms. Most of these symptoms appear immediately you quit or cut down on Klonopin consumption. The first stage of withdrawal is characterized by terrible physical and psychological symptoms:

  • Dissociative disorder
  • Paranoia
  • Panic attacks
  • Nightmares
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood swings
  • Rebound insomnia
  • Rebound anxiety
  • Akathisia

Klonopin Withdrawal Timeline

There is no defined sequence or timeline through which the withdrawal symptoms should occur. How any individual experiences the withdrawal symptoms is dependent on several factors:

  • Amount of Klonopin intake
  • Duration of abuse
  • Frequency of abuse
  • Mode of Klonopin abuse
  • Polydrug use
  • Underlying health disorders

Benzodiazepine withdrawals typically occur in three phases. Each phase has an estimated timeline. We highly discourage you from attempting to quit Klonopin on your own. Seeking professional addiction helps ensure that withdrawal occurs under the watch of a medical professional. The three withdrawal phases include the following:

Immediate or Early Withdrawal

Rebound symptoms, also called immediate withdrawal symptoms, occur shortly after you significantly reduce the amount of Klonopin intake. The withdrawal symptoms you experience will depend on the abused drug’s half-life. Long-acting drugs will typically have withdrawal symptoms that come later on than those from a short-acting drug. During this immediate phase, it is common to notice the health disorder symptoms being treated with Klonopin start to reappear. This is why this phase is called the rebound stage. Without Klonopin, the symptoms of panic and anxiety come back stronger than before. We apply other medications and a tapering approach to help ease the withdrawal symptoms.

Acute Withdrawal

This is the phase that immediately follows the early withdrawal phase. The acute withdrawal symptoms kick in within a few days of reducing Klonopin intake. Depending on the severity of abuse, this phase may last five to 30 days. In extreme cases of substance use disorders, acute withdrawal may last for several months. The majority of withdrawal symptoms occur in this phase. According to users who have been through this recovery path, acute withdrawal is the most difficult phase of the three. During this stage, close medical monitoring is paramount. Most problematic symptoms occur during the acute withdrawal phase.

Protracted Withdrawal

Fewer side effects characterize this third phase. Most of the withdrawal symptoms usually subside during the previous phase. However, it is still possible to experience some lingering side effects that may not occur in the acute withdrawal phase. According to the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, almost a quarter of prolonged users of benzodiazepines experience withdrawal symptoms lasting a year or longer. The protracted withdrawal phase is often characterized by post-acute withdrawal symptoms that may include

  • Mood swings
  • Poor concentration
  • Insomnia
  • Reduced libido
  • Anxiety

Despite being less severe than in the other phases, these symptoms can still significantly affect the quality of your life. Some of these symptoms can be troubling, especially when they appear without prior warning. At Granite Recovery Centers, we offer a range of programs like the detox program that may help you manage these sources of distress and significantly improve your life quality.

Managing Klonopin Withdrawal Symptoms

A dedicated recovery facility is the safest place to withdraw from a Klonopin addiction. In such a facility, substance abuse and addiction professionals ensure the process of recovery is quicker and safer for you or your loved ones. Constant medical monitoring is vital since the withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous and even life-threatening. Some of the severe withdrawal symptoms include seizures and convulsions. The feelings of discomfort experienced during the withdrawal and detox process can be eased using medications. This is only possible when you enroll in a recovery facility.

Rebound symptoms like anxiety and depression can be managed with antidepressants and beta-blockers prescriptions. If you are under ongoing treatment for a condition that requires a prescription of Klonopin, you might be given an alternative benzodiazepine or substitute z-drug. Other treatment methods like mindfulness and yoga have proven to be effective in managing Klonopin withdrawal symptoms.

Klonopin Detox Process

Every treatment program offered in our recovery facilities has to start with a detoxification process. Detox helps the body get rid of the abused drug in the body. Detox has also proved to help people manage their withdrawal symptoms and recover from acute intoxication. In our detox program, we provide support and medical interventions to help you stay safe and comfortable as your body eliminates any traces of the misused substance. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

The detox process can be broken into three main components:


To offer holistic and evidence-based recovery options, we have to evaluate you comprehensively. This is often to identify the underlying motivation for drug abuse and any co-occurring physical or mental health issues. The evaluation will include screening for any history of drug abuse as well as your overall health. The findings in this evaluation will be used to inform our recommendation for individualized treatment options.


This is the stage where most of the actual detoxification happens. We keep you under the close watch of a team of qualified medical practitioners while allowing your body time to get rid of Klonopin. In this process, we expect your body to rebel against the absence of a substance it had already developed a dependence on. Depending on the withdrawal symptoms exhibited, we may provide medications to help reduce the withdrawal symptoms.

Transition into Treatment

Detox on its own is not a form of treatment but a crucial part of the recovery process. In this last stage of the detox process, you will be prepared for the next steps in your journey towards sobriety. Once you have successfully completed the detoxification, you will have to enroll in a formal treatment program. We will help you select an ideal treatment option for you or your loved one.

Why Detoxing at Home Can be Dangerous

Klonopin withdrawal is usually associated with serious health risks. This is why it is never a good idea to detox at home. When detoxing at home, there is a likelihood of developing severe withdrawal symptoms and complications like anxiety, depression, and even life-threatening seizures. When you experience such complications at home, you put yourself at risk since you don’t have immediate medical care access. At recovery facilities, the environment and conditions have been made to minimize the chances of relapsing. When you are at home, you may find it hard to tolerate the painful withdrawal symptoms and fall back to a relapse. This is why we highly recommend medical detox for people struggling with substance use disorders.

Duration of the Detox Process

According to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, long-term users of Klonopin and other benzos may not experience any withdrawal symptoms for the first week after quitting the drug. However, the second week is generally characterized by increased withdrawal symptoms, which gradually decrease over the next two weeks — the withdrawal symptoms peak on the second week. There are several factors that affect the length of the detox process. The duration varies from one recoveree to another.

This variation is often because of the body’s unique physical make up and response to treatment. The length of detox is also affected by concurrent use of multiple drugs, duration of abuse, and amount of drug abuse. If you have been using high doses of benzodiazepines for extended periods, you are at a higher risk of developing severe withdrawal syndrome characterized by delirium and seizures.

Medically Assisted Detox

Dose tapering is the safest and most effective approach during Klonopin detox. It makes the withdrawal symptoms more manageable and bearable. Tapering generally involves a gradual reduction of the amount of Klonopin intake under a medical practitioner’s supervision. Other long-acting benzos alternatives like diazepam may be prescribed to initiate the tapering approach. These are other medications that may be used in the detox process:

  • Propranolol and clonidine help with withdrawal symptoms such as rapid breathing and heart rate.
  • Phenobarbital is used appropriately as a substitute for benzodiazepines. It can be prescribed in instances where the medical professionals find it necessary to discontinue usage of benzos.
  • Valproate and carbamazepine are used as anticonvulsant medication. They are especially effective in cases of mild Klonopin addiction.

Baclofen is a standard treatment option used as an antispasmodic or muscle relaxant. It is often used in treating muscle stiffness, pain, and spasms initiated by injuries of multiple sclerosis or the spinal cord and by other problems associated with the spine. Baclofen affects the patient’s nervous system and, in turn, relaxes the patient’s muscles. And apart from serving as a muscle relaxer, some researchers believe that baclofen can serve as a treatment option for patients suffering from alcohol addiction. However, he can come with its own set of side effects and withdrawal.

Baclofen is available in three forms: powder for suspension, liquid solution, and tablet. However, the most common form is the tablet. Some patients receive the medication orally or through direct injection into the spine.

Using Baclofen to Treat Alcohol and Other Addictions

Addiction is a common issue that affects individuals of all demographics. Initially, medical experts used baclofen to treat epilepsy, but this usage was minimally successful. In 2009, Oliver Amiesen, a renowned cardiologist, printed a memoir that showed how he used baclofen to recover from alcohol dependence. This publication prompted researchers to delve into investigating how baclofen and alcohol addiction are related.

Since that time, many researchers have reported that baclofen can be an alternative to alcohol addiction treatment. The use of baclofen in treating alcohol dependency has gained a lot of popularity. However, there is no evidence proving that baclofen effectively treats alcohol addiction. Hence, most medical experts consider it an off-label treatment option.

A research project carried out in 2012 revealed that baclofen was effective in treating patients suffering from alcohol addiction. However, the results also showed that baclofen was less effective in treating patients than using other forms of alcohol addiction treatments.

Furthermore, most medical personnel use it as an off-label treatment option since it has a chemical makeup that mimics the gamma-aminobutyric acid. Since this body chemical helps to calm an individual’s mood, baclofen uses the same calming effect that triggers dopamine creation in the body. When dopamine levels increase in the body, people feel much better when dealing with alcohol and other drug cravings. This, in turn, helps patients suffering from alcohol and other drug dependencies to manage their withdrawal symptoms.

How Often Is Baclofen Abused?

According to the DEA, baclofen is not listed among the controlled substances, and it is not addictive. However, if a patient or any other individual misuses the drug, he or she can become physically dependent, primarily if it is used in high doses. For this reason, baclofen is only available to patients with a valid prescription from licensed medical personnel.

There is an ability for people to abuse baclofen to get high, although it is rare. When an individual does take it in extreme doses, he or she can get a high feeling and even feel drowsy. However, some people choose to consume baclofen with other depressants that affect the central nervous system, such as alcohol, to get high. This use can be very risky and can lead the patient to an overdose, resulting in death or a coma.

In addition, if the patients use baclofen to get high, this decision can result in physical addiction. When the user suddenly stops taking the drug, it can result in deadly withdrawal symptoms if the user fails to take the drugs regularly.

What Are the Risks of Taking Baclofen?

If you are allergic to baclofen, taking it can result in allergic reactions. For instance, a patient can develop swelling of the tongue or the throat or develop breathing challenges. In severe cases, patients who are allergic to baclofen can experience severe allergic reactions that may result in death. Hence, you should always seek medical help before taking baclofen if you have ever experienced any baclofen allergic reactions.

Apart from that, baclofen can increase seizures in patients who have epilepsy. Patients with kidney disease or other kidney-related issues can have trouble clearing this drug from their systems. This difficulty can result in increased baclofen levels in the patient’s body, which can adversely affect the future patient’s health.

The Side Effects of Abusing Baclofen

Headache, dizziness, drowsiness, and weakness are among the common side effects of abusing baclofen. However, if you use baclofen excessively, you may experience seizures, confusion, constipation, low blood pressure, vomiting, and nausea. At times, you might experience urinary retention, sleep disturbances, and respiratory depression.

Baclofen withdrawal

If you abuse the injection version of baclofen regularly and stop using it suddenly, you may experience a high fever and rebound muscle spasticity and rigidity. If the condition worsens, you may experience a muscle breakdown condition known as rhabdomyolysis that results in death or organ failure. Other rare side effects include chest pain, blood in the urine, and abnormal liver function tests. Combining other treatment options with baclofen can lower the user’s blood pressure and can result in brain functioning depression.

What Are the Signs of Baclofen Abuse?

If your friend or family member is taking prescribed baclofen, there are some behavioral signs that you should watch to note whether you are addicted or not. These changes include taking frequent or larger doses or taking baclofen with other drugs or alcohol. A patient who is faking symptoms to get a prescription and a family member or friend who is taking someone else’s doses are other behavioral signs to look out for. However, when a patient receives multiple baclofen prescriptions to use recreationally, contact a medical expert as soon as possible.

In some other cases, the patient might miss school or work or might experience work problems resulting from baclofen addiction. If your loved one undergoes the above changes or gives up on important activities and starts isolating, contact a licensed rehab center.

Is Baclofen Addictive?

The high levels of abuse associated with baclofen and its euphoric effects play a significant role in making this drug highly addictive. Failure to stop taking the medications without experiencing any withdrawal symptoms implies that you have been addicted to the drug. If the dependency gets so bad that it changes your behavior, you should seek medical help since you are experiencing baclofen addiction.

Signs and Symptoms of Baclofen Withdrawal

Abuse of baclofen can result in addiction and dependence. Once a patient becomes addicted to this drug and tries to quit using it, withdrawal signs and symptoms may arise. These issues affect people abusing the drugs, but they also affect patients using baclofen as a treatment option. When not treated by a medical expert, the symptoms can be severe and potentially dangerous. Common withdrawal symptoms include confusion, insomnia, nausea, dizziness, and fever.

Failure to treat the issue early can result in more unpleasant and severe symptoms. These include a change in mental status, a high fever, tactile hallucinations, hyperthermia, tremors, seizures, tachycardia, and behavior changes. Other advanced symptoms include muscle stiffness and death. If you experience any of the above symptoms, you must contact an addiction treatment facility or a detox center. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

The Duration of Baclofen Withdrawal

Numerous factors play a role in determining the time that baclofen withdrawal lasts.

These include:

  • The period in which the patient has been using the drug
  • The type of drug, and the health of the patient
  • The method the patient took the drug
  • The patient’s way to stop taking the drug

Some patients might experience withdrawal symptoms hours after taking the drug, which can last for hours or weeks. However, people suffering from physiological symptoms such as anxiety can experience this issue for months.

Halting Baclofen Abuse or Treatment

Patients and other users need to know how to stop taking or abusing baclofen. This is because baclofen withdrawal and discontinuing use comes with a host of severe symptoms. Furthermore, abrupt discontinuation of baclofen can cause death or organ failure in the worst cases. The best and ideal course to take when you want to halt taking baclofen is contacting a licensed detox specialist. You can also opt to visit a qualified lab to undergo withdrawal treatment.

Treating Baclofen Addiction and Dependency

If you are a baclofen addict, you may opt to continue with your addiction management soon after finishing the detox program. Engaging in a long-term rehab program is an effective way of overcoming physiological and physical addiction to baclofen, alcohol, and other drugs. Furthermore, long-term addiction treatment provides patients with the best recovery outcomes. It also reduces the patient’s chances of relapses by giving them time for personal change, growth, and continued support.

When you visit a qualified rehab center like Granite Recovery Center, you will work with a team of trained and licensed professionals. They will gladly help you overcome your addiction problem in different ways. During the recovery period, our team will counsel you on coping with baclofen cravings and triggers and how to solve problems associated with addiction. You will also undergo educational programs about the recovery process and the problem of baclofen addiction. You will engage in evidence-based treatments such as individual therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, and group therapy.

Outpatient Baclofen Rehab and Inpatient Baclofen Rehab

There are two types of rehab programs to consider when searching for a baclofen withdrawal and rehab program: inpatient and outpatient rehab programs. And although these two options focus on treating patients suffering from baclofen addiction, the two have some differences that set them apart.

For instance, in the inpatient rehab program, the patients tend to live at the rehab center while undergoing a structured program of group activities, meals, personal time, and treatment programs. On the other hand, in outpatient rehab, the patient will live at home and complete the rehab center assignments.

Other Care Options for Drug Addiction and Dependency Treatment

After undergoing baclofen addiction treatment and detox, many patients require continued support from friends and family members to avoid relapse. Aftercare programs and sober living programs are among the health care options that drug addicts should try. Aftercare programs assist sober people who have completed the rehab and detox programs and who want continued support as they begin their sober lives. Through this program, patients may find aftercare helpful, especially when coping with triggers and high-risk situations and avoiding relapse.

Get Help Today with Baclofen Withdrawal

If you have a family member or friend struggling with baclofen withdrawal or addiction, contact Granite Recovery Center today. We offer baclofen addicts evidence-based treatment that consists of treatments such as behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, trauma therapy, and many other options. Through these therapeutic programs, patients tend to identify, reprogram, and dissect harmful behaviors and thoughts quickly. We also provide patients with sober living programs. These programs provide our clients with sober, structured, supportive, and safe environments for early recovery.

Whether you want to receive baclofen addiction treatment or any other addiction treatment, Granite Recovery Center is here to help you. We have experienced and licensed specialists who can help you overcome your addiction problem. To learn more about drug addiction or the services we offer, call us today to book an appointment.

If you’re looking for help with Adderall addiction or dependency, you’ve probably reached the point where you’re no longer getting positive results from using the drug. Adderall addiction can slowly take over the life of the addicted person as it becomes more and more difficult for them to function without it.

Adderall dependence or addiction is much more common than many people realize. The problem with the drug is that it’s easy to develop an addiction or dependence on it even if it’s taken as prescribed. Often when overcoming a struggle with Adderall, individuals may require an Adderall detox to manage their often withdrawal symptoms.

What Is Adderall Used For?

You may have been prescribed Adderall by a doctor because you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder that often lasts from childhood into adulthood. People with ADHD have difficulty doing things like paying attention or remaining focused on the task at hand, and Adderall helps them deal with those issues. Other people buy it off the street to help with things like losing weight or staying awake for long periods of time.

All of these symptoms end up making people with ADHD feel like they have no control over their lives. They’re often desperate to find anything that can help them function normally. This is where Adderall usually comes in.

What Is Adderall, and How Does It Work?

Adderall is the brand name for the drug amphetamine dextroamphetamine. Doctors usually prescribe it to help people deal with and control the symptoms of ADHD. The drug works by increasing the levels and activity of the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine.

Effects of Dopamine, Serotonin, and Norepinephrine

These neurotransmitters, also referred to as chemical messengers, are molecules that, when activated, help manage symptoms of ADHD. Dopamine controls your body’s pleasure and reward centers, while norepinephrine is a stress hormone that controls the part of the brain that manages response and attention levels. Serotonin is the hormone that manages your mood and feelings of well-being in addition to things like digestion, eating, and sleeping. Adderall raises the levels of these neurotransmitters, helping you achieve increased levels of concentration, focus, and emotional centeredness.

When doctors prescribe Adderall for ADHD, they usually start it out at an initial dose of 5mg taken once or twice a day. The daily dose is usually increased by 5mg per day until each specific patient’s ideal level is reached. The maximum dosage usually doesn’t exceed 40mg per day.

ADHD Dosage

It’s usually taken with or without food, and the first dose is usually taken when you wake up. Doctors may increase or decrease the dose depending on how your body is reacting to it. While you’re in treatment, your doctor may decide to decrease the amount of Adderall you’re taking to see how your body responds to a reduced dosage. Some people can taper off of Adderall as they become more in control of their ADHD symptoms. Substance use disorder becomes an issue when people are unable to stop taking Adderall.

Many people love the high that Adderall gives them. They feel that they can conquer the world. It allows them to stay up all night long and work or study for school. Many of them feel incredibly powerful, and they don’t believe that they can function without it.

Adderall Addictions on the Rise

As more and more people are prescribed Adderall, more of them become addicted to it. A 2016 Johns Hopkins study published in “The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry” showed that Adderall abuse is rising among young adults. Emergency room visits associated with Adderall abuse were rising within this demographic even though there wasn’t an uptick in the number of prescriptions ordered. In 2018, the Substance and Mental Health Services Association (SAMHSA) reported that 561,000 people 12 years and older were addicted to stimulants like Adderall.

How Do People Become Addicted to Adderall?

If you take Adderall for a long period of time, your body becomes used to it, leading to tolerance and dependency. You’ll then have to use more Adderall to get the same effects that you enjoyed when you initially started taking the drug. The line between misusing Adderall and becoming addicted to it is very thin. Most people don’t even realize that they can no longer resist the urge to take Adderall.

Over time, many people can no longer experience pleasure without the continued use of Adderall. The body has now become dependent on the stimulant to feel any focus and pleasure. If you try to decrease the amount of Adderall that you’re taking without help, you’ll start to feel withdrawal symptoms pretty quickly.

You may be dealing with Adderall addiction if you realize that you suddenly have an intense craving for the drug and feel like you can’t concentrate until you get your next dose. You continue to take it even though you end up spending money you don’t have. It’s affecting your ability to maintain healthy relationships with your loved ones or damages your work relationships. You’re willing to do anything to get the drug.

As they become more and more dependent on the drug, many users use it in different ways to get quicker and stronger responses. Like illicit users of the drug who obtain it illegally, many people crush the pills, after which they snort or inject the drug. This helps the Adderall get to the brain more quickly than it would have if they had ingested it orally. Once you’re at the level where you’re injecting or snorting Adderall, you’re at a much much higher risk for a potentially deadly overdose.

Why Is Adderall Detox So Difficult?

The withdrawal that comes about once a heavy user stops taking Adderall is extremely unpleasant, causing great psychological and physiological discomfort. No longer getting that dopamine rush they received from the drug, users report that symptoms usually show up within 24 hours after the last use. They may have increasing bouts of irritability, or they may feel extreme exhaustion and lethargy. They struggle with severe dysphoria, melancholy, sleeplessness, and an intense, almost crippling craving for the drug.

At that point, it becomes clear that the user now has a chemical, emotional, and physical dependence on the drug. An Adderall detox crash is like a super-intense mini-withdrawal and is usually experienced by people who binge on Adderall and then go without it. It comes a few hours after your last dose and can last for a few days or until you dose up again. Many people resume Adderall use because the withdrawal symptoms are so uncomfortable, intense, and unpleasant.

Timeline for Adderall Detox

Adderall withdrawal typically lasts anywhere from a few days to weeks or longer, depending on the severity of the addiction and whether the patient is getting treatment or not. Without the proper treatment, withdrawal can leave behind severe psychological issues and continued craving for the drug.

Dangers of Long-term Use of Adderall

Many serious dangers accompany long-term Adderall use. The drug is a stimulant, so prolonged use may cause an increased and irregular heartbeat, heart palpitations, and high blood pressure. Other heart-related side effects include increased risk of a heart attack, seizure, stroke, or even death in people with pre-existing heart issues.

Other side effects of long-term Adderall abuse include abdominal pain, weight loss, dizziness, difficulty breathing, constipation, tremors or constantly feeling jittery, inability to sleep, and hyperactivity.

How Can You Get Help for Adderall Addiction?

If you’re looking for help with Adderall addiction, whether it’s for yourself or your loved one, the first thing you need to realize is that you’ve already taken the most difficult step. You may be worried about the chances of success, but you should know that people overcome Adderall addiction every day.

How Do Adderall Detox Treatments Work?

There are several different ways that we can help with Adderall addiction recovery at Granite Recovery Centers. The treatment that will work best for you will depend on the nature of your addiction. We’ll need to assess to find the plan that best works for you. Our treatment options range from holistic therapies to 12-step-based programs to integrated programs.

Assessment and Intake

Before you begin actual treatment, you’ll have to go through the assessment process set up by the treatment center. During this process, the doctors and medical professionals will figure out how severe your addiction is. The team will also assess how outside factors, if any, may affect your ability to start the healing process effectively.

Adderall Detox

People detoxing from an Adderall addiction will need additional medical help to control the symptoms and help ensure that they don’t withdraw too quickly. It can be very uncomfortable and even dangerous to withdraw from the drug for users who’ve abused it for a long time. They may experience an Adderall crash that could have serious physical and mental repercussions.

At Granite Recovery Centers, we’ll work with you to develop exactly the type of detox plan you need so that you have the best chance of success. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Impatient or Outpatient Treatment

Trained specialists may refer you to an inpatient or outpatient treatment center depending on how severe your addiction is. Many people who are addicted to Adderall are self-medicating to get over issues like past trauma, depression, anxiety, or other unresolved issues. Withdrawal from the drug often brings up suicidal thoughts in some of these long-time users and in people who’ve never had a history of depression, so extra monitoring is often necessary to help ensure that they remain safe. By working with our inpatient or outpatient programs here at Granite Recovery Centers, people with a substance use disorder will finally be able to deal with the issues that brought them to Adderall in the first place.

Adderal detox options & support

Inpatient treatment is perfect for people who can get away for an extended period of time and focus on recovery. Outpatient treatment centers work for people who may be unable to take a full-time leave of absence from their lives. They’ll still be able to get the support that they need while fulfilling their regular daily obligations.

Alternative or Traditional Therapies

In addition to treating the medical and mental health issues relating to Adderall detox for addiction, we also introduce our patients to traditional and alternative therapies that may help them move forward. These therapies help people develop new, uplifting ways to handle everything from stress to past traumas so that they don’t resort to using drugs again in the future.

Alternative therapies could include holistic treatments, yoga, mindfulness, and other types of spiritually uplifting programs. Traditional therapies could include psychotherapy, group therapy, family therapy, and other therapies that have worked for years to help people feel fully supported as they go through addiction treatment.

Post-treatment Care for Adderall Detox

Our aftercare treatment is one of the most important parts of the detox and addiction recovery program at Granite Recovery Centers. Getting back out into the world without that Adderall crutch can feel very challenging. By continuing to work with us post-treatment, people can take the necessary steps that they need to take to move forward.

Adderall addiction is tough, and Adderall withdrawal can be hard. You’ve already made the first step towards care for yourself or your loved one. The rest is just making it all happen.

Carfentanil is an opioid that is made in a lab, and it is a highly potent drug. Carfentanil was never meant for human consumption, but it is happening. In 2018, 31,000 people died because they ingested synthetic opioids, and this number surpasses the number of deaths that are attributed to other types of opioids. Fatalities related to opioids have gone up by 10% since 2017.

Synthetic opioid use increased by 92.5% in Arizona, and this is the largest increase that occurred in our 50 states. The largest number of people to die of synthetic opioid overdoses happened in West Virginia with 34 fatalities per 100,000 people.

Carfentanil is an extremely dangerous drug that is 10,000 times more potent than morphine, and it is also 100 times more powerful than fentanyl. The fact that more people are beginning to use carfentanil is causing great concern for the authorities because the possibility of overdosing on this drug is very high. As a result, there is an increased risk of death because of carfentanil overdoses.

Sometimes, people are ingesting carfentanil without their knowledge. They are intending to purchase cocaine or heroin, but they are receiving drugs that have been laced with carfentanil. As they are taking these compounds, they are dying of overdoses in large numbers.

If a human being comes in contact with as little as a couple of granules of carfentanil, it could easily lead to that person’s death. Carfentanil was created to be an anesthetic for large animals, so it is extremely toxic to human beings.

Further increasing the danger of carfentanil is its appearance. It looks so much like cocaine or heroin that people cannot distinguish the difference between it and the other drugs. It also doesn’t have a smell, so nothing would alert users that they are receiving carfentanil with their cocaine or heroin.

If there is one silver lining, it is the fact that carfentanil use doesn’t lead to a substance use disorder. This lack of substance addiction is because carfentanil use frequently results in an overdose or death. This doesn’t mean that people cannot misuse carfentanil or develop addictions to cocaine or heroin, however.

What Is Carfentanil Withdrawal Like?

You are not likely to experience any carfentanil withdrawal symptoms because you are not likely to become addicted to carfentanil. People are receiving carfentanil when it is “cut” into other drugs. They can, however, become addicted to cocaine or heroin, so they will experience the withdrawal symptoms that cocaine and heroin cause. In the event that the carfentanil causes an overdose, the person will not be able to take any drugs at this time. That’s when the withdrawal symptoms for the cocaine or the heroin may begin.

Since carfentanil is an opioid, the user may experience the following opioid withdrawal symptoms when coming down from carfentanil:

  • Hypertension
  • Tachycardia, or an increased heart rate
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Goosebumps or chills
  • Fever
  • Excessive sweating
  • Tearing or watery eyes
  • A runny nose
  • Pain in the muscles
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting or nausea

The Timeline of an Opioid Addiction

In 2018, 808,000 people used heroin, but some of this heroin may have been laced with carfentanil. This will result in an opioid addiction that will follow the timeline described below.

As the withdrawal process begins six to 30 hours after taking your last dose of an opioid drug laced with carfentanil, you may start to sweat and have trouble sleeping. You may feel very tired, and your bones and muscles will ache. You may be irritable or experience anxiety.

These responses will all depend on the type of opiate you were ingesting and how you were in the habit of ingesting it. It also depends on the amount of the drug that you were taking on a daily basis. Your overall health and whether or not you have a mental health condition also play roles in how long the withdrawal process takes. Lastly, the half-life of the substances you were taking must also be considered.

After about three days have passed, the withdrawal symptoms will be even worse. At the same time, you may still have the earlier symptoms, but they might be more severe than they were when they first started. The new symptoms may include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stomach ache, and chills.

When the symptoms begin in the first week, they will be the hardest to endure, but not all of these symptoms will go away. In most cases, symptoms will only last four weeks, but they can also last for several months in some circumstances. The symptoms that typically last longer than seven days include difficulties sleeping, anxiety, depression, the inability to experience pleasure, and tiredness.

Other Symptoms of the Detoxification Process

When the detox process begins, it doesn’t usually end in death. However, if carfentanil is part of the equation, it is very likely that an overdose could lead to death. While the carfentanil is causing an overdose, the person could be experiencing opiate withdrawal symptoms at the same time, and those feelings can make the person very uncomfortable.

Along with the symptoms that were listed above, someone withdrawing from opioids and carfentanil may experience an increased amount of pain, an increased pulse rate, an increased blood pressure, dehydration, and an electrolyte imbalance.

If the withdrawal symptoms listed above begin, it can be very dangerous for your loved one. People do not usually die when they are detoxing from opiates, but there is a time when this can definitely occur. Because of persistent diarrhea and vomiting, a person can become dehydrated and develop an elevated blood sodium level. These responses can result in heart failure.

You can help your loved one avoid this experience and this type of ending by bringing this person to a drug detox program like the one we offer at Granite Recovery Center.

Medical Detox at Granite Recovery Center

There’s no reason to risk losing your loved one in the withdrawal process. At Granite Recovery Center, we have a medical detox program that our medical staff supervises, so your loved one will be safe. We provide our residents with medications that relieve their withdrawal symptoms so that they don’t have to suffer extreme discomfort. This ensures that your loved one will complete the detoxification process without feeling the need to go in search of opiates again. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

What Is the Detoxification Process?

During the detoxification process, all traces of the drugs are removed from patients’ bodies. This needs to be the first step in the treatment of substance use disorders because it would be impossible for our residents to concentrate on what they need to do to overcome their addictions while they are experiencing the withdrawal symptoms listed above.

The brains and bodies of people addicted to drugs are used to having substances in their systems, but we must gradually reduce the presence of these drugs so that the brain and the body can become accustomed to being without them. The reason that they experience the withdrawal symptoms is that their bodies aren’t accustomed to being without the drug, and the detoxification process corrects this condition. Attempting to detox on your own often ends in a resounding failure, so the best thing is to complete the process in a treatment center.

How Is Opioid Withdrawal Treated?

At Granite Recovery Center, our residents receive our medication-assisted treatment, or MAT. Our medical professionals provide them with medication that relieves their withdrawal symptoms. If the symptoms are mild enough, all that is required is Tylenol or ibuprofen. To treat diarrhea, we give our residents Imodium, and hydroxyzine alleviates the nausea.


We can also treat withdrawal symptoms that are much more severe. When our residents are in our detoxification unit, our medical personnel will take care of them 24 hours a day. If someone is experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms, one option is to provide the patient with clonidine, which is a medication that reduces withdrawal symptoms by as much as 75% in some cases. This medicine also relieves the cravings for opioids.


Methadone is another medication that reduces withdrawal symptoms and also relieves cravings. It is an opioid, but our professionals prescribe it for their patients as a long-term remedy. When it is time, they will gradually reduce methadone so that the body will not react by creating withdrawal symptoms.


Buprenorphine is another medication that we use to combat withdrawal symptoms, and its function is similar to that of methadone.


Manufacturers combine buprenorphine and naloxone to create suboxone. Buprenorphine is also a mild opioid, but it alleviates the withdrawal symptoms and shortens the amount of time that it takes for opioids to be removed from the body. Naloxone binds to the opioid receptors in the brain, countering the effects of opioids. Naloxone, and its brand-name incarnation Narcan, is used by emergency responders to reverse overdoses. The drug also makes it so that the person doesn’t experience constipation that occurs with opioid withdrawal.

Intravenous Fluids

Our staff gives our residents intravenous fluids because the vomiting that is associated with withdrawal can cause dehydration. Giving fluids intravenously replaces water and reduces the electrolyte imbalance.

Detox in a Treatment Center

Withdrawal symptoms are so troublesome that no one should try to detox on their own. Trying to recover alone is also unnecessary because the treatment that we can give our residents at Granite Recovery Center gives everyone the best chances of completing the detoxification process. Each patient also has a chance to continue on to the therapy that will lead him or her toward a drug-free existence.

Some people are concerned that treatment with the medications listed above means that a person would be trading one addiction for another. The fact is that a drug addiction begins when people are searching for a way to feel better, and this is what the medications listed above will do for you. The difference is that medicines administered during the detoxification process will be provided by a trained medical team, so you will not become addicted to these medications.

In addition to the treatment that the person addicted to opioids receives, we also provide counseling for the family members. Family members and friends are all affected when someone is addicted to opioids, but they are instrumental in helping the affected person overcome the drug addiction. Therefore, it is very important to a person’s recovery to have friends and family members participate in therapy sessions.

After our residents complete the detox process, we can place them in an inpatient treatment program that addresses the drug addiction. An outpatient treatment program is also an option for those with sufficient support at home. For those in need of an extended care option, we have sober living homes that allow residents to live independently as they also receive the support they need to remain free of opioids.

If you would like to get help for a loved one, contact us at Granite Recovery Center today.

Opioid Withdrawal Timeline, Symptoms & Detox

Opioids are a class of drugs that are used to reduce pain. Those that have the opium poppy as their source are natural opiates. Examples include codeine, morphine, heroin, and opium. There are also man-made synthetic opioids, which include such medications as hydrocodone, methadone, and oxycodone. These are generally more potent than natural opioids.

While these drugs are often prescribed by doctors, they can be extremely addictive. Many opioids are illegally sold on the street and used as narcotics. Those who have developed an addiction to opioids are encouraged to seek help as soon as possible.

Opioid Epidemic

Word of the opioid epidemic is no novelty to most people who follow the news and current events. This widespread problem began late in the 1990s when pharmaceutical companies gave reassurances to the health care community about opioid pain relievers. The message they presented was that this pain relief would not cause patients to become seriously addicted. In turn, some doctors prescribed too many opioid medications.

Now, the dangers of opioids are well known. In 2018, an estimated 130 people died daily from overdoses of opioid-related drugs. This added up to about 47,600 deaths over the year. Two million people had a disorder of opioid usage, and 10.3 million misused their prescription opioid drugs. The numbers are large and growing larger, but help is available for those who seek it. The first step is to seek professional assistance. With help from rehab staff, you can overcome opioid addiction.

Pain Management

These drugs are very effective in the treatment of pain. Opioids work by binding to receptors for opioids in the spinal cord, gastrointestinal tract, and brain, among other areas of the body. They cut down the sensations of pain with a reduction of pain messages that are directed to the brain. What may be surprising is that the human brain creates its own opioids. These decrease pain, can help prevent anxiety and depression, and lower the respiratory rate. However, the body does not produce sufficient quantities of opioids to treat the high levels of pain associated with broken bones and other severe ailments.

Doctors utilize opioids that mimic the effects of naturally occurring opiates to treat moderate and severe pain. These medicines can also reduce pain that does not respond well to treatment from alternate medications. Some sources of pain are resistant to the standard pain treatments that are traditionally sought after first. In these circumstances, opioids are very useful tools in pain management.

Opioids impact the body in a few potential ways. They might affect the brainstem, for example. This vital part of the body controls functions such as heartbeat and breathing. Opioids could reduce coughing or slow breathing. They may also act on the limbic system in the brain, creating feelings of relaxation or pleasure in parts of the brain that regulate emotions. The spinal cord is also involved in pain reduction with opioids; it carries messages from the body to the brain and back again. In these ways, opioids are used to curb and control pain.

Physical Dependence

Unfortunately, opioid drugs are known to cause addiction and physical dependency. The National Institute on Drug Abuse approximates that 2.1 million Americans abuse opioids. Worldwide, this number lies between 26 and 36 million people. Prescribed opioids are not the only ways opioid addicts get their drugs. There are a few illegal drugs, such as heroin, that are also classed as opiates.

Dependence occurs when the user has taken the narcotic over a long period of time. The body grows desensitized to those effects associated with opioids. This means that it takes ever-increasing amounts of the drug to attain the effects previously accomplished with smaller amounts. Obeying the need for more of an opioid is dangerous. It increases the risk of overdosing accidentally.

Many of the people who grow dependent on opioids have been taking them for the control of pain, to avoid it, or to avoid symptoms of withdrawal. In many such cases, users do not realize for some time that they have grown dependent. Withdrawal effects can be mistaken for flu symptoms or other similar conditions.

The cause of opioid dependence is the way prolonged use impacts the function of nerve receptors in the brain. Usage changes the functioning, causing the receptors to grow dependent on the opioid to function. One sign of dependence is the appearance of withdrawal symptoms when a dose of the drug is missed or the dosage is stopped entirely. The body responds to the drug’s absence physically; these responses are the withdrawal symptoms.

Physical Impacts of Opioid Use

When drugs attach to opioid receptors in the body, the perception of pain is reduced and a sense of well-being is fostered. While this may feel good for the user for a time, negative impacts will emerge if the substance is misused. Side effects include drowsiness, nausea, constipation, and mental confusion. When opioids are taken repeatedly, the body’s own opioid production is inhibited. This is part of the cause of withdrawal symptoms.

Opioids are also involved with areas of the brain that give off “rewards.” These medications and illegal drugs are thus capable of producing an enhanced sense of pleasure. The euphoric effects are lessened in orally taken pills that have been developed to release in a slow and steady fashion into the body’s bloodstream. Crushing them to take in different ways has further negative impacts on the body, from respiratory arrest to coma.

Opioid Withdrawal Timeline

A countdown clock starts with each dose of an opioid in a body that is dependent. That clock takes from six to 12 hours to produce withdrawal symptoms after the last dose in short-acting opiates. 30 hours tick past until the symptoms begin in long-acting opiates. The symptoms peak after 72 hours.

An important factor to note is that not every drug remains in the human body for the same length of time. This varying duration means that the onset of withdrawal symptoms will not be identical from drug to drug. Nor will symptoms be identical from person to person. Individual variations between the severity of an addiction and the frequency of opioid use impact the overall duration of symptoms. The user’s overall health is another facet of withdrawal to be considered.

Heroin, for example, is known to exit the human body more rapidly than other opioids. When someone stops using it, symptoms of withdrawal take up to 12 hours to appear. In contrast, someone who has been on methadone will not find symptoms for up to 36 hours.

Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms

Symptoms of withdrawal can be split into two main categories: early and late. Early symptoms include:

• Muscle aches
• Tearing up
• Agitation
• Excessive yawning
• Difficulty falling asleep and continued difficulty staying asleep
• Anxiety
• Sweats
• Runny nose
• Hypertension
• Racing heart
• Fever

Late symptoms are often more intense. They include:

• Abdominal cramping
• Diarrhea
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Skin breaking out in goosebumps
• Dilated pupils with potentially blurred vision
• Abdominal cramping
• High blood pressure
• Rapid heartbeat

Another category of withdrawal symptoms is that of infants whose mothers were addicted or who had taken opioids during the pregnancy. These babies often experience symptoms of withdrawal after birth. The withdrawal signs among newborns include:

• Problems with the digestive system
• Vomiting
• Lack of interest in feeding
• Growing dehydrated
• Experiencing seizures

Withdrawal Management

The psychological and medical care of those patients experiencing symptoms of opioid withdrawal is known as withdrawal management. Unfortunately, trying to quit without outside help is extremely difficult. Those who try to kick the habit on their own are much more likely to relapse. On the other hand, getting management can reduce discomfort and be much safer. Plus the user will be establishing a relationship with a professional who could help during the next phase of maintaining sobriety.

Those people experiencing symptoms should have separate spaces. Workers on hand can help with complications and monitor the patient as they go through symptoms. Blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing are all important facets of overall health while enduring withdrawal.

Those going through withdrawal should consider utilizing calming practices such as meditation. They should by no means be forced to participate in physical exercise. Such activity can prolong the withdrawal and cause the symptoms to get worse. Many people experience fear or anxiety wile in withdrawal. Factual information about drugs and withdrawal should be presented to help allay feelings of being scared or anxious.

Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome

Opioid withdrawal syndrome is a life-threatening condition that results from addiction. There is no diagnostic test to establish withdrawal syndrome. Instead, urine is taken so that a toxicology expert can rule out other drugs, either alone or in combinations. Urine tests can show heroin, morphine, oxycodone, propoxyphene, and codeine.

Other tests may be performed if a health care provider has concerns about other problems that often accompany illicit drug usage. Tests for blood chemistry and liver function, complete blood count tests, chest X-rays, electrocardiograms for the heart, and testing for tuberculosis, HIV, and hepatitis C may be included.

One way to manage opioid withdrawal pharmacologically is with the gradually tapered use of an opioid agonist such as methadone. Short-term use of a partial opioid agonist, such as buprenorphine, is another. A third is detoxification using opioid antagonists like naltrexone or naloxone. To treat symptoms of withdrawal, loperamide is used for diarrhea, clonidine for reduction of blood pressure, ibuprofen for myalgia, and promethazine to treat vomiting and nausea.

Seeking Treatment

If you suffer from an addiction to opioids, you may decide to check into a rehab clinic that can help patients through the process of detoxification. Maybe you have tried to stop at home but lacked a strong support system or medicines to help you through the symptoms. Seeking treatment from a reputable facility like Green Mountain Treatment Center or New Freedom Academy can be an excellent first step in freeing yourself from drug use. Both located in scenic New Hampshire, these inpatient rehab facilities are ideal for those who want to get away from temptations. Our on-site staff members treat addiction with medication, understanding, and kindness. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Our facilities offer advantages like low client-to-clinician ratios. While living on-site, you’ll have access to clinical psychotherapeutic support in group and one-on-one settings, treatment for mental disorders that co-occur with addiction, and cognitive behavioral therapy. These treatment options offer a foundation for you to build a drug free life after recovery from opioid withdrawal.

Overcoming an Addiction to Opioids

It may seem like overcoming your addiction isn’t possible. However, you’re not alone. Many people have sought treatment for opioid addiction, and you can too. Contact a treatment center today to get the help you need.

Understanding Methamphetamine Detox and Withdrawal

When the human body is repeatedly exposed to a substance, it’s common for the system to have a drastic response when that substance is taken away. Methamphetamines, like other drugs, trigger this bodily reaction. This is what is frequently referred to as the withdrawal process.

If you or someone you care about is facing these challenges or is concerned about how withdrawal might influence treatment, it’s a good idea to learn about what is likely to happen. Let’s explore what meth withdrawal is like, how the timeline generally unfolds, and what detox entails.

The Medical Basics of Meth Withdrawal

A number of potential withdrawal symptoms will occur, including both physical and psychiatric ones. Within the first 24 hours of the last hit of meth, a person may experience fatigue and an increased appetite. The most extreme form of fatigue should slow down and disappear within a week to two weeks, and the food cravings, especially for carbs, will decline within three weeks.

Unfortunately, psychological symptoms may take longer to abate. They may include problems like:

  • Anxiety
  • Psychosis

The worst of the symptoms, psychosis, usually abates within two weeks, and depression generally falls off about a week later. Anxiety can continue for five weeks or longer.

Cravings for the drug itself are also common with meth withdrawal. These may take up to five weeks to settle down.

It’s common for withdrawal symptoms to start out being acute and then to fall off. The most intense challenges generally occur in the first 24 hours after the last use of meth, and the subacute phase will follow for a couple of weeks after.

Less-intense symptoms will continue for a couple of weeks after the subacute phase passes. Some symptoms may go on for months, and these are commonly referred to as post-acute withdrawal symptoms (PAWS).

Note that the amount of meth that was used and how long the person has been using can influence how long this overall process is likely to take. The quality of the meth that was used can have an impact, and if the meth was mixed with other drugs, including alcohol, this can have an effect too. Also, a person’s prior mental and physical health can influence the meth withdrawal process because wellness generally makes the process easier to confront.

Signs That Meth Withdrawal Is Setting In

It’s worth noting that each person will have a slightly different experience with withdrawal. Although the predictable set of symptoms is well-known, some folks will see more of certain issues and less of others.

If you appear to be having even one severe withdrawal symptom, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. Many states now have laws that insulate individuals with substance use disorders from criminal charges as long as they seek help. Diversion programs may be available for people who do face legal action, offering deferred charges that may even be dropped if a program is completed. Likewise, most medical professionals do not report cases to the police unless they’re afraid that a more serious crime has occurred.

Cravings and Related Psychological Issues

A study of meth users found that about 70 percent will experience cravings for the drug as they experience withdrawal. Many develop red and itchy eyes, too. Paranoid ideation, such as fears that other people are talking about them, have also been noted in a number of patients.

General decreases in ambition are common. This includes decreases in overall energy, and sleep difficulties may develop, too.

A small percentage of cases include suicidal ideation, meaning the patients think directly about how to kill themselves. If you note any form of suicidal ideation, you should seek medical help immediately.

Depression and Anxiety

Depressive symptoms often go hand-in-hand with anxiety. Nearly all study participants experienced some degree of both, but their issues decreased markedly after the first week of rehabilitation. It is worth noting that further decreases in depressive and anxious symptoms have not been found after several weeks of treatment. If you notice yourself experiencing continued depressive symptoms after treatment, be open with your care providers about the situation so they can address your concerns.

Also, it’s worth discussing the fact that about 30 percent of individuals who use meth experience depression or anxiety prior to using the drug. This is consistent with the idea that at least some of the group is likely engaged in self-medicating behavior. Further depression or anxiety treatment options may need to be explored after the detoxification process from meth is completed.


Using meth often leads to a low desire to sleep. When withdrawal hits, it is not uncommon for the body to crash into fatigue or outright sleepiness. During the first week of withdrawal, these symptoms are often most acute. Extremely vivid dreaming has also been noted in patients during the first week, but these are expected to drop off afterward in most cases.


People withdrawing from meth often experience a number of hallucinations. These may include:

  • Auditory hallucinations
  • Changes to your brain’s biochemical reward system
  • Cell death in the brain

One of the reasons that many drugs are hard to kick is the way the reward centers work. A chemical in the brain, dopamine, is known to play a rule in how habits are formed. Most of the time, this pattern is all-around positive. Dopamine helps your brain learn to:

  • Engage in pleasurable performative activities
  • Set and pursue goals
  • Seek out social situations

The insidious thing about many drugs, including meth, is that the dopamine pathway can get rewired. With the psychological boost of getting high, the brain will start to associate drug use with positive sensations that should be sought out again. This is one of the main reasons that many meth users abandon certain activities in favor of getting high.

Some people also form strong feedback loops. For example, drugs and socialization are strongly associated in some circumstances. Having fun at a party where you got high, for example, can create an association between getting high, partying, and having fun.

Over time, your body will try to repair the damage that has been done. Some permanent damage may never be undone, but at least further damage will not arise from continued meth use.

Behavioral Treatments

Two common forms of behavioral treatments are widely used to encourage long-term abstinence from meth. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is used in a variety of settings, including working with patients who have addictions, traumas, and emotional health disorders. CBT is meant to break patterns of conduct associated with maladaptive behavior. Contingency management is another approach, placing a focus on providing incentives for staying abstinent from drugs. Incentives may include money and food.

The Societal Extent of the Problem

Meth use has had a major impact on society, and there are some signs that it is on the rise. In New Hampshire, reports of meth cases rose significantly in 2019. Year-over-year, meth-involved deaths in the state rose from 22 in 2018 to 42 in 2019, even as the overall number of drug overdose deaths in the state dropped.

At the national scale, things look just as grim. According to federal data, 1.6 million Americans misuse meth each year. Between 2007 and 2017, overdose deaths from meth and similar drugs increased more than sevenfold.

How and Why to Get Help

Given the issues surrounding meth withdrawal, it’s wise for many users to consider supervised detoxification. Especially if there is a high risk of psychiatric issues, you should consider a medically supervised approach in a controlled setting.

Contacting a rehab facility is a step that many people choose to take. The Green Mountain Treatment Center and the New Freedom Academy offer primary residential assistance. Treatment is available at a secluded and picturesque location in rural New Hampshire. Our staff provides clinical psychotherapy support and supervised medication treatment, too.

At each facility, the program is designed around the 12-Steps process. Team members include master’s-level and licensed clinicians, and there is also an administrative support staff on hand. Individuals pursue emotional healing, and the aim is to ensure that recovery lasts. Plans are tailored to each client’s circumstances, allowing them to address their unique challenges in a supportive way.

Finding a Way Forward

It’s important to focus on moving forward. This applies whether you or a loved one may be dealing with treatment for the first time or there have been relapses. It takes effort and time to get well, and it’s critical to stay focused on getting better. With sufficient support, it is possible to break disordered drug use habits and to get healthier both physically and emotionally.

What is Heroin Addiction?

Heroin is a strong analgesic drug that’s considered to be highly addictive. Made directly from morphine, the narcotic is usually sold as a brown or white powder that has been cut with other substances. Heroin is known to be highly addictive because it quickly enters the brain once it has been snorted or injected. The drug will then bind to various opioid receptors, which are directly involved in controlling pleasure, pain, sleeping, breathing, and heart rate. Once your body becomes addicted to this drug, it can be difficult to stop using without experiencing withdrawal symptoms. The best way to manage these symptoms is through a medically assisted detoxification, which is the process of eliminating the substance from your body.

What Heroin Withdrawal Entails

Because heroin affects the reward system of the brain, anyone who uses will become more tolerant to the drug over time. When the body becomes tolerant to any kind of drug, the user will need to take higher doses to obtain the same high. After an addiction is established, the user will experience symptoms of withdrawal if they stop using the drug.

These symptoms can be difficult to handle without medical assistance, which is why many people relapse. The withdrawal symptoms that come with heroin are more severe than those caused by prescription painkillers. An effective way to determine if you’ve become addicted to a drug like heroin is to look out for withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking the drug. If these symptoms occur, your body is likely too dependent on the drug to function correctly.

Primary Symptoms of Withdrawal

After you stop taking heroin, you will likely experience the initial withdrawal symptoms within a short period of 6 to 12 hours. Since heroin leaves the system relatively quickly, you won’t need to wait too long for the initial symptoms to affect you. The withdrawal symptoms that you can experience differ with each type of drug. When it comes to heroin, you will likely feel like you’re suffering from a severe case of the flu. While it can take upwards of a week for the withdrawal symptoms to dissipate entirely, they will be at their most severe on the second and third days. The primary symptoms associated with heroin withdrawal include:

  • Agitation
  • Dilated pupils
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Cramping in the abdomen

If any of these symptoms are severe, it’s very important that you seek immediate medical treatment. When you enter a detox program, health care professionals will administer treatment to mitigate the seriousness of the symptoms. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

How Long Withdrawal Should Last

The length of time that you experience withdrawal symptoms will depend on numerous factors. The main factors to keep an eye on include:

  • The method that you used to take heroin
  • How often you used heroin
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Restlessness
  • Irritability
  • Individualized treatment plans
  • Medical detoxification
  • On-site gym
  • Clinical treatment
  • Treatment that’s supported by medication
  • Medical staff that’s available 24/7
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Individual therapy

Now that you know about heroin withdrawal and the many symptoms that it can cause, you should understand the importance of seeking help. Few people are able to overcome a substance use disorder on their own. If you want to recover from your addiction, entering a detox program can be the first step toward effectively managing your addiction. From there, professionals at a rehab facility can help you adjust to a life of sobriety. Contact one of our centers today, so we can help you on your road to recovery.

The Stimulating Nature of Cocaine

Cocaine, classified as a stimulant, enhances mood and produces a sense of euphoria. However, cocaine affects dopamine, a natural chemical your brain makes. It affects feelings of pleasure and movement, which in turn leads to withdrawal. The brain typically retakes the chemical back into the needed cell, which stops communication to the affected cells.

Cocaine disrupts how dopamine works. The brain cannot prevent the recycling of it, so too much accumulates in more than one nerve cell. This means that the cells cannot communicate or behave in their intended manner. A person with a substance use disorder then sees cocaine as a reward, which makes the brain want more.

Cocaine Withdrawal and the Psychological Connection

Medications like benzodiazepines, opioids like heroin or oxycodone, and alcohol produce different withdrawal systems than cocaine. Cocaine typically induces psychological issues rather than physical ones, though everyone may feel withdrawal effects differently. Some of the common cocaine withdrawal symptoms include difficulty concentrating, slowed thinking, and restlessness.

What is Cocaine Withdrawal?

With any addiction treatment, the goal is to stabilize the patient, make withdrawal more comfortable, and get the brain and body to communicate with each other. Cocaine treatment works along the same lines, but the characteristics of the drug make it necessary to handle things somewhat differently than treatment for other substances.

The first step involves getting any remnants of the drug out of the body and then working on stabilizing withdrawal symptoms. After that, patients move into the final stages of treatment. While treatment facilities like Granite Recovery Centers in New Hampshire continue to monitor withdrawal, counselors will also work to address any underlying mental health conditions and use various counseling measures to address the root causes of addiction.

Cocaine Withdrawal Timeline and Relation to Half-Life

The most intense withdrawal symptoms for cocaine typically last for one to two weeks. However, timelines may shift depending on the dosage used, method of delivery, usage frequency, dependence, and any underlying mental health condition. While symptoms dissipate in a shorter time frame compared to other drugs, cocaine cravings may return years after the final dose.

When estimating a timeline for easing withdrawal symptoms, medical professionals look at the half-life of the drug. This means how long half the drug stays in your body. Bodies eliminate shorter half-life medications quicker than longer lasting ones. However, body type plays a role, too. Individuals with less body fat may get rid of medication quicker because drugs accumulate within fat cells. Additionally, since the liver breaks down cocaine, those with liver disease, may take longer to eliminate the substance.

Because of how quickly the drug metabolizes in liver and plasma enzymes, cocaine has one of the shortest half-lives. Research has shown the drug’s half-life to be as brief as 30-90 minutes. This means that your body quickly eliminates half of what you took, and you would need to take more to sustain a euphoric feeling. The constant need for more of the drug leads to dependence and, ultimately, a period of withdrawal once someone stops using cocaine.

Medicines Used for Cocaine Withdrawal

Treating cocaine addiction varies because the FDA has not approved any protocols related to medications used during withdrawal. Despite that, certain medications may be used off-label. Helpful medications include:

Clonidine: This remains a popular choice for withdrawal from drugs ranging from opioids to antidepressants and alcohol. An older blood pressure medication, clonidine comes in pill form or in three different strengths as a transdermal patch. A patch provides the daily dose in a steady manner for seven days. It also treats anxiety by lowering blood pressure. Clonidine has been shown to reduce cocaine cravings.

Disulfiram: Commonly known as the brand name Antabuse, disulfiram is an older medication primarily used for alcohol withdrawal. It creates negative symptoms like vomiting if patients drink while on the drug. While still in the investigation stage, scientists think it stops an enzyme that converts dopamine to norephedrine, a neurotransmitter that controls moods and arousal.

People who suffer from depression often have chemical imbalances related to norephedrine and serotonin. Scientists acknowledge that it may not work for everyone, but that shows why treatment centers need various options; all people have different tolerance levels and respond uniquely to medications.

Topiramate: This medication treats seizures. Withdrawal from heavy cocaine use may cause seizures in some people if not carefully monitored.

A Multifaceted Approach by Granite Recovery Centers in New Hampshire

All Granite Recovery Centers in New Hampshire use a multifaceted approach to substance use disorders. The approach combines evidence-based addiction and mental health therapies in conjunction with holistic treatment options such as yoga and meditation. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Secluded Treatment Center in Effingham

Green Mountain Treatment Center offers residential drug rehab programs for adults 18 and up. This secluded facility, like our other locations at Granite Recovery Centers, provides evidence-based treatment choices such as the 12-step program. Therapies also help patients discover the root problem of their addictions.

Residential Treatment in Canterbury

For those closer to Canterbury, we also run New Freedom Academy. New Freedom Academy, classified as a primary residential assisted addiction treatment center, is a good choice for those who prefer a lower client-to-staff ratio; the facility is limited to 20 beds.

Just like Green Mountain Treatment Center, New Freedom Academy encourages patients to engage in psychotherapy support. This includes:

Group therapy: Establishing shared experiences with others who have gone through drug addiction or dependence creates a bond. Through this therapy type, patients learn from their peers. Additionally, many people with a substance use disorder try to hide their addiction. They need to deal with overcoming isolation. The feedback received and the dialogue between the group members helps participants learn to better communicate. Plus, patients gain additional tips to help maintain sobriety.

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT): DBT helps people understand how to control and cope with emotions that cause engagement in risky behaviors.

Trauma therapy: Whether from serving in combat or going through a difficult relationship, many people have undergone traumatic events. Not everyone deals with what happened right away, and some try to move on without taking the time to process the trauma. Confronting unpleasant events helps people deal with those experiences and learn how to finally process complex emotions without feeling shame or embarrassment.

Post-Inpatient Therapy and Continuing Aftercare Options

After completing the medical detox and recommended therapy at facilities like New Freedom Academy or Green Mountain Treatment Center, the work does not end there. Your clinician will discuss your aftercare options before discharge.

If going home does not provide a safe space, a sober-living facility offers the opportunity to continue to live with peers who have similar experiences. Because this option provides structure and rules to follow, it better equips people when they need to return to their everyday lives. Additionally, your counselor will encourage attending Narcotics Anonymous meetings so that you can continue to work through the 12 steps.

Stick With Outpatient Counseling After Withdrawal Treatment

Whether you return home or to a sober-living house, recovery continues by attending meetings and engaging in outpatient counseling. While New Freedom Academy and Green Mountain Treatment Center provide the tools and a framework, cocaine cravings may return at any point. Therefore, patients should understand that counseling and peer support remain some of the best tools to stay on the path to recovery.

What is Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

Benzodiazepines are a class of often-prescribed yet highly addictive tranquilizers. Often referred to as “benzos,” these drugs are sometimes legally prescribed to treat anxiety, insomnia, and seizures. Familiar benzodiazepine names include Xanax and Valium. Unfortunately, they are frequently abused by people and lead to substance use disorder. This is a big problem because they can be quite dangerous, with benzos being one of the most common causes of prescription overdose deaths.

If you’ve been regularly taking benzodiazepines for a while, you may face withdrawal when you quit using. Whether benzodiazepines are your primary or secondary drug, withdrawal can be very unpleasant. Understanding how withdrawal works can help you treat your symptoms and work toward overcoming the addiction.

Symptoms of Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

Not everyone with a benzodiazepine addiction experiences the same symptoms. While some mainly have mental symptoms, others may experience intense physical effects. If you go into withdrawal, you may encounter one or more of the following symptoms:

• Extreme sweating
• Intense benzodiazepine cravings
• Stiff or sore muscles
• Headaches
• Tremors
• Heart palpitations
• Elevated heart rate
• Extreme anxiety
• Panic attacks
• Depression
• Trouble sleeping
• Irritability
• Difficulty concentrating
• Seizures
• Hallucinations
• Psychosis
• Suicidal thoughts

In addition to the primary symptoms of benzo withdrawal, you may also experience rebound effects. Rebound effects often happen if you’ve been treating an underlying condition, like an anxiety disorder or insomnia, with benzodiazepine abuse. When you quit taking the drug, you may find that these conditions come back more intensely. This can last two to three days before you return to your previous levels.

What Causes Benzodiazepine Withdrawal?

Benzodiazepine addiction is common due to the complex way that drugs interact with your brain. They tell your brain to release extra amounts of certain neurotransmitters that make you feel good. However, the brain is always trying to balance all these chemicals to reach a sort of stable equilibrium called homeostasis. If your brain is constantly handling altered levels of neurotransmitters due to benzodiazepine use, it could start producing too much of certain chemicals and too little of others.

Withdrawal happens because your brain sees having benzos in your system as its new normal. When you quit taking benzodiazepines, you then end up with highly irregular neurotransmitter levels in your brain. Since these chemicals are responsible for all sorts of mental and physical functions in the body, without them you end up feeling very sick.

Understanding the Benzo Detox Timeline

Several factors can affect just how long a benzodiazepine withdrawal lasts. Generally, it will be more severe and last longer if you’ve been taking large amounts of the drug for a very long time. Keep in mind that benzos can become addictive in just a few weeks, so you may encounter withdrawal even if you haven’t been using the drug for years. Those who have been using longer-acting benzodiazepines may take longer to go into withdrawal. Your body’s metabolism also plays a role. People with a faster metabolism may start withdrawal earlier.

Here is what you should expect during the four stages of withdrawal:

• The First 6-8 Hours: In the first few hours after you quit taking benzos, you may not notice much of a difference. However, some light anxiety and trouble sleeping might start to occur.

• Days 1-4: On days one and two after withdrawal, your symptoms will gradually get worse. You can end up experiencing extreme sweating, nausea, an increased heart rate, and heavy breathing during this time. These symptoms will usually peak a couple of days in and then gradually improve. However, keep in mind that those who take long-acting benzos may not reach the peak for a week or two.

• Days 10-14: In the first week or two after you quit taking benzodiazepines, withdrawal can continue to be quite uncomfortable. Though the peak of intense symptoms will probably be gone, you may still have some lingering issues like irritability, cravings, mood swings, and anxiety.

• Weeks 3-4: By a month after taking benzos, most people will be out of withdrawal. However, those who use long-acting benzos may still be having some anxiety, insomnia, and other lighter symptoms of withdrawal.

Is Benzo Withdrawal Fatal?

For many types of drugs, withdrawal is unpleasant but not deadly. Unfortunately, this is not the case for benzodiazepines. Since withdrawal may include seizures, death is possible in extreme cases. Another problem with benzo withdrawal is that it greatly elevates the heart rate. If you have any sort of underlying heart condition, this sudden rise in heart rate and blood pressure can also be deadly. Because benzo withdrawal is so dangerous, it is usually not a good idea to try quitting cold turkey on your own. You need to be in a medical environment, where professionals can monitor your condition and provide treatment if your vital signs reach dangerous levels.

Ways to Reduce Benzo Withdrawal Symptoms

The idea of dealing with withdrawal can be quite unpleasant. If fact, many addicts say that fear of withdrawal keeps them from getting sober. However, you do not have to let withdrawal stand in the way of your sobriety. It is possible to either prevent or greatly lessen the severity of benzo withdrawal.

The Taper Method

Tapering is the medical term for gradually cutting back on the amount of benzodiazepines you take. This gives your brain time to adjust to the reduced level of drugs. Tapering instead of going “cold turkey” does have the benefit of almost entirely avoiding withdrawal. That’s why it’s a safer option for those detoxing at home. However, it takes a high level of will power and dedication to properly taper without falling back into old habits.

When you are trying to get clean, it can be difficult to continue taking the drug. Using the taper method to detox from benzos is best done in a medical setting where a professional can administer the medication and help you find the proper dosage. In some cases, it’s possible to use other medications, like buspirone, during the taper period. This drug gradually replaces benzos, so you can avoid withdrawal without having to regularly take a drug that triggers your addictive behavior.

Medically Managed Detox

You do not have to resign yourself to an uncomfortable detox just because you do not want to taper. There are a whole host of therapies that can help you deal with withdrawal symptoms. These methods let you focus on your sobriety instead of feeling miserable. Some options for detox are medications that directly affect how your body processes benzodiazepines. Flumazenil can be administered to help speed up withdrawal from long-acting benzos, and some other medications can help with cravings.

In addition to changing how your body reacts to benzos, medical detox can treat some of the symptoms of withdrawal. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency. When you’re in a medical setting, professionals can carefully monitor your vital signs and assist if you experience dehydration or dangerously high blood pressure. There are also various non-addictive painkillers you can take to deal with aches and pains as well as anti-nausea medications to soothe queasiness. For those dealing with intense anxiety and insomnia, doctors may prescribe certain medicines.

An important aspect of medically managed detox for a benzo addiction is that it provides constant support and monitoring. Due to the mental effects of benzos, withdrawal tends to come with a high risk for anxiety, depression, psychosis, and other mental health disorders. During this difficult time, being alone is not ideal. It can be very helpful to have access to trained mental health professionals who can provide you with some coping skills for dealing with these intense withdrawal symptoms.

Do People With a Benzo Addiction Get Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms?

Once withdrawal is over, you’ve passed the worst part of the physical symptoms. However, this does not mean your body has entirely recovered from a long period of abuse. Benzodiazepines are one of the classes of drugs that may result in post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). This is a type of long, drawn-out withdrawal that happens because your brain may need months to adjust to your new normal. Though it is not as severe as typical withdrawal, PAWS lasts much longer.

The type of PAWS associated with benzo withdrawal tends to be characterized by trouble sleeping, mild fatigue, and mental fogginess. People with PAWS from benzo may also feel a little more nervous, anxious, or irritable than usual. They may react more intensely to stress, have trouble focusing, and still get benzo cravings. Some may have depression. Symptoms from PAWS will come and go. You may notice them for a while, think they have gone away, and then encounter them again. It can take more than six months for this type of withdrawal to go away.

Dealing With Post-Acute Withdrawal Symptoms

Getting through PAWS is all about being gentle with yourself and finding coping strategies. There are always good days and bad days in recovery, and sometimes PAWS can make things seem worse than they really are. You’ll need to remind yourself that you won’t feel like this forever. Even if things seem hopeless, it’s important to be patient while you recover. Having a trusted counselor who can provide psychological care may help you manage the mental symptoms of PAWS.

In general, some lifestyle changes to improve your health can also lift your mood and combat the fatigue of PAWS. Many people find that gentle exercise can help, especially if it involves getting some fresh air in nature. You should also pay attention to your diet and try to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables while cutting back on processed foods.

Get the Help You Need to Overcome Benzo Addiction

The only truly effective way of managing benzodiazepine withdrawal is getting sober. Once you kick your addiction to benzodiazepines, you won’t end up in the constant cycle of being high and going through withdrawal anymore. Fortunately, there are some excellent New England rehab centers to choose from.

Green Mountain Treatment Center is a lovely rehab facility nestled in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. This residential rehab allows you to leave behind your old surroundings and focus on your health. With a blend of 12-step therapy and evidence-based clinical therapies, Green Mountain Treatment Center gives you the tools you need to overcome a benzodiazepine addiction. In addition to our licensed counselors, we have fully trained medical professionals who can assist you with a medical detox.

New Freedom Academy is another excellent rehab to consider in New Hampshire. This smaller rehab center gives you a personalized environment. Our high staff-to-patient ratio ensures there are always caring and compassionate people around to help you. After going through a medical detox, you can take part in various therapies and classes designed to help with addiction. Our holistic-based rehab center provides chef-prepared meals, yoga, meditation, and other therapies designed to heal your mind and body.

Help is available if you’re struggling with benzodiazepine abuse. Contact us today to get started on your path to recovery.

What is Alcohol Withdrawal?

For people who are addicted to alcohol, the need to drink is more than psychological. In fact, the physical symptoms that accompany dependency to alcohol may deter many individuals from seeking help to stop drinking altogether. When an individual who has an alcohol addiction stops drinking, they begin to experience withdrawal. These symptoms can be mildly uncomfortable at first. However, the longer the individual abstains from alcohol, the worse the symptoms become. Withdrawal may sometimes endanger the individual’s health or even their life. For these reasons, people who have become dependent on alcohol should never try to quit “cold turkey.” Enrolling in an alcohol treatment program is the best, safest approach.

Mild Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal

People who abuse alcohol for years may develop a physiological dependency to drinking. The same is also true of people who drink heavily for weeks. The nature and extent of alcohol dependency can vary from person to person. Mild symptoms often include headache, vomiting, nausea, shaking hands, insomnia, and sweating. If an individual has had an alcohol addiction for a much longer period of time, they are more likely to experience severe symptoms. In these individuals, withdrawal symptoms increase in severity as more hours of alcohol abstinence pass. Mere hours may seem like an eternity to an individual who experiences withdrawal. However, individuals who are able to endure the initial challenges to getting sober can change their lives and experience the freedom of recovery from alcohol addiction. A medically supported detox program can keep people comfortable by administering medication to ease withdrawal symptoms during the detox phase.

Alcohol Detox Timeline

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms roughly follow a timeline. After approximately six hours without alcohol, an addict will likely begin to experience mild symptoms of withdrawal. At approximately the 12th hour following the last drink, the individual may begin to experience hallucinations. These hallucinations typically last from hour 12 until approximately one full day following the last drink. For the first 24 to 48 hours of abstaining from alcohol, the individual may believe they see, feel, or hear things that are not present. Approximately 48 to 72 hours after the person consumed their last drink, a small percentage of people may experience even more delusions and hallucinations known as delirium tremens. Undergoing supervised detox at a medical detox center can make the process of allowing alcohol to exit the body much more comfortable. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Alcohol Detox Program

Detox is the first step on the road to recovery. Some treatment programs offer an on-site detox facility while others refer patients to an off-site facility prior to beginning the rehab program. A medical detox program offers around-the-clock supervision with medical, mental, and spiritual support as well as encouragement to people who struggle with alcoholism. During the detox process, clinicians may administer FDA-approved medication to curb alcohol cravings and to eliminate withdrawal symptoms. Clients who choose residential detox also have the benefit of medical personnel remaining close by in the event that they experience a medical emergency during the critical detox phase. The detox experience may vary slightly from patient to patient. For many individuals, peak withdrawal symptoms pass within a few days. For others, it may take weeks to get through the worst of the withdrawal experience. Once a patient completes detox, they may begin the alcohol rehab curriculum. Some detox centers allow patients to visit the center during the day and return home at night until they complete the detox phase.

Outpatient Alcohol Detox Programs

Patients who require medical support but are unable to spend the night at a detox center due to family or work obligations may be able to participate in an outpatient detox program. These programs usually allow the patient to receive detox support and treatment during the day and return home at night. Patients who do not require 24-hour care sometimes choose outpatient detox because it is more cost-effective than detoxing at a residential facility.

From Detox to Treatment

Most treatment centers will either offer an on-site detox center or coordinate with off-site detox resources to plan the transition from detox to their treatment program. There are several different options for patients to choose from when deciding on a treatment program. Residential treatment is typically the best option for people who have a severe addiction or who may otherwise benefit from isolating themselves from outside influences as they learn how to remain clean and sober. People who have family responsibilities or jobs from which they are unable to request time off may choose an outpatient program.

Outpatient treatment allows the client to attend counseling, participate in program activities, and receive any other related services at times that work with their family responsibilities and work schedule. Some patients may enroll in an outpatient program because they reside in safe, healthy home environments that offer the support and stability they need. In these cases, the patients attend an intensive rehab program during the day and return home late at night to sleep in the familiarity of their home environment. Outpatient treatment is best for individuals who reside in healthy, safe, supportive surroundings and who have family members who are committed to supporting them in getting sober.

Types of Treatment Therapies

Treatment centers vary in terms of the therapies they offer. For example, some rehab facilities offer holistic therapies such as massage, meditation, acupuncture, and physical exercise. There are broad similarities that most treatment programs share. The 12-step model is a very popular one used by many organizations. Most rehab programs follow a 12-step curriculum, or they offer their own customized curriculum that is based on the 12-step model. Most programs require clients to participate in one-on-one therapy with a counselor in addition to group therapy with a counselor and other program participants. Some treatment facilities also offer family therapy to support clients’ loved ones as they work toward a life of recovery. Case managers and addiction counselors are typically available at treatment centers to help clients determine the types of therapies that are likely to be most beneficial.

Medications for Alcohol Abuse Treatment

There are several FDA-approved drugs that help people overcome their addiction to alcohol. Doctors have been able to prescribe some of these drugs for decades. Nevertheless, only approximately 10 percent of patients who can benefit from using these types of medications report awareness of their existence. Lack of patient awareness is largely attributed to a lack of focus and training in using these medications at most medical schools.

Medications for Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Acamprosate, or Campral, is a medication that specifically eases alcohol withdrawal symptoms, including lingering insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, and a depressive mood. This particular drug works by rebalancing two key chemical pathways in the brain to control the anxiety and fear people who abuse alcohol experience when those pathways become overexcited. In order for the treatment to be effective, the patient must have already stopped drinking and allowed alcohol to leave their system prior to beginning taking the medication.

A doctor may prescribe certain medications that are not exclusively prescribed for labor pains such as antipsychotics, anticoagulants, and beta-blockers.

Alcohol detox and treatment centers sometimes prescribe benzodiazepines to ease alcohol-related withdrawal symptoms. This medication can be used to help treat the anxiety, panic, and seizures that may accompany alcohol withdrawal.

Disulfiram to Make Alcohol Abuse Less Pleasurable

Known commercially as Antabuse, Disulfiram discourages patients from abusing alcohol by making drinking unpleasant. If a patient consumes alcohol after taking Disulfiram, the individual will experience headache, facial flushing, blurred vision, sweating, nausea, and vomiting. Disulfiram begins to take effect as quickly as 10 minutes after ingestion. Effects may last an hour or more. If the addict consumes alcohol while taking Disulfiram, he or she will begin to associate the negative reaction with alcohol and eventually no longer have a desire to drink.

Naltrexone Reduces the Urge to Drink

While scientists are unsure why Naltrexone works, the drug remains a proven effective medication to support treatment for an addiction to alcohol. Naltrexone helps to reduce the patient’s urge to consume alcohol, leading to a general desire to abstain. Even if an individual takes a sip of alcohol after taking the medication, they generally have no desire to continue drinking. Before taking Naltrexone, patients should consult their doctor if they have a liver condition such as hepatitis or another liver ailment.

Great Treatment Facilities for Alcohol Abuse

Green Mountain Treatment Center

Nestled in the scenic New Hampshire countryside in Effingham, Green Mountain is a coed facility that offers residential alcohol and drug addiction treatment and an on-site inpatient detox facility. Clients at Green Mountain enjoy scenic views of the White Mountains and the Lakes Region as their backdrop while they go about the intensive work of self-care and recovery. Fresh mountain air and the scent of fragrant fruit orchards calm the senses as program participants complete their individualized treatment plans. Clinicians and staff combine a diverse selection of clinical psychotherapies, holistic practices, and peer support to help clients discover the origins of their addiction and gain the confidence they need to overcome it.

New Freedom Academy

Located in the rolling countryside of Canterbury, New Hampshire, New Freedom Academy is a coed drug and alcohol treatment center. With a maximum capacity of 20 beds, New Freedom is a perfect option for people who require more personalized attention or those who simply desire a more intimate setting during their recovery. Clients participate in workshops and social excursions in addition to working on their individualized treatment plans. Clinicians provided individual therapy, group sessions, cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectic behavior therapy, grief and loss therapy, motivational interviewing, and treatment for co-occurring mental disorders. Patients may also support the traditional therapies they receive by participating in yoga, meditation, and exercising in the facility’s outdoor gym.

New Freedom Academy has a 24/7 medical staff on-site and offers medically supported treatment options for clients who may benefit from receiving prescribed medication. An on-site chef prepares nutritious meals for program participants.

Battling addiction can be difficult, but it’s important to know you’re not alone. If you are looking for more information on how to enroll yourself into an alcohol detox or rehab center, reach out to us and speak with one of our compassionate counselors. Our case manager will consult with you to determine the nature of your addiction. We want to make sure that you find the right center and that you have everything you need to make recovery possible. Call today to learn more about how we can help you achieve an amazing life free of addiction.

Withdrawing from a drug can be a scary experience. The professionals at Granite Recovery Centers can help with Xanax withdrawal treatment in New Hampshire. Below is more information on the Xanax withdrawal timeline. If you or someone you love will be withdrawing from taking Xanax, knowing what to expect can make the experience less scary.


Xanax Withdrawal Timeline

There are a variety of Xanax withdrawal symptoms. A client may experience seizures, body tremors, mood swings, feelings of nervousness, heart rate increasing, vomiting, lack of sleep, and feeling nauseous.

After the 3rd day of withdrawal, other symptoms arise. These symptoms are irritability, withdrawal, depression, racing thoughts, and having a hard time sleeping. This stage of withdrawal usually lasts from 4 to 7 days long. This ends the first week of Xanax withdrawal.

Symptoms can last around a week. Symptoms for week two are anxiety, cravings, mood swings, and depression. At week three, the client may experience anxiety, agitation, irritability, and a decrease in cravings. By week four, clients may still have anxiety and depression. However, they will sleep better and feel more energized.


How Long Are Xanax Withdrawals?

The Xanax withdrawal timeline usually lasts around a month. Some clients experience what is called post-acute withdrawal syndrome, also known as PAWS, which can last anywhere between 3 and 6 months after the client has stopped using Xanax.


Granite Recovery Centers

We treat all adults ages 18 years and up, in and around New England, mostly in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. We offer a variety of programs for our clients, including:

We also provide unique services to meet the individual needs of our wonderful clients, such as:

Our superior quality of treatment is well above other treatment facilities. We have a wonderful reputation for addiction treatment. Also, we provide all levels of care from detox to residential treatment, to sober living.

Please contact us if you have any questions about Xanax withdrawal treatment in New Hampshire or any other treatment programs we offer. We are here to help you get back on your feet and live a sober life.


Xanax Withdrawal Timeline

You do not need to let addiction control your life any longer. Overcome your addiction by attending one of our wonderful drug rehab programs. Call us at  855.712.7784 to get started.


Suboxone is an opioid used to treat opioid withdrawal in recovering addicts. Many addicts take it on a long-term basis to prevent withdrawals and help prevent opiate cravings. When used in this manner, it doesn’t give a high but helps you feel normal. However, it is itself an opioid. Thus, if you stop taking it cold turkey, you will experience opioid withdrawal. It’s important to know the suboxone withdrawal symptoms so you can act fast.


Suboxone Withdrawal Symptoms

Suboxone combines two different medications: buprenorphine and naloxone. Buprenorphine binds to opiate receptors preventing withdrawal symptoms. Naloxone helps block the feel-good effects of opiates. If you relapse while on Suboxone, the naloxone component can keep the high from being enjoyable.

Suboxone withdrawal symptoms are similar to that of other opiates. They can include:

  • Sweating
  • Anxiety
  • Muscle aches
  • Gastrointestinal problems (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting)
  • Insomnia
  • Runny nose

Suboxone is a longer-acting opiate, so the Suboxone withdrawal timeline looks different from that of other opiates. However, Suboxone withdrawal symptoms may be less severe overall. When you stop taking Suboxone, it still takes some time before it is completely out of your system. It usually takes 2-4 days for withdrawal symptoms to develop. They may begin slower than other opioids as well. When it’s completely out of your system, full Suboxone withdrawal symptoms will begin.


Day 1-3 of Suboxone Withdrawal Symptoms

Once Suboxone is completely out of your system, the Suboxone timeline begins. In 6-12 hours of Suboxone completely leaving your body, you will experience withdrawal symptoms. This stage is the most physically intense phase of withdrawal. You may experience stomach cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. Flu-like symptoms like fever, sweating, muscle aches, runny nose, and fatigue are also very common. You may experience increased blood pressure and heart rate, as well. Cravings will likely start during this period, as well.


Day 4-7

Psychological Suboxone withdrawal symptoms become more apparent in this phase. Severe anxiety, restlessness, or depression may occur. Insomnia is also common. You may notice that your physical symptoms start to decrease around the same time that the psychological symptoms become more apparent. Cravings may get stronger during this time.


Day 7-14

At this point in the timeline, your psychical symptoms should be more manageable. You may still experience body and muscle aches, but they should be less severe. Insomnia, anxiety, and cravings are likely still major concerns. Depression may set in or worsen during this period.


Day 14-28

Cravings may be at their strongest during this period. Even though the worst of the Suboxone withdrawal symptoms are behind you, cravings often cause relapse during this period. A strong support system is essential. Physical symptoms should be vastly improved. You may be feeling more like “the old you.” Depression and insomnia are still a struggle for some people at this stage.


Day 30 and Beyond

Cravings can last for months, or even years after stopping Suboxone, so it’s important to have a relapse prevention plan in place. Depression, anxiety, and insomnia can last past the first month in some cases. It’s often difficult to know whether these are the result for Suboxone withdrawal or an underlying condition that was already present.


Suboxone Withdrawal Symptoms Support

If you need Suboxone withdrawal treatment in New Hampshire, experiencing Suboxone withdrawal symptoms, you can find help at Granite Recovery Centers. We can care for you during the Suboxone withdrawal timeline period, and provide medications to help manage symptoms to make you more comfortable. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Our programs also offer psychotherapy, life skills, and other treatments that will help you learn to live a happy sober life after Suboxone withdrawal. You don’t have to go through Suboxone withdrawal alone. Call us today at 855.712.7784 to find out more about our programs.

Detoxing from marijuana can take time and effort, but there are ways to get the help and support you’re looking for. At our medical detox center in NH, we can give you the tools and information you need to learn about marijuana addiction and how to break free of it. Reaching out for help is the first step, and can often be the most difficult. It can seem frightening to make changes and to reach out and say that help is needed. We’re here to make that help possible.

Don’t settle for struggling with an addiction when you can move past it and focus on a happy, healthy future. We’re here to help you at Granite Recovery Centers, where we work hard every day to help people get past their addictions and enjoy living life again. You had dreams and plans for the future, along with the goals you wanted to meet before marijuana took them away. But our marijuana detox center can help you get those things back again. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

We are the Marijuana Detox Center You Need

marijuana detox center

When you’re trying to detox from marijuana, the right types of treatment options can go a very long way. Therapies, information, and guidance toward a healthier life are only a part of what can be offered to you when you find the right program. Our marijuana detox center can provide you with hope, so you can get back to the life you were planning to live before marijuana addiction.

We have quality treatment facilities and an excellent reputation for superior levels of addiction rehab assistance. We also offer an on-site gym so you can stay active, and we take our clients on outings for things like mini-golf, bowling, and paintball. If you want to live life while you’re getting the help you need, we’re the place to come to. Our high-quality programs have helped a number of people just like you get back to living their healthy, happy lives once again.

With the Right Programs, You Can Recover Fully

Learning about the programs we can offer to you is important because we understand that everyone is unique. You might require some different things when compared to another client, so we listen to the kinds of needs you have. We also pay close attention to the goals you have for the future, so we can help you work toward them in a way that’s going to be the most beneficial for the long run. Some of our programs and services include:

When you need a level of care you can rely on, and that’s going to give you more than your typical drug rehab program, you can come to us at Granite Recovery Centers. We understand the importance of getting it right, and of ensuring that you’re getting the highest quality of care so you can see success in your drug detox efforts. Our marijuana detox center is committed to helping you get back to living a life you love again.

Visit Granite Recovery Centers for Help and Hope

It’s highly beneficial to go to the right marijuana detox center when you need treatment. We want to see you feel good about yourself again. Getting treatment can give you back your health and well-being, along with your confidence. You don’t have to struggle with addiction any longer. You can overcome that addiction, and move past it, with the right drug rehab facility. Reaching out to us is the first step toward getting your health and joy back.

It’s not always easy to say you need help, but when you do that you make it possible to get the guidance you really need. Allowing addiction to take over your life doesn’t have to be a reality for you anymore. There are changes you can make, with our help, so you can detox from marijuana in a way that’s going to work for the long term. Remaining addicted isn’t something you have to doif you want the help to get better and enjoy a clean, sober life again. Contact us today at 855.712.7784 and let’s get you started on the road to a full recovery.

Granite Recovery Centers

Granite Recovery Centers

Are you or a loved one suffering from drug addiction? Perhaps you’re trying to quit, but you’re beginning to suffer drug withdrawal symptoms. While every individual experiences slightly different drug withdrawal symptoms, there are general similarities from one person to the next. Depending on the severity of the addiction these symptoms can become dangerous, which is why taking advantage of a drug rehab center in New Hampshire offered by Granite Recovery Center is so important. This way, whether you identify signs of drug withdrawal in a loved one, or you yourself are trying to live a sober lifestyle but the withdrawals are too much, the support staff at Granite Recovery Center is here to help.


Breaking Down Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal

Each drug will have slightly different drug withdrawal symptoms, and each individual will demonstrate a varying number of these symptoms. However, when it comes to possible signs of drug withdrawal the potential symptoms are broken down into two categories: mental/emotional and physical.

If you believe a loved one is suffering from drug withdrawal symptoms you may not be able to completely identify the mental and emotional symptoms, but chances are you will be able to pick up on the physical symptoms. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.


Varying Detox Timelines

The kind of drug used will have the biggest effect on the length of your detox timeline. While each individual is unique, you can base your timeline on the general numbers of each drug type. The drug types are broken down into several categories, including:



The most common drug stimulants are amphetamines and cocaine, although there are other forms of this drug type. In general, the detox timeline for stimulants will be around a week’s time. Because most stimulants hit your body quickly the drugs also burn through your system quickly.

The first three days are usually the worst, as you may feel suddenly depressed and completely tapped of energy. One of the main reasons why you should check into a recovery center for your detox is to provide proper help during these more difficult times of the detox timeline. This is especially the case when meth is the stimulant used. The Foundation for a Drug-Free World has reported that meth users experience a 93 percent relapse rate after the first detox, so having help (and a concrete after recovery plan) is critical.


Opiates and Heroin

No matter which of the two a user is addicted to the detox timeline is right around a week. Withdrawal symptoms do hit quickly, sometimes as fast as six hours (depending on how strong the addiction is). However, because withdrawal hits so quickly the symptoms do not last long (typically tapping out around five days or so). One thing to consider though is if you do have a strong addiction to heroin or opiates you might need to take maintenance medication for anywhere from a few months to several years. Going cold turkey on certain drugs will actually prove more damaging to your health than remaining on these maintenance medications.



Benzodiazepines, or benzo drugs, have the most variation within the detox timeline. Depending on the drug and the severity of the addiction it can range anywhere from a few days to several months. Benzos are usually longer-lasting drugs, which is why it can take longer to fully flush the drug out of the system. If you have been using Valium for an extended period of time (for example), it will take longer to work it fully out of your system.



When comparing the detox process, marijuana doesn’t have as extreme side effects. Outside of not feeling hungry and headaches, it’s relatively mild. With that said, the detox timeline can take around two weeks or so to fully work through the system.



Alcohol addiction will take about a week or so for the detox timeline to fully run its course. It can be an intense first few days though if the addiction has reached a point where it isn’t possible to function during the day without alcohol. Within 24-hours you might have everything from anxiety and depression to hallucinations. Detox from alcohol addiction needs to be performed within a recovery center as delirium tremens and even seizures are possible and staff should be on hand for this.


Mental and Emotional Symptoms

Over time your body will become dependent on the drugs and the chemicals released in the body. The human body does a good job at adapting to accommodate to changes in the hormonal and chemical balances within the body. So after an extended period of time, your body will simply expect certain chemicals and hormones to be released. When you stop taking a drug you remove this expected chemical balance within the body. This is like knocking over a load-bearing pillar from a building. With it knocked out the rest of the building will need to shift and adjust to make up for it. As the removal of the drug-related chemicals is sudden, your body has no time to adjust, which can lead to these mental and physical symptoms.

The most common mental/emotional symptoms you can expect to see are:

  • Poor concentration and memory. It’s difficult to remember events, dates, activities, and general knowledge you typically don’t have an issue remembering
  • You struggle to sleep, staying asleep and falling asleep. This eventually leads to insomnia
  • Anxiety is one possible mental and emotional symptom. You’ll suffer from more panic attacks, feel restless and may become easily irritable.
  • Depression, much like anxiety, is more likely to affect you when suffering from mental and emotional symptoms. You might no longer take the same enjoyment out of certain activities, your appetite might be gone, and you might attempt to isolate yourself socially.

Physical Withdrawal Symptoms

If you are the one suffering from withdrawal symptoms than you likely are able to identify both the mental and the physical symptoms. If it is a loved one you are worried about you may not always be able to pick up on some of the mental problems, but make sure to watch out for these physical withdrawal symptoms:

  • Skin will sweat more than normal. There may even be some tingling in the skin
  • Headaches are more common in someone going through withdrawal. It may also lead to dizziness
  • GI problems are common. This includes stomach aches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea (often out of nowhere)
  • Chest and heart problems are other areas of concern. A person going through withdrawals might have a racing heart, heart palpitations or the heart might skip beats. They may also feel a tightening chest and have problems breathing.
  • Muscle problems come in several forms, including twitching muscles, tight muscles, aching muscles, and tremors. These look like severe signs of dehydration.


Help Is One Phone Call Away

Trying to comate drug withdrawal symptoms on your own isn’t easy. In some instances, depending on the severity of the addiction and the kind of drug it can even prove dangerous. That is why asking for help is the first step towards recovery. Granite Recovery Centers wants to be there for you, so whether you know someone who is demonstrating signs of drug withdrawal or you are experiencing these drug withdrawal symptoms yourself, you’re just one phone call away at 855.712.7784 from the help and support you need.

Finding recovery means getting involved with a codeine addiction rehab center program to get the help you need. A quality codeine addiction rehab center will help users stop using, but it will also do so much more. Recovery, real recovery, the kind that lasts is about more than abstinence from drug use, it is also about healing, and learning how to live in a better and healthier way. That means the kind of codeine addiction rehab center program NH residents deserve.

Those kinds of programs and that sort of codeine addiction rehab center will help people with every step of recovery, and support them through post-recovery. A few of the benefits and programs of a codeine addiction rehab center are:

Grief and loss programs

Cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy

Trauma therapy

Individual, family, and group counseling

Holistic and medical detox

Sober living homes and aftercare support

A codeine addiction rehab center, like Granite Recovery, focuses on more than the addiction. At Granite Recovery Centers, they focus on the person, and that makes a difference. Addiction is a disease that affects every area of our lives, from personal and financial, to even our health. Part of recovery includes healing, and at a codeine addiction rehab center, residents have the time, the privacy, and the support to focus on their healing and recovery. Granite Recovery Centers provides medical detoxification for people who do not need immediate medical intervention, are not a danger to themselves, and are capable of self-evacuation in the event of an emergency.

Codeine Addiction Rehab Center Programs Can Help

In addition to providing a place to heal and recover, a codeine addiction rehab center will also develop a program of recovery for you. These programs include step programs, counseling, and therapy to help people learn how to deal with life without the dependence on drugs. These programs will help you to build a support network while also providing help and resources, which are especially vital in the earliest stages of recovery.

Once clients leave the Granite Recovery center, the help and support don’t stop. That’s because we understand that this isn’t about addiction, this is about lives and freedom, and helping people to live free of drug abuse and drug dependence. If you are ready to get onto the road to recovery, then it is time to reach out for help and to Granite Recovery.

Get Onto the Road to Recovery Today

Are you or someone you love and care about fighting addiction? Are you tired of addiction running your life and running you down? Are you tired of the guilt and the hiding? If you want to make a change you can, but you can’t beat addiction without help. Granite Recovery is here to help you get onto the road to recovery if you are ready to put an end to your addiction.

We know that the road to recovery can be difficult and sometimes long, but our promise to you is that you won’t have to walk that road alone. Contact Granite Recovery at 855.712.7784 to get started, and to get the help and support you need to beat addiction. The life you want and the life you deserve can begin with a phone call today.